I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 153 Convinced Oral

Chapter 153 Convinced Oral
I saw that Zhang Yi picked up the brush with confidence and began to paint.

His display of confidence made everyone feel that maybe they were wrong.

But there is an unconvinced feeling in my heart, why?Because Zhang Yi challenged everyone's authority, it made everyone feel panicked.

Experience told them that Zhang Yi was wrong, but the truth depends on what happens next.

But it can be seen that Zhang Yi's strokes are very precise, and each line is of the same thickness.

Yang Han on the side couldn't stop nodding.

This can make other people feel a little surprised, what did he, Yang Han, see?Why keep nodding, are they wrong?At the same time, everyone was very uneasy.

Xiao Zhao looked at everything on the paper and said, "Young Master, the drawing is really beautiful!"

There was an expression of admiration on his face, this expression was not pretended, it was born naturally.

Her words made the others feel even more itchy. If it wasn't for the twenty soldiers with weapons blocking them, they might all rush up to have a look.Find out what's going on.

After a while, Zhang Yi finally stopped writing.

A drawing is drawn like this.

When he unfolded it, he saw that the thing painted on it was exactly three parts.

The direction and thickness are also marked on it, and it is drawn at the same time, which is lifelike.

Zhang Yi walked up to the seven ballista vehicles and said: "These three parts complement each other. They are stuck here, here and here. As for the size, you can directly zoom in and out according to this. After all, I am not a professional."

After he finished speaking, he handed the drawings to Yang Han. As for the others, they looked at him pointing to several parts of the Ballista Carriage with surprised expressions, because the positions he pointed to were very precise.

Someone even whispered: "This... the location fits perfectly!"

These people even thought, could Zhang Yi also be a restoration craftsman?But it doesn't look like he is so young.

But he did draw blueprints, but not everyone thought it was feasible, and some people still raised doubts.

"Why don't we try it according to the blueprint? You'll know if this donkey is a horse."

This may be the best way.

But Zhang Yi is not afraid of their experiments.

"Then hurry up, I'm still waiting for the seven ballista carts to be repaired!"

"It's... well! Don't guess! You guys hurry up and try to get the parts of a plane!"

Yang Han yelled, so these people started to move.

These ten craftsmen began to get busy following the drawings.

And Zhang Yi sat aside, waiting for the result to come out.

In the meantime, Yang Han said on the sidelines: "They have to try out several specifications and test each one, so it will take a little longer. Please wait patiently, General."

"These things are your expertise, so I will listen to you. I will wait for you to do well."

After speaking, Yang Han went down to deal with those craftsmen.

At this time Xiao Zhao asked: "Young Master, Xiao Zhao has the courage to ask, where did you learn painting? I think you can draw it to perfection. I have seen some famous masters, and their skills are no better than yours. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yi felt refreshed, looked at Xiao Zhao who was full of admiration, and said, "Teach yourself without a teacher!"

"My lord, you are really amazing! Not only are you good at martial arts, but you are also good at calligraphy and painting. People are saying that you are a fairy descended from the earth. Is that true?"

"What do you say?"

"I think it is!"


Unknowingly, the two chatted a lot, and then Yang Han trotted over.

"My lord general, you are truly a god! That ballista cart has been repaired!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yi was overjoyed, and the joy was that he was right.But repairing it is only the first step, and it is true to test how powerful it is.

"Come on, let's try!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yi got up and walked towards the ten craftsmen.

When he reached the ballista cart, these people lowered their heads. For this, they expressed their admiration for Zhang Yi, because he did use three parts and repaired the ballista cart.Completely different from their judgment, Zhang Yi is more in line with the prototype of the Ballista Carriage, which is what they admire.

"Come on, load up the crossbow arrows, fill up the crossbow!"


Immediately, soldiers filled the ballista cart with crossbows and loaded them with bolts.

Yang Han said: "Before, the ballista cart we repaired could only shoot [-] feet. I think it will be able to break through [-] feet after repairing this time."

Zhang Yi said:

"Oh? But as far as I know, some better ballista vehicles can have a range of 170 feet!"

He was right, some strong crossbows can even reach five hundred feet, which is basically a range of 1.5 kilometers, which is really killing people three miles away.

Yang Han was surprised.

"My lord general is really knowledgeable! There are indeed rumors that some ballista carts can reach 170 feet, but I have only heard of this kind of ballista carts, and I have never actually seen them."

"It's okay, let's try the power of this ballista vehicle first."


Everyone focused their eyes on one place, and this repaired ballista vehicle became the focus of everyone.

At the same time, someone placed a target 170 feet away. This target is very large. As long as the deviation is not too large, it will basically hit.

"Come on, launch!"

Under Zhang Yi's order, the crossbow arrow flew out with a whistling sound, and flew towards the target.

People's eyes were fixed on the crossbow arrows.

With a bang, the crossbow arrow directly hit the target, and the target was shot down to the ground.

Everyone was in an uproar, this kind of power is really powerful, especially Yang Han.He thought it would not exceed one hundred feet at most, but now it seems that it has exceeded seventy feet.And looking at the power, it seems that it is not limited to 170 feet.

"If this crossbow arrow hits a person's body, then... the consequences will be disastrous!"

People simply can't imagine what will happen if the crossbow arrow hits a person's body.


These artisans have said:

"Master General is indeed a god! We are convinced! Please don't dislike the previous disrespect!"

They were convinced this time.

"Actually, you have done a good job. The next six ballista carts will be hard work for you. I hope they can be completely repaired before evening. Is there any problem?"

They said again and again:
"No problem, General, we will definitely repair it and deliver it to you!"

"That's great. Alright, I won't say much else. Hurry up! Xiao Zhao! Let's go back!"

"Yes! Son!"

Zhang Yi then took Xiao Zhao back to the county government with satisfaction. Next, he still had a lot of things to deal with, especially the information about the Huren Legion.

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(End of this chapter)

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