Chapter 31 Five taels of gold
I have to say that Tang Xing's movements are still very fast.For Zhang Yi, there seemed to be some pressure, but this pressure was fleeting.As long as it is tuned, this pressure will disappear.

But suddenly, Tang Xing punched, this punch was very poisonous, and directly hit the back of Zhang Yi's head.If the back of the head is attacked.Then it is possible to collapse directly to the ground, causing death.

This move was very vicious, but how could Zhang Yi let it succeed, only Zhang Yi took advantage of the situation and avoided it perfectly.

Due to too much strength, Tang Xing staggered and fell forward.Just now, Zhang Yi's evasion won the applause of everyone.

Seeing Tang Xing turn around and stop steadily, when people thought that Tang Xing would return to the carbine, they were all wrong.

After seeing a figure, Tang Xing collapsed to the ground, and Zhang Yi's dirty shoes covered with mud appeared on his face.

Tang Xing was stepped on by Zhang Yi, and he was pressed hard on the ground and rubbed against it.

Tang Xing actually lost to a boy whose physique was only half of his own, and the whole picture was a bit inconsistent.

In people's mouths, there is no other thought but admiration.

Tang Xing was completely beaten to the ground. No matter how he resisted, he died without a problem.

"What do you want?"

Zhang Yi thought he had heard wrong, so he smiled.

"I don't want to do anything. It's so ridiculous that you ask me what I want when you're the one who troubles me!"

"Oh! By the way, you reminded me. If I don't do something, then I'll be sorry to you. How about this, leave a penny for each of you, and get out of here."

He can be said to be a lion with a big mouth. You must know that there are more than 3 people here. If each person hangs money, there will be more than [-] hanging coins, more than [-] five baht coins, which is not a lot. At least the weight is also very scary. .

When Zhang Yi said this, he laughed too, because even if he had so much money, it would be inconvenient to carry it with him!
Before these people could react, he saw that Tang Xing was wearing brocade clothes.This is how rich people wear it, and they must have some valuable money on them.

Maybe this guy has a jade pendant or some other valuable things on him.

But when he was about to ask, he was interrupted by those thirty or so people, who shouted: "Let go of our boss, or we will be rude to you!"

If these words were said at the first meeting, they would still have a little deterrent effect. Now even if everyone besieged Zhang Yi, they would not be able to take any advantage.

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows, jokingly, and responded, "Do you think you can beat me? Believe it or not, I'll kill this guy with one blow."

At the same time, he swung the ancient knife towards Tang Xing, which scared everyone.Because the location of the knife is a bit awkward, it is Tang Xing's subordinate.

With a flash of the knife, the sharp blade directly sliced ​​through Tang Xing's crotch, and a gust of cold wind blew into the crotch of his trousers, making the guy shiver.I don't know if I was shaking with fright or because the wind was too cold.

As soon as the blade passed, Tang Xing saw that there seemed to be a money bag on the cuff of Tang Xing's trousers, which was tightly tied to the cuff.

Zhang Yi drew the long knife and slashed at Tang Xin's back. The knife was so precise that the money bag slipped off. Tang Xing tried to get it back, but he saw where the ancient knife was. , and didn't dare to move, so he had to rely on Zhang Yi to take the money bag away.

What made Zhang Yi depressed was that the purse turned out to be pink, and he took a special look at Tang Xing, thinking that this guy actually likes pink things.

Not only that, even the people nearby started laughing.

"It's quite heavy. There must be something good in it."

Zhang weighed it with his hand, and there was some weight.

It's just that the bag was tied very tightly, so he cut it with a knife and pulled it out with his hand to see that there was an ingot of gold in the money bag.This gold is about five taels.

Now the crowd stopped laughing at Tang Xing's pink purse, but focused their eyes on the gold. These people's eyes were very urgent. Obviously, they had never seen so much money, and these were not far from them. place.

"You can't do this, it's mine!"

Tang Xing tried to get up and snatch the purse, but the Guyi blade directly prevented him from getting up.

"Do you think you are still qualified to talk to me? Believe it or not, I slashed you with a knife?"

Tang Xing was so intimidated by Zhang Yi that he didn't dare to say anything.

At this time, someone from among the thirty people said: "Boss, why don't you just let it go like this! This guy is too strong, just give some money to eliminate the disaster!"

"Yes! Boss, we have hit a snag this time."

Everyone here actually persuaded Tang Xing not to lose his life for money.At the same time, Tang Xing's face was already reddened by Zhang Yi's feet.

"It's not your money, of course you don't feel bad!"

Although he is unwilling, this matter has become a foregone conclusion.

Zhang Yi looked at the sky, the sun was about to set.

It will be night if we go any further, and the little golden dragon in his arms has already started to squirm, and this guy is about to wake up again.

So he has to leave here to feed the little golden dragon in his arms. In the afternoon, the little golden dragon will be promoted to the second level. To be honest, there are still some small expectations.

Xia Tong has already left here, for these people, it's fine to teach them a lesson.

"I'm in a good mood today. This gold is your compensation. Your luck is really good. I'll let you go now. Don't let me see you again."

Then, when his feet were loosened, Tang Xing relaxed for a while.

Suddenly Zhang Yi thought of something again.

"Remember! Tomorrow I will visit your Xiafu and get the reward I deserve. This is what your lady promised me. The reward must not be less, otherwise I will turn your Xiafu upside down!"

Now everyone is puzzled.

"What did you say, you still want to go to our Xiafu?"

"Didn't you understand what I said? I'm going to visit tomorrow. After all, I saved your lady, but you are so presumptuous to me. I have to settle this account with your master. I say this Do you still understand?"

"Also, this is what Xia Tong promised me, otherwise I would not have sent her back here. If it wasn't for me, she would have been defiled by bandits by now. Instead of expressing gratitude to me .Instead of repaying kindness and revenge, we will continue to calculate this point tomorrow, and now I am not free."

He speaks so loudly on purpose to let people know that his purpose is righteous.

"You are nothing short of a robber."

"No matter what you say about me, this is the principle of my life! Remember! See you tomorrow!"

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, he left without looking back, because Xiao Jinlong had already moved a little at this time.He had to leave quickly, otherwise if this little golden dragon was discovered, he would probably be the target of public criticism.Will definitely be hunted down by others.The so-called common man is not guilty, but Huaibi is guilty, this truth is very simple.

So, he took the five taels of gold and just disappeared into the crowd.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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