Chapter 18

"What! Who are you? Where does your power come from?"

Boss Yang questioned Zhang Yi.

"Does it matter who I am? Is it useful even if you know who I am? Do you want someone to hit me? Do you think you still have a chance?"

He slowly walked up to those bandits with a playful expression on his face.

It's just their bad luck to blame.

The five people were lying on the ground with very painful expressions. Zhang Yi didn't care how many of them there were, and asked one of the bandits.

"Where is your Sun Family Village?"

These people are still the key to finding the cottage.

The bandit looked at him with panicked eyes.

"What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? Hmph. I just want to chat with your boss, talk about heart-to-heart and so on, it's nothing."

"Did you think I would tell you?"

"Won't tell me. Then you should know the consequences!?"

Zhang Yi took up the big knife and made an attack.

There is no need to be kind at all to deal with this kind of people, just like killing those three Yellow Turban soldiers, these people deserve to die.

why?Because they became thieves, they don’t know how much money they have robbed the suffering people. In the midst of war, even a penny is a life-saving existence for people. Dirty money.People who get some people in dire straits deserve to be damned.

These people were unmoved by his intimidation.

"If you don't say it, then I will naturally have a way for you to say it. Let's see who will start first?"

Zhang Yi's expression was calm and his skills were sophisticated, probably because he watched too many movies and TV shows.Moreover, in a society where the jungle preys on the jungle, if you are not cruel, others will be cruel to you.This is the law of the jungle, which is the essence of survival.

I saw one of them mentioned by Zhang Yishun and asked coldly.

"Did you say?"

Now a very funny picture has been formed. A young man who looks extremely weak actually mentions a big man who weighs nearly 200 kilograms. How funny is that, this kind of picture is very inconsistent.

After the big man glanced at the bandit headed by him, he said coldly.

"Our boss is very powerful, I guess you dare not kill me?"

This guy has nothing to fear.

Zhang Yi smiled.

"I really don't want to die too much, that's good, then I will fulfill you. See if I dare to kill you."

I saw him wave his fist and hit the big man's chest directly.I saw that the big man died there before he could make a sound.

He didn't plan to use a knife to deal with this person, because he was too close, and he was afraid of blood splashing on himself.

This can be regarded as eliminating one harm for the people.

Regarding his decisiveness in killing, everyone else was already very panicked in his eyes.I must be thinking in my heart.How could this thin guy be so cruel.

Zhang Yike didn't stop, walked to another person, and asked the same question again.The man still said with a tough look.

"The boss is kind to us, we have to show our loyalty when we come out to hang out, it is impossible for me to betray our boss."

"Very good, you are very loyal, then you can talk to the King of Hades! Talk to him about loyalty!"

He punched down again, this punch was very hard, and the man was also directly killed by him.

When he walked to the third person, the person was already trembling.

Having studied psychology, he has already seen that this person is very scared. If he starts with this person, he will definitely ask something, or let him lead the way.

So, he walked gently to the man.

All of a sudden, the bandit headed by him roared loudly.

At this time, two people suddenly took out a dagger from their pockets. These two daggers were extremely black.

The two attacked left and right.But he had already seen what they were doing, and saw him turn his body slightly and avoid the dagger directly.But because the two couldn't stop in a hurry, the dagger directly pierced each other's body.

After only a while, the two spit out black blood from their mouths.

Only then did Zhang Yi know that the two daggers were poisonous.

Fortunately, he was not stabbed by them, no wonder they tried their best to make this move.After the two men vomited black blood, they fell to the ground and died.

Zhang Yi didn't care about them too much, and walked to the last person. At this time, the person's pants were wet, and a bright yellow had appeared on the white snow. He knew that this guy peed his pants, and he was so scared that he peed his pants .

Under such circumstances, not many people can remain calm.Some people are still very sorry for their lives.

Before this person arrived, the bandit was already trembling with fright, and said hastily.

"I said! I said where is Sunjiazhai! I'll take you there!"

Generally, few people know about this kind of cottage, especially in this wilderness.In addition, they will set up some checkpoints, and ordinary people will not be able to know the whereabouts of the cottage.Therefore, if Zhang Yi wanted to find the way out of Sunjiazhai alone, it would be very difficult.

But if you know the whereabouts of the cottage through the mouth of this bandit.Then the difficulty becomes very small.Especially if someone leads the way, it will be even easier.

Zhang Yi said.

"I advise you not to play tricks. Otherwise, you will know how powerful I am."

A big man weighing nearly 200 kilograms was threatened by an extremely weak young man.If this is said, no one will believe it.The extremely burly man nodded quickly in agreement.

"I dare not. Sir, please spare your life! Sir, can I ask for something?"

"Say! What's your request?"

"Can you not kill me, I still have an 80-year-old mother and a new wife at home."

What the big man said was like acting on TV.It is also what those so-called wicked people often say when they want to beg for mercy.In fact, what Zhang Yi wants to say is that if he knew this earlier, why bother.But in order for him to take him outside the cottage, he agreed.

"I promise you not to kill you, but capital punishment is inevitable, but living crime is inevitable. If you take me to the stronghold, you can provide me with some clues, or I can spare you life."

If you want others to do things for you, you have to give them some benefits.Otherwise, how could people do these things for you wholeheartedly?When the bandit heard that such a good thing happened, he nodded his head and said.

"Okay, sir, don't worry, I am very familiar with this area, I will definitely take you back to the cottage."

"That's it! We've decided so, you'd better not play any tricks."

"Master, how dare I! Your martial arts are world-class, even if there are ten or hundreds of villains, it's not enough for you!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's go!"

Zhang Yi picked up the pork leg that had been thrown aside.Let that stout bandit lead the way to the so-called Sun Family Village.

(End of this chapter)

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