Chapter 298
"General Huangfu, what did you say? A locust plague broke out in the Sansuke area? How is the locust plague? Where is it going?"

The Sanfu area is currently in war. He Jin escorted the army to the Sanfu area, but at this time a plague of locusts broke out.What Zhang Yi cares about is not the locust plague itself, but its impact on the entire Han army.

"Go west in the direction of the locust plague! It will not affect our northern area, but because of this, He Jinhe General. Due to the impact of the locust plague, there is a shortage of food. The rebel army who was about to defeat Beigong Boyu, but Unexpectedly, such a plague of locusts came very quickly. Right now, they are dealing with Beigong Boyu."

It was originally intended to take down Beigong Boyu, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

"That's great! In the future, our Golden City and other four major cities will definitely be able to develop in Enron for a period of time and consolidate our city's strength. Even if the Han army comes with another 20 people, we will not be afraid."

If the defense is done well, even if there are many big men coming, he is not afraid. He is afraid that they will gather more troops, such as sending them to a threshold that he can resist.

"That's it!"

In this way, this matter needs to be discussed with China and Israel, and I am afraid that it will not be eased in a short time, so let them fight.

"Anything else?"

"About Dong Zhuo!"

"Oh? What's the matter with Dong Zhuo?"

During this time, Zhang Yi was also learning about Dong Zhuo's movements.

"Dong Zhuo was dispatched to the Sanfu area to assist General He Jin in clearing Beigong Boyu."

"So that's the case, then let them fiddle with it. It is best to consume a lot of Han troops and let the strength of the Han troops decline! In this way, it is a good thing for the Dragon Army. What else?"

Judging from Dong Zhuo's fight against the Yellow Turban, his strength has indeed become much weaker in the future.Let him fight Beigong Boyu, it will definitely consume the number of troops, so it is a great thing.

"There is nothing else at the moment!"

Zhang Yi suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, how about the number of troops I asked you to count that day?"

Huangfu Song said: "My lord, our army has more than [-] more troops. At this time, the number of troops has reached [-]. Now these people are undergoing intensive training."

So to say.The Dragon Legion is growing rapidly.

And as early as some time ago, the construction of the urn and moat of Jiuyuan City had begun.

As a result, at least it can withstand the huge impact of the enemy, at least two waves.

Not to mention anything else, the defense must be increased by more than 100%.

"How is the number of troops equipped?"

"Among the four cities, the Golden City has more than 8000 people, Jiuyuan has more than 6000 people, Jinyang has more than 8000 people, and Changshan is the largest, so I will gather the main force there, about 5000 people. Others There are some troops in the field."

"Very well, you soldiers, help each other when necessary."

Currently, the other three cities are equipped with Changshan: Zhao Zilong, Cai Yong; Jinyang: Zhu Jun, Tai Shici; Golden City: Lu Zhi, Zhou Cang. With these people, the three cities are as powerful as iron barrels.They are connected to each other and can support at any time.

"My lord, please don't worry about this. I have communicated with the military advisers on the left and right, and Zhu Jun. We have cooperated well during these days of my lord's travels."

"Success! Jiuyuan City will be handled by you! I have something to do today, so I will return to the Golden City first. I want to marry Diao Chan as my wife, and make up a wedding! Pass the order down, and the people of the four cities will have a carnival."

Vaguely, Zhang Yi had a feeling that he wanted to decentralize power. After all, the city was captured, so the time spent on management would be much more than the time spent on capturing the city.

"Yes! Lord!"

Afterwards, Zhang Yi brought Diao Chan, Cai Yan, Wang Yi and two other concubines back to the Golden City. This time, he only took 1000 people back, and the road between the two cities was also built by him, so passing through is not counted. slow.

The five girls sat in the car, while he rode Jueying all the way west.

It is about [-] miles to go to the Golden City, and it can be reached in two days at their speed.

In fact, Zhang Yi brought them back to the Golden City because of his considerations. After all, this is his development point. It may be possible to use this place as the capital in the future. Moreover, it has been built by him into an iron wall, not only because of the moat. , and the existence of Wengcheng.Moreover, the population has surpassed the other three cities, and the population structure and all walks of life are the most mature.It is impossible for him to develop three immature cities and give up the Golden City.

In addition, due to the increase in population, the original wall has to be enlarged, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate people.

Along the way, the five girls were laughing and laughing, and the four girls gave Diao Chan a beautiful picture, especially everything in the Golden City, and what's more, it can be compared to Luoyang, the atmosphere of the entire Golden City is unique and so on. , so that Diao Chan continued to praise: "Listen to the sisters, the younger sister should go and see."

Her eyes were full of longing, and the four women said: "I will see it soon!"


When they arrived outside the Golden City, Diao Chan was stunned, because in front of her was a glittering golden city, even if they were ten miles away, they could see it clearly and feel the city. The majestic and mighty city at this time is no longer the golden city of the past, but has become even bigger after Lu Zhi's development.


After the five people pulled down the curtains of the carriage, Cai Yan smiled and said, "Sister Diaochan, we didn't lie to you, did we?"

Wang Yi also said: "When you go inside, it will be even more exciting!"

Cai Yan seemed to be pondering something.

"No, if the wedding can be held here, it will be a happy memory for the women."

Wang Yi said with some regret: "My husband values ​​my sister very much. When I married my husband, we only held a wedding in Jiuyuan. If... it can be held here..."

Seeing Wang Yi's mood, Cai Yan persuaded:
"Sister Wang Yi, as long as she can be with the man she loves, isn't it the same everywhere?"

Wang Yi said:
"That's right! I was thinking too much, let's go in, my husband is already ahead!"

At this time, Lu Zhi had already brought 5000 troops to meet him. These troops were different from Jiuyuan's army, and they seemed to be more powerful.

Lu Zhi saluted and said, "Congratulations on the return of the lord."

"Mr. Zuo, thank you for your hard work. You have made our entire Golden City so strong!"

"That's the lord's leadership!"

"Hahaha, let's enter the city!"

In the next few days, the Golden City held a wedding, which was definitely a great show, not much worse than Cai Yan's.

It can be said that all the courtesies are here, allowing Diao Chan to confirm her status, and this can be regarded as an explanation for her.

Afterwards, the four cities belonging to the Dragon Legion had a carnival for three days.

(End of this chapter)

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