Chapter 156
According to the reports of the spies, the Hu army came from the northwest.
Therefore, almost all the soldiers and horses have been deployed on the protective city wall in the northwest region, and they have already made preparations.

With Zhang Yi at the head, Zhao Zilong, Zhang Liao and Bao Xin followed.

Everyone stood in a row, waiting for orders at any time.

Under the firelight, they could vaguely see their formation.

Below the defensive walls one after another, there are a large number of archers, sword shield soldiers and pikemen waiting.

Everyone's expressions are very serious, and at the same time they are dignified, not daring to take it lightly.

At the same time, in front of the defensive wall, there is also a row of ballista carts. They are neatly lined up in a row, aiming at the northwest direction.

There are still about two hours until dawn.

A spy reported that the Hu people were already ten miles away at this time, and they might launch an attack at any time.

Zhang Yi shouted:

"The whole army obeys the order! Enter the state of preparation for war. Just wait for the enemy to dare to attack, we will show them some color!"


All the troops shouted, the momentum was very loud.

At this time, he asked again: "How is our army equipped now?"

At this time, you must confirm again and again, and don't take it too lightly. The so-called details determine success or failure.

Bao Xin stepped forward and replied: "According to my lord's request, we now have more than 1200 archers and 900 sword and shield soldiers. The remaining pikemen are nearly 800. There are also some people who specialize in ballista carts."

"What about the recruits?"

"The recruits have asked them to try their best to arrange where the archers are, and others are interspersed between the spears and the sword and shield soldiers. I believe this battle will definitely improve them a lot."

"Well done! Nothing to be taken lightly."


The closer it was to the enemy's invasion, the less anxious the crowd became, and they were replaced by excitement.

If this battle can be won, the whole Mayi will be stable for a period of time, which is very necessary for them.

This battle must be won.

At the same time, the soldiers are also full of confidence, because under Zhang Yi's command, they have never lost a battle.

First of all, Zhang Yi has analyzed the formation before.

Under the shelter of long-range weapons.

Before the enemy arrives, at least most of the enemy's troops can be consumed.

Although there are a large number of Hu people, they are not proficient in some ballista cart weapons, so this is the role of the ballista cart.

Not to mention how many, just leaving a few hundred people is enough.

The actual situation may be more.

It can deter the enemy's attack to a certain extent.

Cooperate with archers, spears and sword shields.

The whole Mayi will be as solid as a rock.


Everyone waited for another two hours, and when it was just dawn, they saw that a large number of Hu soldiers had gathered three miles away.

The faces of these barbarian soldiers were a little frivolous.

Obviously they are soldiers who look down on the Dragon Legion.

Compared to the number of people, they are several times better than the Dragon Legion.

In terms of physical fitness, they are still much better than the Dragon Army.

So it is reasonable for these people to have such expressions.

At the same time, the barbarian army sent a small group of people to approach the Dragon Army.

The leader is a bald guy, this guy is armed with a double axe.

"Everyone in Mayi listen up, grandpa's name is Chu Zhen! You have committed a capital crime and killed my Hu people's warriors. I am here on the order of my commander Tuoba Xun to give you a chance. Kneel down and surrender, or die !"

According to reliable sources, this Tuoba Xun is a relative of Tuoba Xiong Shanyu.And Tuoba Xiong is the boss of the entire Western Xianbei people.

Then Tuoba Xun's status is not low.

Let him bring troops here this time, I'm afraid things will not be that simple.

But, with all the marks, Zhang Yi has no way out, and he will not be afraid at all.

Zhang Liao stepped forward and said, "Chu Zhen? Why did you take a Han name? You don't look like a barbarian!"

"It's you! Zhang Liao, I didn't expect you to lead the troops to fight us!?"

These people all knew Zhang Liao, and it can be known that Zhang Liao fought many battles with these barbarians at that time, and they were all famous.

"You recognize me?"

"Hmph, your portrait has been circulated in our army. Your head is worth ten beauties and fifty horses. Tell me, can I not know you?"

Chu Zhen's words proved that Zhang Liao was indeed a difficult person.

"Really? Then you have the life to catch me!"

"I don't have time now, but we Hu people are not unreasonable, so our commander asked me to come and persuade you to surrender to us. We will treat you well, at least not let you do too much work. When we are slaves It will be a blessing for you Han people!"

At this time, Zhang Yi walked out.

To open your mouth is to curse.

"A bunch of scumbags, I'm here, you dare to be arrogant here! Let your commander kneel in front of me, maybe I can consider not killing him!"

As soon as Chu Zhen saw Zhang Yi, he asked.

"who are you?"

"You don't have the right to know my name! Go back and let your heads come over, don't mess with these useless things!"

"Okay! You wait!"

Chu Zhen only brought dozens of people, so he didn't dare to be tough with them. If they didn't agree to surrender, he couldn't do anything with the Dragon Army.You can't use dozens of people to force 3000 people, can you?
This guy is at best a fake tiger.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a sharp arrow flew out, passing by Chu Zhen's face, directly cutting his face, and blood flowed down immediately, directly disfiguring him.

He covered his face and cried:
"You... stabbing people in the back!"

It was Zhao Zilong who shot the arrow.

"Hahaha, how could I let you go so soon? I don't want to leave without leaving something behind! How dare you be arrogant!"

As soon as the words were finished, the second arrow flew out again.

This time it was towards Chu Zhen's chest.

But after all, Chu Zhen had been on the battlefield for a long time, so he escaped in time.But a piece of armor was knocked off by a sharp arrow.

Everyone was shocked that Zhao Zilong's bow and arrow skills were so good.Everyone has seen Zhao Zilong's archery skills, it is really amazing!
This time, all the barbarians were frightened.

"Protect our leader!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he blocked his body in front of Chu Zhen, giving Chu Zhen time to go back.

Chu Zhen left in a hurry. If he didn't leave, everyone might stay here.

Such an embarrassing figure made the army start to laugh at Chu Zhen.

Someone shouted: "Get out of here, get out of your old den!"

"Hahaha, I thought how strong the Hu people are, and when they meet us, don't they have to be in awe?"

"This man runs quite fast, I thought he was not afraid of death!"

While Zhang Yi was calm on the surface, in fact, there were already turmoil in his heart, because next, he would welcome the army of Hu people.

After Chu Zhen returns, there will be a battle between the armies of the two sides, a fierce battle, which will have a profound impact on Mayi in the future.

 Notice, five updates tomorrow, thank you for your support!
  Five chapters in a row at 13:[-]
(End of this chapter)

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