Chapter 372
that day.Liu Biao and his men defeated all the cities that Gongsun Zan occupied.A large number of troops poured into it and took over all the cities.

As always, Zhang Yi took out four cities, and each of them allocated one to win the hearts of the people.

I believe that it won't be long before the level of these four people will be raised again.

And Zhang Yi looked at the number above Jinlong's head, and it was also gradually increasing, and it was infinitely approaching level 20 at this time. Level 20 is a huge level leap, and I don't know if it will surprise him a little bit.

He summoned four people again, in the inner city of Guangyang City.

The five began to discuss how to attack Yuan Shu.

Liu Biao said: "Yuan Shu's territory is very close to Luoyang. If he attacks by force, Luoyang will counterattack. After all, they are only a few hundred miles away. If the Emperor of Han makes a move, I'm afraid I will be disadvantageous to us. .”

Liu Biao was right, and Yuan Shao also confirmed his statement.

"Yes, my younger brother is in Nanyang, now in the south of Luoyang. It may be quite difficult to collect it."

Zhang Yi did say: "We adopt a quick solution, if Cao Cao is there, we will definitely solve it!"

After Zhang Yi said that, the four of them stopped talking and waited for Zhang Yi to command.

"Then when do we leave?"

"We are leaving today. I am afraid that the news that Guangyang has been captured has already spread to the imperial court. I am afraid that the imperial court is prepared! We will get rid of the unstable factor of Yuan Shu today."

"Yes! I obey my elder brother's orders!"

That night, Zhang Yi took the four of them to Nanyang City.

At the same time, he also asked Liu Biao to send troops from Jingzhou. This time he wanted to take all of Yuan Shu's cities.Because as far as he knows, the Emperor Han is not in Luoyang at this time. If this is the case, then it is a great benefit for him.

Outside Nanyang City, in the early morning.

Zhang Yi took four silver dragons and surrounded the entire Nanyang City tightly.

The five dragons uttered a huge dragon chant, which resounded throughout the world.

It shocked the people in the whole Nanyang City.

Moments later, Zhang Yi took the lead in attacking Nanyang City. He entered through the east gate, but at this time, a large number of trebuchets threw stones.

Boom, boom, these stones are useless to Zhang Yi, because they can't hurt his real body at all.


After a violent roar, a rootless fire fell from the sky, and the soldiers below were directly burned to ashes, and a large number of trebuchets disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the golden dragon in the sky, people were stunned.

Then, they fled one after another, not only that, the same thing happened at the other three city gates.

There were four silver dragons constantly bombarding everything in Nanyang, and the flames of war came all at once.

The people below all withdrew, but Zhang Yi went to the inner city.

But when he arrived, Yuan Shu had already received the news and retreated to the inner city ahead of schedule.

In the darkness, the number shining above its head has already exposed his position.

No matter where he hides, he will be tracked by the golden dragon, escape?Basically impossible.

Zhang Yi caught up immediately, and after a while, Yuan Shu was caught up.

Then Yuan Shu stopped immediately, and said straightly: "Zhang Yi, spare your life! We made a wrong decision!"

"Is it too late to say sorry now! Did I give you a chance? You really didn't listen. If you want to be nice to the Emperor of Han now, the colorful light on your forehead won't go off for a while, so welcome Your only hope is death."

Zhang Yi said so, scaring Yuan Shu half to death.

As a silver dragon, he is simply vulnerable in front of a golden dragon. Even Cao Cao was killed by him and fell down, let alone himself?The dog jumped the wall when he was in a hurry. It was obvious that Yuan Shu had no hope of surviving.

"I can't help myself."

"Where is Cao Cao?"

"He left Nanyang early!"


"Please let me go! I can leave here and not fight with the world."

"Impossible! Unless you keep Silver Dragon!"

Seeing that Zhang Yi had no possibility of giving up on him, he began to run towards the sky in an attempt to escape.

But at this time, he has been completely locked, how could he escape?
After a while, he caught up with Yuan Shu.

Under Zhang Yi's golden dragon, Yuan Shu had no resistance at all, only the golden dragon bit the silver dragon's neck, and directly kept them there.

At this time Yuan Shao appeared and came over and said, "Brother Zhang, keep someone under his command! Don't kill brother!"

As soon as Zhang Yi saw Yuan Shao approaching, he said, "Don't worry, I promise you, I won't break my promise, but this silver dragon must die!"

After all, a rootless fire spewed out from the golden dragon's mouth, and burned to where the silver dragon was.


The silver dragon roared directly, and the rootless fire ignited towards the silver dragon, its body was constantly being lost, and after a while, it died directly.

This battle was won very easily.

Afterwards, the silver dragon was thrown into the space backpack, and its remaining body still had some effect. After all, it was a silver dragon, which could provide a lot of strengthening for the army.

At the same time, Yuan Shu, who lost his strength, fell from the sky, and Yuan Shao took over Yuan Shu who fell from the sky. At this time, Yuan Shu was very ashamed and didn't say much.

But in the end, there is life left, and it happens to be at this time.

The number above the golden dragon's head began to loosen, which was too coincidental.

Jinlong immediately communicated with Zhang Yidao: "Father, I'm going to be promoted to level [-]! We have to go to Kunlun Xu, and this trip will take about ten days! When we return, it will be overwhelming!"

This sudden escalation made Zhang Yi happy.

Jinlong also told Zhang Yi that this upgrade will definitely bring about some huge changes.

At this time, the other three silver dragons also appeared here, and they also saw this situation, so they knew what happened, and it was true that Yuan Shu was defeated.

Zhang Yi said:

"The four of you stay here well! All of Yuan Shu's cities will be divided up directly by you, and you will manage the people's hearts and strive to improve your strength as soon as possible. I have to leave for a few days now. When I return, I will compete with Emperor Han When it's time to go down."

The four of them expressed shock and said one after another.

"That's great! Let's wait for Big Brother Zhang to come back!"

"Congratulations in advance, Big Brother Zhang, for successfully upgrading!"


"I won't talk nonsense. Once I want you to catch Cao Cao, kill him directly! And when you encounter the enemy army, don't fight with them. It is the best policy to preserve your strength! If you are bullied, everything will wait for me Come back and talk!"


Afterwards, Zhang Yi disappeared in front of everyone and headed towards Kunlun Xu.

Liu Biao and the other four began to conquer the city left by Yuan Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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