I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 55 Returning to the City

Chapter 55 Returning to the City
The twenty laborers around here have never closed their mouths from the beginning to now, because they were completely shocked.

They didn't react until Zhang Yi asked them to work.

"Bring me a box. Empty!"


At this time, several people immediately vacated one of the boxes.

They put the box in front of Zhang Yi, and at the same time, Zhang Yi cut off the heads of the four of them and threw them directly into the box.

These horse thieves did not know how many good people they had killed, how many women they had ruined, and how much money they had robbed. They deserved death, and they happened to fulfill Zhang Yi.

He picked out some money from those four guys, which turned out to be gold, and together, there were about ten taels.

Don't think that horse thieves will have a lot of money. They live a day-to-day life. If they have wine today, they will be drunk today, and if they have money today, they will spend it today.It's not bad to have twelve taels of gold.He would not be polite and took away the twelve taels of gold directly.

Seeing his behavior in the eyes of everyone, he is extremely greedy. The speed of making money is too fast. Adding in the rewards offered by these four leaders, it should be 35 taels of gold!It was terrible.

But these people don't dare to be selfish, and they can't move any selfishness. They are facing the killer Zhang Yi. If they make him unhappy, they may not even save their lives, and they will be beheaded!

"Sir, what shall we do next?"

someone asked at this moment.

"Next, you guys help me transport this box to Huangbang."

Then someone asked:

"What about these carts and broken boxes?"

Zhang Yi glanced at the remaining boxes and carts, and said:
"All these are given to you, and you can divide them yourself."

Anyway, I don't want these things, and it's not worth a lot of money to sell them. I still have to thank these twenty laborers. Without them, these horse thieves might not be caught.

Someone said: "Thank you, Master!"

"That expert, look...that...money"

Some people hesitated, as if they had something to say.

Zhang Yi knew that they were talking about money. They must be afraid that they would give them these carts as wages. You must know that second-hand things are not so valuable, and some of the carts are broken.It also seems very troublesome to repair.

"I said before, I will settle the bill for you when you arrive at the imperial list. Are you still afraid that I will run away?"

Saying one is one, saying two is two, this is Zhang Yi's bottom line, and it will not change, and even if the money for these labors is stolen, he will not make a fortune, and he will have a bad reputation, why bother? ?
It was agreed at the beginning, so it will be done according to the agreement, and these people are needed to send the box containing the head to the city.After all, he also spent money, which should be enjoyed.

It's a pity that those horses were scared away by the little golden dragon. If they were still there, they would save other troubles and don't have to worry about the box.It is a pity that every horse can be sold for a good price.

When these people heard what he said, an embarrassed smile appeared on their faces, and they said, "Master, we didn't mean that."

"Yes, yes, we are just afraid that you will forget."

Others gave a wink, because Zhang Yi might not be happy if he continued, so someone said: "Master, let's go!?"

"Let's go!"

This time they only took more than an hour to make money, and these carts should be able to sell for a lot of money, maybe they can be used for other purposes, as for the box containing the human head, I am afraid that no one will be there by then. Dare to.


A group of people waited and returned to the north of the city. It was still early at this time, and the people in the city were attracted by this group of people, because they saw that these people went out not long ago, they came out with a full load, and now they are pushing empty carts And return.This made everyone mutter directly, what's going on.

Someone recognized Zhang Yi, and he said, "Isn't that kid the one who unveiled the imperial list at noon?"

It was Zhang Yi they were referring to.

More and more people recognized Zhang Yi, and some people even said: "I heard that he accepted the task of eliminating horse thieves. Why didn't he go out and kill horse thieves and come back?"

"Probably because he was frightened, he wants to return the imperial list?"

"It's possible, after all, that horse thief is not easy to kill."

"Come on, let's go see what's going on."

People especially like to watch this kind of thing, because of the strength Zhang Yi showed before, everyone became interested.

So these people gathered more and more, and about a hundred people followed Zhang Yi and others to the place where the imperial list was posted.

Regarding the behavior of these people, Zhang Yi also seemed very helpless. Wherever he really went, he was always the focus of the crowd. This is only because they are too special. If a big man appeared here, it probably wouldn't cause such a big commotion .From another perspective, he successfully provoked people's curiosity.

At the place where the imperial list was posted, the bearded man, the man with the scar, and the man in blue were still waiting there idly. These people were neither low nor high, but they didn't want to just go back and rest.Afraid that they will be talked about by their family members when they go home, this is a true portrayal of this type of people.

Behind the three of them, there were dozens of people waiting for them to eat. On the other hand, this was also their sorrow, and they pinned their hopes on the hands of these three.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from a distance, and it was getting closer and closer.

The bearded man first noticed something strange in front of him.

The bearded man stood up, looked into the distance and asked, "What's going on?"

At this time, the man with the scar also came over, and saw a large number of hostages appearing in the distance, and the leader was a young man.

The scarred man recognized Zhang Yi.

"Isn't that the guy named Zhang Yi?"

The reason why he recognized him so quickly was because he was beaten a bit badly by Zhang Yi, and his memory of Zhang Yi's face was still fresh.

The man in blue also got up and looked into the distance.

"Yes, it's him."

At the same time, some puzzled said:
"Why did he bring so many people here?"

These people were not brought by Zhang Yi, but people followed them spontaneously.

The bearded man said, "What's behind him? A cart? There's also a box. What are those guys doing behind him?"

The man with the scar speculated, "Did he find a helper?"

At the same time, such a huge formation also frightened the two Han troops who were looking at the imperial list. There was no army around, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and deal with it. At the same time, they held the spears tightly in their hands, for fear of any mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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