Chapter 206

They calculated the losses, probably more than 200 people died in this war, and nearly 300 people were injured.

The enemy died more, close to 3000 people, and the battle was basically one for ten, which happened to fit the scale of the defensive battle.

But if this is the case, when a critical point is reached and the number of people defending the city is less than a certain number, their city will not be able to hold it.

So this ratio needs to be increased a bit. If more enemies are consumed, the chances of winning will be greater.

That night, no action was seen from the Black Mountain Army.

But the calmer it is, the more it is the prelude to the storm.

Nothing should be taken lightly.

Therefore, Zhang Yi did not transfer all the soldiers away, but stepped up patrols, and responded immediately when encountering a situation.

This situation continued until late at night.

Zhang Yi and the generals did not sleep, but waited in the meeting hall.

Suddenly a soldier entered the meeting hall and reported: "General! Enemy traces have been found at the east gate!"

At this time, several soldiers came to report: "Nanmen, we found the enemy's trace!"

Not only that, but also traces of the enemy were found at the north gate and west gate.

In this way, they actually adopted the method of sneak attack at night.

"OK, Got it!"

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry, because he had already dispersed all the soldiers before.

If they know where the enemy's main force is, they can support them at any time.

He knew that the enemy tried to break down the Golden City's defenses by attacking east and west.

After all, 3 people cannot break through a city, and if the 3 people are divided into four equal parts, it will be even more impossible.

Therefore, the Montenegro army was completely wrong.

After a while, I could only see the smoke rising from the south gate.

This wolf smoke represents that the main force of the enemy is near the south gate.

Ever since, all the soldiers moved closer to the south gate after seeing the wolf smoke.

When they reached the south gate, flames were everywhere, illuminating the entire night. At this time, the battle had already begun, and a large number of enemy troops had already crossed the moat.

But he couldn't rush to the bottom of the city wall, because a large number of traps had been set up on the surrounding city walls earlier, and enemies kept falling into the traps and couldn't extricate themselves.

At this time, Zhang Yi also quickly rushed to the south gate.

He saw Zhang Yan from a distance, and he was directing the Black Mountain Army to attack. At this time, he said to Zhang Yan below:
"Zhang Yan, you can't think of it, I have expected you to have this move. It is absolutely impossible to take the form of making a fool of yourself. You are playing with fire!"

"Zhang Yi! I didn't expect you to prepare defenses ahead of time! I underestimated you! But it is probably impossible for you to transfer the trebuchet here now! Come, attack me!"

Under the light of the fire, Zhang Yi and others could vaguely see that the enemy's trebuchets were ready. At this time, more than 2 people had already approached the city, leaving long-range trebuchets behind to cover the attack.

All this does not seem to be a good thing for the Dragon Legion.

Because at this time, unlike the daytime, the enemy's movement was discovered in advance, and the enemy was unable to advance. Now due to the lack of troops, the defense force is insufficient.

At this time Lu Zhi asked: "My lord, our defensive strength seems to have decreased compared to the daytime?"

Cai Yong also noticed that the number of people had decreased. "I also think, where have all our soldiers gone?"

This is a very obvious change, and the entire defensive force has been reduced by half.

Cai Wenji smiled.

"The two military divisions don't know something."

The so-called battlefield has no father and daughter, so he does not call Cai Yong's father, but directly calls him a military adviser.

Lu Zhi was surprised.


Cai Yong also noticed that someone was not there.

"General Zhao is not here?"

Only then did everyone realize that Zhao Zilong was not here.

Not only how, there are two other generals who are not here.

Lu Zhi said: "Could it be..."

Zhang Yi smiled and said: "That's right, the two military advisers will know after a while."

Where Zhao Zilong and others went, probably only Zhang Yi and Cai Wenji knew.

Sure enough, after only a while, three teams appeared from the catapult array behind the Black Mountain Army, each with about 1000 people.

These people rode war horses and wore Teng armor. The leader of them was Zhao Zilong, and the other two were Zhang Liao and Tai Shici. They took the lead to hack and kill on the catapult.

Suddenly, a large number of Montenegrin troops were hacked to death on the spot.

Zhao Zilong ordered: "Dismantle the trebuchet!"

The crowd stepped forward to kill the man who operated the catapult, and began to hack the catapult with their knives.

Numerous trebuchets were demolished, while attacks were made smaller and cover was about to disappear.

At this time, the attack on the city wall became more violent because there was no cover.

The Montenegrin Army's attack, which had been in the upper hand, was disintegrated in an instant.

Zhang Yi laughed loudly on the city wall.

"Zhang Yan! You didn't expect that! Hahaha, I've already attacked you!"

Zhang Yan was confused by this sudden attack.

Not only that, but the soldiers in the rear also suffered a psychological blow and their morale weakened.

"Oops, withdraw! Go back and kill the enemy!"

At this time, he hurried back with 5000 people, trying to save the trebuchet behind him.

Another nearly 2 people are still trying to attack the city wall. At this time, there is no reason to withdraw them all, right?
I saw that Zhang Yan led the army back and retreated, and there were several generals under him, rushing forward.

But when they arrived, everything in front of them had long been abandoned, and a large number of trebuchets had been damaged and could not be used at all.

"Damn it! I was tricked!"

Only then did he realize that he had been placed together.

Someone asked: "Do you want to chase?"

Zhang Yan said: "I can't catch up, don't chase!"

When they withdrew their troops, Zhao Zilong and others had already left here without a trace. This was Zhang Yi's instigation. If Zhang Yan came back, they should not be willing to fight. Otherwise, how could it be possible to resist the enemy's nearly 3000 troops with 3 troops? Ten thousand people, although only 2 people came forward, but there are still [-] people behind, if they are delayed, it will be over.

boom boom boom

At this time, a large number of stones were still blasted from the Golden City, and part of the Black Mountain Army was taken away.

The Black Mountain Army is not a vegetarian either, and they launched attacks at the same time, but their casualties were more serious than those of the Dragon Army.

The two sides were caught in a big battle. At this time, someone said: "General Zhang Yan, taking advantage of the shortage of soldiers in the Golden City, it is time for us to attack."

That's right, half of the soldiers have left the city at this time, and the city is empty, so it shouldn't be difficult to take it if they attack by force.

It's just that without cover, it needs a higher price.

"General, we've reached this point, we can't give up!"

Another said.

Zhang Yan gritted her teeth.

"Okay! We must win the Golden City today, brothers, the rest of the day depends on today."

As soon as he said this, the morale of the whole army rose.

These desperadoes are going to do their best today.

Therefore, the Golden City is probably about to encounter a major attack.

Then he shouted: "Come on, attack me!"


For a while, all the Montenegrin Army immediately reorganized and prepared to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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