I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 49 If you want to make money, ask less questions!

Chapter 49 If you want to make money, ask less questions!
Zhang Yi asked, "Is there a problem?"

At this time someone said: "I heard that there are a large number of horse thieves twenty miles north of the city. What are you bringing here? If it is valuables, please change the way."

This is a well-intentioned reminder. Of course, they are also thinking about themselves. Who wants to put themselves in danger?
"Don't worry about it! I'm going there!"

He wouldn't tell them it was a stone, nor would he say how much the items here were worth.

"Anyone else have any questions? If you have any questions, just ask, and I will answer them for you here!

Let us explain in advance that there are people here, and there will be no danger. If you don't trust me, you can leave now, and people will join.

And the fifty dollars is not so easy to earn, you have to have the guts to do it! "

Now people finally understood why Zhang Yi hired them at a price that was [-] cents higher than the market price.

"Little brother, is there anyone else besides you?"

"No, it's just me and 20 of you. Alright! I won't talk nonsense, shall I go? Don't go and just talk! I don't have much time."

It's about one o'clock now, if you delay any longer, it will be dark before you reach your destination, how can you trap and kill horse thieves?

These people thought about it for a while, and then someone first said: "The so-called wealth and wealth are in danger, I haven't received a job for three days, I will take this job!"

"I took it too!"


None of the twenty or so people wanted to quit. They dared to take this job, and they had made enough determination.

Zhang Yi said: "Very good! I will give each of you 25 yuan now. As for the remaining 25 yuan, you can go to the imperial list to get it from me at noon tomorrow at the latest."

It can be said that he also showed enough sincerity to give money first before doing anything, which is probably unique in front of these hardworking people.

"Thank you little brother!"

But at this time, someone discovered the clue.

"What! Little brother, you revealed the imperial list?"

Only now did people realize that Zhang Yi seemed to be a little different. They looked at the ancient knife on Zhang Yi's back, and they must be thinking in their hearts, it's really not a person by appearance.

"This is not your business. If you want to make money, don't ask questions! Come on, 25 yuan per person, take it!"

Zhang Yi would not tell them his purpose, nor would he say yes, nor would he say no.

He distributed the money, and soon the 20 people finished sharing the money, and then said: "Okay, you have received the money, now follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he led the way to the shop, and the 20 people followed behind. It can be said that this group of people is full of travel and dust, and they really have a lot of momentum.

When he arrived at the woodworking shop, the shopkeeper had already packed ten carts and twenty large boxes of things.

Seeing Zhang Yi's appearance, the man yelled, "Little brother, you are here, this..."

Just as he was about to say that the stone was installed, Zhang Yi said first: "Okay, this is the remaining money, you can count it."

Zhang Yi handed him the remaining balance.

The man is a sensible person. The reason why Zhang Yi spoke first was because he didn't want others to know what was in the box.

The man quickly counted. "Success! The number is correct."

But Zhang Yi looked at the box, and the shopkeeper was really an honest person, the box was very good looking, just like a rich man's box.

Zhang Yi pointed to the car and said, "You two are pushing a car! Remember, don't look at what's in the box, otherwise you won't get any money!"

This kind of trolley was really nothing to them, so the 20 people listened to the order and walked towards the cart.

What Zhang Yi added at the end shocked the 20 people.It is reasonable for him to mention this, after all, the contents of this box belong to him, and people have no right to ask.

These people said, "Okay, little brother."

Zhang Yi nodded and said, "For a while, you follow me, let's go!"

The man waved his hand and said, "Little brother, go slowly! Welcome next time!"

Zhang Yi knew the man well, and didn't say anything more. The so-called talk is bound to be lost, and he is not familiar with the man.


Just such a group of people set off and headed for the north gate. They didn't encounter any obstacles during the period, and they went out of the north gate.

When they left the north gate, it caused quite a commotion, because the things they pushed were a bit heavy, which made people think about it.

In particular, Zhang Yi took a special look around and saw a person sneaking out of the city, and then rode to the north on horseback.

From the look in this guy's eyes, Zhang Yi saw something was wrong.

"Little brother, are you still leaving?"

When many laborers saw him stop, they asked.

"Go! Let's go slowly!"

This can make everyone embarrassed.

"Go slowly, when will we get there!"

People think that the money is very easy to earn, and it takes more than three hours to go back and forth for twenty miles.

Another said: "If you slow down, it will be late at night when you arrive at your destination."

This person is right. The time is about two o'clock now. If you walk faster for three hours and six hours, it will be exactly eight o'clock when you come back here. If you delay some time on the way, you may not be able to come back until midnight!

Zhang Yi's face sank.

"Do as I say!"

Now he pays, not them, they only have to obey.How can there be so many words, although what they said is correct, but his main purpose is to attract the appearance of horse thieves, if it is too fast, and the horse thieves have not arrived, what should we do?Isn't his thousands of dollars wasted in vain, lost in vain?Who is this money going to?
Compared with other people, he has more methods. Those people with a single mind, how could they know that there is such a way to lure horse thieves to appear.

I don't even think about who Zhang Yi is. He not only understands the siege machines of the Three Kingdoms period, but also has researched strategies. Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the TV series he watched since he was a child.

This trick of his is called leading the snake out of the hole, these country folks, how do they know.

As the tone became more serious, everyone dared not speak. After all, everyone was taking money from others, and these tasks were also very easy, so everyone didn't say anything.

In this way, a group of people waited slowly towards the north.

And when they walked for more than an hour, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes from a distance.

These men were also alarmed by the sound, they all stopped, not daring to move any more, and they would not move until they were sure it was safe.

On the contrary, Zhang Yi showed an excited expression, which made everyone wonder what happened to this guy.

Ask for recommendation tickets, please collect!

(End of this chapter)

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