I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 170 Even Breathing Carefully

Chapter 170 Even breathing is very careful
Under Tai Shici's instructions, Zhang Yi finally saw the place where the bandits hid their food and belongings.

A hundred or so people actually obtained a lot of food during this period of time.

In his opinion, there are at least three hundred square meters, enough to feed bandits for more than six years.

Others were more gold and silver treasures. At first glance, there were six piles, and there were still some that hadn't been cleared. He didn't pay attention to these treasures. He would just transport them away when the army came.

These greedy guys have actually done so many things.

But this is not what he wants to get, he said to Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, it's up to you!"

Xiaolong understood, and immediately flew to the depths. He wanted to get some ginseng and the like, which was also one of the purposes of his coming.

It is not a day or two to rob Baihutang, so there must be some passing merchants carrying ginseng.

Sure enough, when he looked at Xiaolong's excited expression, he probably knew that it had found ginseng.

"Father, come here! There are a lot of ginseng!"

Xiaolong took the initiative to call Zhang Yi over.

This made it so excited, Zhang Yi thought that there must be a lot of ginseng.

So he walked over and saw, sure enough, under Xiaolong's control, a large number of ginseng appeared.

No wonder it is so excited, just looking at the number, forty plants can't escape, and the age is not low.

There are so many ginsengs in a small Baihutang. At this time, Zhang Yi thought, if the bandits around the entire Mayi area are wiped out, then in addition to a large amount of food and treasure, a large amount of ginseng is also necessary. After that, Xiaolong's ginseng was available.At the same time, it can also be used as military training, which really serves multiple purposes.

When he was meditating, Xiaolong interrupted him.

"Father, there are one, two, three... more ginseng than you can count. I like..."

"Collect whatever you like, and don't forget to collect the food too!"

"Good! Father!"

In his opinion, food is more important than money, because of the needs of war, food is more important than anything else.

Sometimes when there is a famine, one tael of gold cannot be exchanged for a bucket of rice. The reality is so cruel.

In the entire warehouse, there were some small disturbances.

It took a while to recover, and judging from the current situation, there was no one there, so Zhang Yi could dispose of the food as he wanted.

During the period, I also looked at some other supplements, but Xiaolong seemed not interested in them, so he confiscated them.

It took about half an hour before he walked out of the warehouse. The space backpack was already full by now.

With the amount he has now, even if his army doesn't bring any food, the food in his space backpack can feed 3000 people for three months.

"My lord! I rescued everyone here."

Tai Shici came towards him, followed by dozens of people, including men, women and children, but they couldn't tell if they were rich or not, because they were all dressed in sackcloth. These people stood outside, shivering.

When these people saw Zhang Yi, they watched for a while, only to confirm that there was no one around Zhang Yi.Everyone looked at Zhang Yi with doubts.Because there is only Zhang Yi alone, it is too suspicious.

Only then did the old man come out and say, "Thank you, my lord, for saving me!"

But at this time, a different voice came out.

It was a young man whose face was covered with black ashes.

"Old man, don't thank him. This man may be a liar. There are hundreds of bandits in this big place. How could he take down the bandits with one person? It's unreasonable!"

Another said: "He must be trying to trick us when the bandits are out!"


After hearing this, the old man felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Therefore, it aroused everyone's speculation.

"It's really unreasonable."

Zhang Yi hadn't spoken yet, but Tai Shici was unhappy.

"You bastards, my lord asked me to save you, but you didn't even say a word of thanks, but instead suspected us! How is this?"

This can be regarded as human nature, and their guesses are also considered normal.

But it sounds very uncomfortable, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't save them.

Someone else said: "Return the lord? I have never seen a lord who only has one person as an army. Tai Shici, are you afraid that you have been cheated?"

Tai Shi Ci glanced at Zhang Yi, but if he recognized the Lord, he would be loyal to Zhang Yi, so even if he had doubts, he would not say anything.

Even the person said just now: "Go, let's take what belongs to us!"

After finishing speaking, he was about to enter the warehouse, but Zhang Yi stood in front of this person.

"Won't you be grateful?"

"What are you grateful for? You are a teenager? A joke!"

Zhang Yi has zero tolerance for this kind of person. If he speaks well, he may be given some money to send him away, but now he does this, then this person will not get a penny.

"You dare to go one step further and try!"

The man ignored Zhang Yi's words and took a step forward.

This way forward, people flew out.He fell hard to the ground, motionless.

It took a while to calm down.

"I didn't expect that you are all such people, now you all get out of here! I don't want to see you!"

Zhang Yi was very annoyed by these people, and his heart was separated from his belly. If these people survived, they probably had their own way.

"Why did you hit someone!"

"Let's unite and beat him! Get our money back!"

"Yes! He's just one, no! Two people, we have dozens of people, there's no need to be afraid of him!"

After finishing speaking, these people were about to rush forward, not wanting to hear the sound of the army from outside the wall.

There were not a few people who heard this voice, and now everyone was frightened and did not dare to act.

Even Tai Shici is the same, you must know that he recognizes Zhang Yi as the master, but he doesn't particularly care about whether Zhang Yi has an army or not.Now it seems that Zhang Yi did not lie to him.

At this time, the door opened, and a strong man walked in.

He ran straight to Zhang Yi.He saluted respectfully.


Everyone was startled, especially the one who was knocked down just now. At this moment, he endured the pain and looked up at a large number of troops coming, especially these troops were still dragging the carriage.

Zhang Yi said:

"Bao Xin! Didn't I let you come back for a long time?"

Not only how, but also brought many troops.

"Zhao Zilong and Zhang Liao expressed concern, so I brought 300 people over to support them. Now it seems that it is unnecessary."

"Forget it, just come."

At this time, the people who raised the question just now fell to their knees.

He didn't dare to lift his head, and someone even shouted: "My lord, I offended you just now, I hope you will forgive me!"

These people were completely dumbfounded, and they only begged Zhang Yi not to kill them, and at the same time, they were very careful about breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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