I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 28 The Annoying Tang Xing

Chapter 28 The Annoying Tang Xing

Zhang Yi took Xia Tong and quickly entered the city of Zhuojun, and arrived at the east street entrance of the city, where Xia's House was located.

On the way, Xia Tong said that Xia's House of Commerce is the largest existence in the entire Zhuo County. Once there, she will find her father and give Zhang Yi some rewards. After all, he saved her, which is what it should be.

But things backfired, and the matter of the two riding on the same horse was quickly criticized by the people of the world.

Sharp-eyed people have already discovered where Xia Tong is, and started discussing it.

You must know that the big families in this kind of city will be remembered by others, Xia Tong is also included.

Zhang Yi was not immune to people's vicious tongue.The so-called people's words are terrible, so it is.

No, there was a burden-carrying man with a loud voice, who yelled loudly: "Look, there is a man and a woman sitting on the horse. Isn't that woman Xia Tong, the daughter of Shopkeeper Xia?"

With this shout, Xia Tong, who was originally in the crowd, was recognized immediately.

"Why is she wearing a man's suit? I almost didn't recognize it."

"Where are her jewelry and clothes? Why are they gone?"

Since they were riding the same horse and Xia Tong was dressed in men's clothes, they immediately became the focus of everyone.

"That man looks so thin, why is Xia Tong with him?"

"I think that guy is probably not a good guy! Looking at that guy's appearance, tsk tsk, he really looks like a bad guy."

What Zhang Yi wanted to say was that I provoked someone, and at the same time wondered what happened to the folk customs, but I didn't do anything!
"Isn't it? Xia Tong seems a little reluctant, there seems to be a mystery in it!"

"This matter is not easy. Hurry up and inform shopkeeper Xia! Ask him to bring someone over, this man looks not easy!"

"Yes, yes, shopkeeper Xia is a good person, you can't ruin your reputation because of a man!"

As soon as these people finished speaking, someone rushed to Xia Tong's house.

In the end, Xia Tong couldn't bear the pressure, his face was flushed, and he begged: "Grandpa, why don't I come down first, my house is coming soon."

After all, Xia Tong is a daughter's family. Facing people's speculation, although it is not true, she has a thin skin. At this time, she can't wait to find a place to drill down.

If this continues, how will she marry?She also has no face to stay in this city anymore.

Now Zhang Yi finally realized that people's words are scary. You must know that this kind of plot was only seen on TV before, but now he really experienced this kind of plot, so he had to shake his head.

In modern times, it's not like in ancient times, men and women don't know each other. In order to preserve Xia Tong's innocence, Zhang Yi jumped up, jumped directly, and led the horse and continued on.


How dare Xia Tong let her savior walk on foot? She wanted to say something, but was slandered again by the words of the people nearby.

"There is indeed a problem with this man and a woman, but the man still can't stand the pressure, they all got off the horse!"

"It seems that our guess is right. It's really shameless to sit on the same horse with a young girl."

"That's not right, how will Xia Tong get married in the future!"


Zhang Yi really wanted to rush up and tear these gossips to pieces, but it was a simple matter, but in the mouths of these people, it became very evil and not simple.

But in the end, I still held back, if I went up, wouldn't that prove that I really had something to do with it?
Rather than living in people's bad words, it is better to live in your own world, and you have to be happy.Anyway, I have nothing to lose.

It's just that some people don't make you happy. Since they appeared, some people have been following Zhang Yi, and they don't know what they want to do.

But just after Zhang Yi walked for about 5 minutes, someone shouted: "Surround that kid quickly, and arrest him to see the officials! In broad daylight, he dared to rob a civilian girl!"

At this time, more than 1.8 people quickly surrounded them. They held sticks. The leader was a young man about [-] meters tall, with a very strong physique and a machete in his hand.In comparison, this person is much stronger than Zhang Yi.

When Xia Tong saw the visitor, he immediately scolded: "Tang Xing, what are you doing!"

Zhang Yi also stopped, facing the thirty or so people, showing a look of disdain.


Xia Tong immediately resolved, "Engong, this is a misunderstanding. Tang Xing is my father's housekeeper. They must have misunderstood Engong."

Then he said to Tang Xing: "Tang Xing, why don't you go back quickly!"

Unexpectedly, Tang Xing said: "Miss, you are probably confused or threatened by this guy, right? I heard that Miss was threatened by a man along the way, so I brought someone here immediately, and I finally caught up. By the way! Miss, are you okay?"

Tang Xing had discovered them since they entered the city.

"Who said that! He is my benefactor, he rescued me from the Sun Family Village. If it wasn't for him, I might have died there."

Xia Tong tried his best to explain, but Tang Xing didn't listen.

"Miss, master is waiting for you, come here quickly and stay away from that person!"

Zhang Yi also came out to stop Xia Tong and said: "You don't need to explain, this guy is going to beat me up, if you don't teach him a lesson, it seems that guy won't give up."

Zhang Yi has already seen through Tang Xing's intentions.

"Engong, he is my housekeeper, he is eager to protect me, you..."

Xia Tong wanted to persuade Zhang Yi not to be cruel.

And Tang Xing smiled coldly, looking Zhang Yi up and down.

There was a look of disdain on his face.

"If you don't learn well at a young age, you will learn to be a prostitute! Tsk tsk, the knife in your hand seems to be good. If you are sensible, hand over the knife and follow me to the government. Maybe you can get a reduced sentence and save yourself from being tortured." suffering!"

Tang Xing can be said to be very shameless, Zhang Yi knows that this guy covets the ancient knife in his hand
Zhang Yi didn't like to beat around the bush, so he said directly: "Do you want this knife? If you have one, come and get it!"

Tang Xing was seen through by Zhang Yi, and his whole expression changed completely.

"Boy, what are you talking about! I will be rare for the knife in your hand, what a joke."

"Really? It's not rare, why do you keep staring at my knife?"

"You are arguing! Come, someone, beat this kid up to me."

Thirty or so people looked like servants and the like, and they looked vicious.

At first glance, he is not someone to be trifled with.


Tang Xing said again: "Hurry up and rescue the lady first, don't accidentally hurt her."


These 30 people looked at Zhang Yi with mocking eyes, as if to say, Zhang Yi is finished.

At the same time, there are a lot of people who eat melons, and they will go wherever they are.

There was a good show to watch at the moment, they gathered around one after another, and Zhang Yi pointed out.

(End of this chapter)

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