I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 46 I want to reveal the list

Chapter 46 I want to reveal the list
Zhang Yi ignored the scarred man, but walked towards the imperial list, which made the scarred man feel very humiliated.There were a large number of subordinates watching behind him, as well as a man with a beard and a blue shirt. Zhang Yi was so shameless that he was very angry.

The man with the scar yelled: "Little boy, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand directly, wanting to pull Zhang Yi back and let him have a long memory.

But at this moment, his hand was grabbed by Zhang Yi.That Zhang Yi grabbed the man with the scar, and threw his shoulders and back backwards, this movement was like flowing water.

The man with the scar didn't realize that such a thin boy possessed such great strength.You must know that his physique is about twice that of Zhang Yi.

He was thrown to the ground so easily by Zhang Yi.

People are a little confused about this move. Raglan shoulder throw is a Sanda move. Where have people seen it before? They just feel that this move is very subtle.

All this happened so suddenly, the fall made the man with the scar feel that his internal organs were about to be dislocated, and he cried out for his mother in pain.Seeing this, the others immediately aimed their weapons at Zhang Yi.

Someone shouted: "Boy, you are courting death!"

They didn't expect that this person who looked like a child had such high martial arts and such great strength. They didn't even see how he shot, and the man with the scar was thrown to the ground, excruciating pain.

When everyone took a closer look, it turned out that the child in the mouth of the man with the scar was carrying a big knife, which was very heavy, which made everyone wonder where this kid came from.

Zhang Yi said fiercely: "Smart people, get out of here! Don't be an eyesore here!"

"What did you say! Boy, do you want to die?"

While the others were about to rush up, they were stopped by the man with the scar.

It is obvious that the man with the scar refuses to admit defeat. It can be said that the move just now made him lose all face, and he refuses to accept it!
"Let me do it! I don't believe you kid will throw me again!"

"Boss, teach him a lesson!"

"Let him know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!"


The man with the scar waved his hand and picked up the machete. At this time, the two Han soldiers did not stop his approach, but watched with interest. They just gave them two packs of melon seeds and asked them to sit down and watch. .

Probably the two of them thought that this kind of scene was rare in a hundred years, and it was absurd that a big man would take the initiative to invite a child to fight.

Zhang Yi threw the scarred man to the ground because he was threatened by danger just now, and now this guy wants to challenge himself, he really wants to die.

So he said: "Hey, you can't beat me!"

Unexpectedly, his words caused everyone to burst into laughter.

The man with the scar yelled: "Child, I didn't pay attention just now, try my knife this time, but don't worry, I am strong in martial arts, and I won't be cruel! Hahaha!"

Zhang Yi had a real headache facing the man with the scar.

"Okay then, I'll fight you as hard as I can, and don't beg for mercy then."

His words clearly drew laughter from the others, who were laughing at Zhang Yi's overreach.

The bearded man shouted: "Child, do you know what kind of knife he is holding? It is a hundred-smelting knife that cuts iron like mud. Aren't you afraid of death?"

Zhang Yi ignored the bearded man's words, which made the bearded man feel uncomfortable. They are all people with status and status, and being so ignored makes no one feel good.

The bearded man blushed, "..."

The man in blue smiled. "What kind of man do you think you are when you bully a young man?"

The man in blue is smaller in stature and is on Zhang Yi's side.

Someone said: "This kid's martial arts should not be low!"

Zhang Yi felt that these people were noisy and disturbed.

"Okay, come on, ugly man!"

Zhang Yi directly gave the Scar Man a nickname, because the Scar Man not only looked like he had a scar, but was also very ugly.

"Boy, court death!"

This made the man with the scar so angry that he grabbed the machete and rushed towards him.Before the Guyi knife in Zhang Yi's hand was drawn out, his big knife was about to strike.

It was obvious that Zhang Yi had angered him, but at this moment, the two Han soldiers said: "We don't care how you beat us, but don't kill anyone, otherwise you will feel better!"

The man with the scar yelled: "Don't worry, the official, I'm sure!"

"watch out!"

After finishing speaking, the machete had reached ten centimeters away from Zhang Yi.

I only heard Zhang Yi shout: "You are too slow!"

Then everyone heard a bang, snowflakes rose on the ground, and at the same time, the wailing sound of the man with the scar was heard.

Everyone took a look, it turned out that the man with the scar was thrown to the ground by Zhang Yi again, and this time he ended up the same as last time.

Therefore, everyone put away their underestimation.Because this young man who doesn't even seem to have muscles seems to be living in a beast.He was able to throw the scarred man who was twice his size twice, the same two times.

If the first time was due to the man with the scar being careless, then this second time was to show Zhang Yi's true strength.

The man with the scar fell to the ground in pain. The knife had already flown several meters away, and Zhang Yi walked to his side and approached him.

"Stay away from me, or you will look good to me!"

This frightened the man with the scar so that his eyes widened. Zhang Yi came here to reveal the list, not to fight. Fighting would only waste time for him.There were just some emergencies just now, and he didn't want to make things worse, so he just threw the scarred man to the ground and taught him a lesson.

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he went to the imperial list.

At this time, someone ran over immediately and helped the man with the scar.

"Boss! How are you doing!"

The man with the scar shook the crowd away, and Zhang Yi made him lose face, and his reputation fell to the bottom because of this.

At this time, the two Han soldiers began to joke and said: "It's really boring. I thought they would fight for a while, but I didn't expect that the winner would be decided in less than one round."

Another person said: "Isn't it? Too weak, too weak, even a child can't beat it, no wonder these people dare not reveal the emperor's list."

The two Han soldiers were talking sarcastic words, which made everyone present, especially the man with the scar, feel ashamed.He lowered his proud head in shame.

At this time, a Han army asked Zhang Yi, "What are you here for?"

Zhang Yi said firmly: "I want to reveal the list!"

If this sentence was said before he defeated the man with the scar, no one would have believed it, but now, people have enough reasons to believe that he really came to reveal the list.

And he will be a strong opponent of these people.

The surroundings became very quiet, no one dared to speak, and no one questioned.Because he definitely has the ability to reveal the list.

(End of this chapter)

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