I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6 So I'm So Strong

Chapter 6 So I'm So Strong
If it is with bare hands, Zhang Yi is not very sure. After all, the number of these wolves has reached ten. No matter how strong and fast they are, they cannot resist the simultaneous attack of ten wolves, but it is different if they have a big knife. Yes, at least you can expand your security range with a big knife.

"Come on, trash!"

How did Tong Xi on the tree know what Zhang Yi was talking about, what was rubbish?Why Zhang Yi said several times, his modern dialect made her look confused.

Oh woo...

At this time, ten wolves had surrounded Zhang Yi and kept approaching.

Among them is a bigger wolf, which hides at the end, needless to say, this one must be the wolf king.

The wolf king's physique was very large, and his teeth were grinning at this time, with transparent saliva flowing from his mouth.

Although it was a little far away, it could still smell the stench from its mouth. It looked at Zhang Yi as if it was a delicious food.

Zhang Yi understood very well that among the pack of wolves, the wolf king was the leader. When this wolf king was killed, they probably would not organize another attack in a short time.

So, he was going to attack the wolf king.

But at this moment, with a cold behind him, a strong wild wolf has already rushed over, the size of this wolf is second only to the existence of the wolf king.

Zhang Yi has already noticed at this time, his body flashed lightly, and then the machete flashed, the wolf passed by, the knife in his hand flashed, and with a hissing sound, the knife was covered with blood, the wolf directly was cut in half.

The two halves of the wolf's body immediately sprayed out a large amount of blood, staining the whole bloody area red.

"So I'm so strong?"

Zhang Yi was also a little surprised at his own strength, and he killed the wolf with less than half of his strength.

At the same time, there was also Tong Xi, who was so surprised that she couldn't even close her mouth, because this was beyond her imagination. How could there be such a person in this world who could chop a fast-moving wild wolf into pieces with one knife? in two halves.

Now he changed his strategy. Since he is so powerful, what is there to be afraid of?
"If that's the case, then don't care what kind of wolf you are! Everyone must die!"

Oh woo...

The wolves were already enraged. Obviously, the one who died just now was probably their second in command, especially the wolf king was also walking towards him at this time.

Its pace is very light, so light that it is difficult to detect its arrival.

But all of this is still not enough in Zhang Yi's eyes.


Tong Xi blurted out.

The corners of Zhang Yi's mouth turned upward, and the machete in his hand was clenched even tighter.

The wolf king turned to roar, expressing his anger.

The other wild wolves were not idle either, and together with the wolf king, they seemed to be in a formation, their most commonly used hunting arrangement.

But all of this is not worth mentioning in front of his strength. If he didn't have a machete, he might be a little afraid. Fortunately, he had a machete at hand, although the quality of the machete was not very good.But it is enough to deal with these guys.

The two sides confronted each other for a while, and finally the wolves moved. When they rushed forward, a large number of snowflakes rose up on the ground, covering their tracks, which made Zhang Yi a little bit strenuous.

These guys went up together, sealing him up, down, left, right, front, back, so that he had no place to resist.

"go to hell!"

When the machete fell together, a wild wolf fell to the ground.

With the flash of the knife, blood spattered.

Zhang Yi is the more he kills, the braver he is.

One, two, three...

He was silently thinking about the number he had killed, and he didn't feel tired at all.


Suddenly, he felt that the machete could not move, so he decided to take a look.

"Good guy!"

It turned out that the machete was firmly bitten by the wolf king. Accompanied by the wolf king's roar, he exerted all his strength, but with this force, he heard a bang, and the machete broke.

"The quality... is really bad!"

The quality of the ancient knives is actually not good, because their smelting and purification technology has not yet reached a peak. At that time, there was a so-called [-]-smelting iron, which was the closest to steel, but it took several months or even a year for this kind of thing to change. Only time can create it, and it needs a famous teacher to create it.

A knife like the one he used can be made by ordinary craftsmen, and it's quick, so the quality is naturally not that bad.It's perfectly normal to fold it, but it's not a good thing for him to fold it now.

At the same time, it also proved the strength of the wolf king. He even broke the machete, which is amazing.

He thought to himself, there will be a hand-to-hand fight in a while.

Tong Xi on the side was praying at this time, praying that Zhang Yi would be safe, because she couldn't live without him.

How could she, a woman, survive safely among this pack of wolves?As long as these wolves stayed below, she would have to stay above. Now that the weather is so cold, the longer it takes, the worse it will be for her.

Suddenly, she saw Zhang Yi give up the machete directly. The wolf king bit the broken knife and swung it vigorously. The knife flew aside and stuck into the snow.

But Zhang Yi didn't panic because of this, he sneered in his heart, thinking in his heart, even if I don't have a knife, then I'm not afraid of you.

Zhang Yi waved his fist, and a fist directly hit the top of the wolf king's head.

The wolf king staggered and fell to the ground.It wailed directly, and this time the attack was absolutely huge, so big that it felt frightened.

"This broken wolf head is still a bit tough!"

The clenched fist was already a little red at this time. From the side view, this body was not strong enough, and it turned red after just one punch.

But he knew that it was only red, and the muscles and bones had not been hurt.

Seeing this, the other wild wolves were stunned, how much strength is needed to put their king stem on the ground.

"Come! Come again!"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed forward like crazy, swung his fists and smashed at the wolf king with all his might.

This sudden change surprised the wolves, and finally they grinned, revealing their yellow and smelly teeth.

roar roar...

These guys also rushed forward, trying to rescue the wolf king.

Zhang Yi had to give up the wolf king and turn to other wild wolves.

Boom boom boom...

Everything changed too quickly, and the other seven wolves were thrown out after a while, and they collapsed on the ground like dead dogs.

"What... son... so amazing!"

Although Tong Xi had a preliminary understanding of Zhang Yi's strength, he couldn't help being shocked when he saw that he lay down seven powerful wild wolves on the ground in just a short while!

Zhang Yi picked up the half-broken machete, walked up to the wild wolves lying on the ground, stabbed them down, and killed them one by one until they died, because he knew that these guys held grudges very much, and today's grudge was settled down, so let them die.

"It ran away!"

Tong Xi yelled that the wolf king had already run ten meters away at some point.

"You're smart!"

Zhang Yi just finished killing the last wild wolf, and he didn't intend to chase the wolf king's escape.

Because he didn't think he could outrun these four-legged guys, and there was another person in the tree.

 Signed, please rest assured collection!And ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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