Chapter 208 Total Victory
For such a state, Zhang Yan has already developed the desire to retreat.

"Damn it, it's almost over! Why are they so tenacious!"

"General, the enemy is full of tricks, why don't we... withdraw..."

At this time someone came over and tried to persuade.

"Yes! General! If we go back, we can come back again. I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat the Golden City!"


Zhang Yan raised her hand to signal them not to talk anymore.

He fell into contemplation. He was weighing the pros and cons. In fact, it was very easy to get the result, just because he was not reconciled.

It is this unwillingness that makes them continue to lose people.

At this time, Zhang Yi stood on the city wall and shouted fiercely: "Zhang Yan! I advise you to retreat early. I am the Golden City and you cannot break through it. If you don't want the whole army to be wiped out, just come! My Dragon Legion is here! Here is waiting for you."

Zhang Yi also didn't want to consume too many soldiers. After all, there were wolves before and tigers behind. It would be good if he persuaded Zhang Yan to retreat.


Many soldiers of the Dragon Legion laughed wildly. They were laughing at the incompetence of the Black Mountain Army.From today on, he will become the laughing stock of the world.

"Zhang Yi! You...let me remember, I, Zhang Yan, will not end up like this!"

Having said that, the people near the foot of the city are almost dead. At this time, a fault line has been formed. Either attack or retreat.

At this time, the catapults of the Dragon Legion were being replenished, and they did not attack, otherwise they would not have such a dialogue with Zhang Yan.

"Then I'll wait for you. If you want to come, I, Zhang Yi, will accompany you at any time!"

Zhang Yan wanted to say something, but at the moment he lost his mind, another 300 people died under the trebuchet.

Because the catapults in the city have already been supplied, they will not stop attacking because of the dialogue between the two.

"Good job, Zhang Yi! I've made a note of this grudge! Let's withdraw!"

Zhang Yan is a smart person, the momentum is wrong at this time, there is no need to fight.

If it is not withdrawn at this time, I am afraid that more personnel will be sacrificed here.But he was not reconciled, unwilling to fail.

This time, they lost close to 1 people, but failed to win the Golden City. It would definitely make people laugh if they said it.

But what if you don't withdraw?The soldiers under him told him with actions, and they didn't want to fight anymore.Because after they heard the order, they started to throw away their armor and left here.

At this time, the sky has gradually brightened, and some people have not slept all day, are hungry and sleepy, and their combat effectiveness is completely weak.


Looking at the Black Mountain Army going away, Zhang Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Above the Golden City, there was a lot of cheers at this time. This is the victory of the Dragon Legion. Everything is so difficult!

Presumably, after Zhang Yan retreated, he would not dare to invade the Golden City again in a short time.

Zhang Yi was also so excited that he hugged Cai Wenji, and kissed her fiercely, making her face flush with shame, because being kissed in such a situation was such a embarrassing thing.

At the same time, this victory belongs to everyone in the Golden City.

In particular, he would also like to thank Cai Wenji, who provided a lot of strategic support.It can be said that with this good helper, Zhang Yi will be even stronger.

The cheers of the whole army lasted for more than ten minutes before they stopped.

This is the time to deal with the aftermath.

At this time, the sky had already dawned, and Zhang Yi ordered: "Come here, clean up the battlefield, and repair all the damaged buildings! Also, take back all the weapons left by the enemy!"


"By the way, there are still soldiers who died, so we must do a good job of comforting them. Bao Xin, I will leave this matter to you!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"For those who have meritorious service, there should be no less rewards for their meritorious deeds! This matter will be handled by Zhao Zilong!"

"Yes! Lord!"

"Okay, when everything is ready, let people resume work!"

All the troops retreated, and now there are only Lu Zhi, Cai Yong, Cai Wenji and others.

After a while, someone sent the battle situation.

Cai Yong took it and said, "My lord, we lost nearly a thousand people this time. We captured three thousand enemy armors, nearly ten thousand weapons, and hundreds of siege weapons."

Lu Zhi said: "Fortunately, my lord repaired the city wall in time and took precautions. Otherwise, it would be impossible to resist the Black Mountain army of 3 with [-] troops! I'm afraid our entire army will be wiped out!"

The importance of the so-called city wall is revealed at this time, and there are two sides to the matter.When the Golden City is built, it will receive a lot of unholy eyes.

Zhang Yidao: "Today there is chaos, the weak are preying on the strong, we will not become strong, and we will be eaten by others! The Black Mountain Army is a good example."

"Husband, since this is the case, then we must expand ourselves! When we encounter such a situation next time, we will definitely be able to oppress us strongly. When we are strong, there may not be many people in this world who dare to covet us!"

"Madam is right! That's why I need more heroes!"

Relying on Zhao Zilong and other four generals alone is not enough.

At this point he had some ideas of his own.

"After the army is settled, my population policy must be doubled. Only when the population is sufficient can I be self-sufficient and have enough people to support my army!"

"My lord's words are very true! Lu Zhi requests to lead the population policy!"

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll leave everything to the left army division! One thing in particular, we must recruit more recruits. At that time, I will ask Bao Xin to be with you."

It is always right to leave this matter to Lu Zhi, after all, he is also a talented person.Together with Bao Xin, this matter can't go wrong!
"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely live up to everyone's expectations!"

"The right army division!"

Cai Yong should be there.


"I want you to lead all internal affairs of the entire Golden City!"

"This is my husband?"

"Next, I want to eliminate all potential dangers! Occupy the city and support each other. At the same time, I can recruit recruits along the way to add new strength to my Golden City! So the time in the city may be less, let the right army division replace me And for!"

He has already figured out what to do, the population increase alone is not enough, he has to lay down more forces, and those who surrender will be included in the Dragon Legion, which can expand the army in a short time.

If it is the strength of the general forces, the training process can also be omitted.That is much stronger than the recruited people.

There is also the expansion of the city. Of course, he can't attack by force, but he can use outsmart.

If it doesn't work, directly summon the golden dragon to appear.But that was also a last resort.

It's just that this matter has to be considered in the long run, and it should not be rushed.

As a result, everyone stepped back and took a long time to recover this time. After all, the damage can be considered serious.

(End of this chapter)

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