I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 34 There are ghosts!

Chapter 34 There are ghosts!
Sure enough, money can turn ghosts around, and what the shopkeeper did was worthy of the money. After less than 10 minutes, someone delivered the food. These are all the nearby mountain flavors.

These things were not good enough to eat in Zhang Yi's era, and many of them were protected animals, but there were so many of these things in ancient times, so even if they ate wildly, they were not afraid of being eaten and extinct.

When the food came, the table was full, and the happiest one belonged to Xiao Jinlong.It really can't put it down for these human delicacies.

Zhang Yi thought to himself that it would probably have no doubts about the three chapters of the agreement.Because as long as it is obedient, this kind of food will not lose its portion.

In the end, the two ate a large table full of food, which made him feel a little incredible, because they were all so edible, and this little golden dragon didn't look big, but its appetite was amazing.

After eating and drinking, I lay on the bed. After a day of running around, everyone was tired, so I fell asleep after a while.

This time, Zhang Yi slept very soundly, and didn't wake up until his chest seemed to be touched by something and felt a little painful.

When he opened his eyes, it was already late at night, and the night was getting thicker and darker. At the same time, there was still a moon in the sky. It was the little golden dragon who woke him up.

Because at this time, by the window, there seemed to be a few people lying on the window sill and watching everything in the room furtively.

"Huh? What do these people want to do? Want to steal something?"

His first reaction was that these people were trying to steal something.

So, he picked up the Guyi knife beside him, got up directly, and hid aside.

At this time, Xiao Jinlong followed him and hid aside.

I could only hear those people whispering: "Are you sure that kid is asleep?"

"That's right, he fell asleep. Just now, that guy was still snoring strangely."

Little did they know, it was the roar of a dragon, not a strange grunt.

"Well, our main purpose today is to take his money and the knife. Remember, don't hurt his life, otherwise none of us may be able to leave here!"

"I know boss!"

"Well then, let's go in."

Hearing these voices, there were about three people who gently opened the door and tiptoed in.

And Zhang Yi's hand reached the handle of the knife, but put it back.

I thought, if I kill these people now, then I probably won't be able to sleep well tonight.Because people from the government will definitely come to investigate, if they lock me up, where can I get ginseng to upgrade Xiao Jinlong?

So, this time he didn't want to kill people, but it was impossible for these people to succeed, so he just taught them a lesson.

Then he said to Xiao Jinlong: "After a while, you go over and give a loud roar to scare them away."

The little golden dragon understood that it could not be seen by these people at this time, if it made a sound, then these people would probably be scared out of their wits, right?
Sure enough, it flew directly behind those people.

Those people were very tall and tall, walking lightly, following the moonlight, slowly walked to the bed.

At this time, Xiao Jinlong suddenly roared!The huge dragon chant directly startled the three of them, because the sound was very close.

At the same time, as a fetish in ancient times, the dragon naturally had a majesty that directly crushed the hearts of the three of them.

Then the three of them took advantage of the trend and fell to the ground.

One of them shouted, "Ghost!"

The person in charge was quite shrewd and immediately covered his mouth.

"I want to die! What's the fuss! What if someone finds out?"

"But what was that voice just now?"

They had no choice but to think: "It must be an auditory hallucination!"

They looked around, the place was empty, and the sound did not know where it came from.

It was no surprise to them, because the voice was right next to them.

But no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find the source of the sound. They looked left and right when someone touched the bed.

"Boss, no one!"

The boss shouted: "What! Where are people? They're not here!"

"I don't know, I saw the one on the bed just now, why did it disappear?"

The boss guessed: "Maybe I'm going to the latrine, God help me! Let's hurry up!"

After speaking, he groped to the side of the bed, trying to find something of value, seeing that they were about to touch his bag, which contained many plants of ginseng and 40 taels of gold, if they got it, then Isn't it a loss.

Xiao Jinlong looked back at Zhang Yi, as if he was waiting for the second request, because as far as it was just now, the three of them were not scared off.So he winked at it again.Then he patted himself on the head.

The clever little golden dragon understood immediately.

It flew behind these people, and grabbed the leader with its dragon claws. This claw directly scratched the head of that person.

"Pain! Who!?"

With two slaps, the other two were slapped twice by it.

"Boss, what did we do wrong!?"

The two looked a little innocent.

The boss shouted, "Why are you beating me?"

"No! We didn't hit you!"

At this time, someone discovered that the guy was bleeding from his head.

"Boss, you are bleeding!"

This frightened the boss, how could he bleed if he was doing well.


Suddenly, there was another dragon chant, this one was so loud that the hearts of the three fell into an abyss.

The boss immediately yelled: "Get out, there are ghosts here!"

As soon as the other two heard this, they ran faster than rabbits, and the three quickly ran out of the room.

At this moment, Zhang Yicai appeared from the side. He straightened the burden on the bed without being moved.

It seems that the wealth cannot be exposed in the future. It must have been discovered by someone with a heart when he took out the money just now. This point should be paid attention to in the future.

He looked outside, it was already getting brighter, and he didn't feel much sleepy at this time.

I simply didn't sleep, so I lit the oil lamp and took out a 50-year-old ginseng.

At this time, I don't have much ginseng left, and there are only two 50-year-old ginseng. If I eat one ginseng, I can only feed 40-year-old ginseng that night.

There are three 40-year-old plants and three 30-year-old plants. At worst, this little golden dragon will eat 30-year-old plants, because through this period of research, it can only eat one at a time, and I don’t know when it will be able to eat more at once. Some.If you can eat more at one time, then you can directly get ten or eight plants in the future, and directly raise its level to the highest level, that would be cool.

This was just his idea. He handed a 50-year-old ginseng to Xiao Jinlong. At this time, Xiao Jinlong's grade information was still LV2-24/30.It was not polite either, and swallowed the ginseng directly.At the same time, the information began to change and improve, and finally became LV2-29/30.

In this way, one more plant at noon can be upgraded to three levels.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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