I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 65 Give You A Hammer

Chapter 65 Give You A Hammer

Zhang Yi slept very deeply this time, until the next morning, Zhang Yi was woken up by the sound of beating.

He walked out of the room and saw that there were already many craftsmen in the yard who were repairing it.

For his sudden appearance, everyone just glanced at him, and didn't pay much attention to it, just doing their own thing.Because Zhang Yi's clothes are so ordinary that everyone thinks he is also a servant of this mansion.

At this time, someone called out to him: "That kid, give me a hand! Pass me that hammer!"

Zhang Yi was puzzled, who is the name of this child.

"Yes, I'm calling you, hurry up! Don't let the owner of this house find out that you are lazy, and you will feel better."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man. He was repairing the door at this time. He was holding the door with one hand to prevent the door from falling down, so he couldn't reach the hammer on the ground, and everyone else was busy with their own affairs and had no time to pay attention to him. .

Just when Zhang Yi appeared, he asked Zhang Yi to hand him the hammer.

Only then did Zhang Yi take a look at his attire, and it was indeed rather outdated, so Lao Yang was right, he had to buy a new set of clothes.Otherwise, it is no different from the servants.

He didn't move either. He didn't buy this house to pass hammers to the workers. Now he was going to feed the little golden dragon.

When he was about to turn around and go back to the house, the middle-aged man cried out.

"Hey! What's going on with you kid! You're not willing to ask you to do something!? It's true that the servants of big families have a temper!"

He shook his head, this guy really regarded himself as a servant.

"Hmph, I've never seen such a rude person."

Someone said: "The owner of this house must discipline him well!"

"Being a servant, I really thought I was on the way!"

"No, it's really too arrogant. It's really rude not to say anything!"

At this time, someone persuaded: "Forget it, don't you just pass me a hammer? As for it? He is still a child!"

At Zhang Yi's current age, he is indeed a child.In ancient times, the year when children aged 13 to 15 were called dancing spoons was also the time to learn skills.So recruiting people around is very normal.

The man said: "What's wrong with the child, the child should be more compliant."

This man really talked a lot and aroused other people's opinions.

So Zhang Yi stopped.

Because these people's words became more and more ugly, and they blamed him inexplicably.

Helping you is out of kindness, not duty. Even if he is a servant, he has no obligation to help them. These people are really self-righteous.

"If you want to get paid, work hard, if you don't want to, get out of here!"

As soon as his words came out, it directly aroused the dissatisfaction of the crowd, and at the same time, some people laughed at him.

"You kid, you have a big tone. You didn't pay our wages. Why do you say such things? Do you have the right?"

"I've been in and out of Xu's Mansion a few times, but I've never seen this guy. It must be a newcomer! What's wrong with the newcomers now?"

No one knew that he had bought the house, and no one knew that he was the owner of the house now.These guys are really annoying.

At this time, Xiao Zhao heard the news and came, seeing this battle, he was startled immediately.

"My lord, please forgive me! Xiao Zhao didn't do well!"

Compared with last night, Xiao Zhao looks more beautiful today. Although her clothes are a little old, they can't hide her demeanor. I saw her running over in a hurry, her chest was heaving up and down, but The people present were not in the mood to watch, because everyone was shocked by her.


Now everyone was dumbfounded, because they all knew Xiao Zhao, she was Xu Feng's maid, and they had seen her more than once, Xiao Zhao called Mr. Zhang Yi, then...

Everyone couldn't believe it, and at the same time they were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped.

Zhang Yi asked: "What's going on?"

"These are repair workers. They offended me just now. It's Xiao Zhao's fault. Xiao Zhao should have informed Young Master in advance."

Zhang Yi said nothing, nor did he blame Xiao Zhao.

Everyone thought that judging from Xiao Zhao's performance, this unremarkable child turned out to be the son of the Xu family.

Now everyone remembered what Zhang Yi said just now, if you don't want to do it, you can leave!So they all felt cold behind their backs, and they were still mocking him.Everyone hit the nail on the head now.Especially the man who started it, everyone focused their attention on him, and he seemed to understand the relationship.These people want him to stand up. After all, this incident happened because of him, but everyone didn't talk about it.If he doesn't come out, everyone may disown him. After all, it's not easy to come out and find a job.

The man then said: "I don't know if it's the young master of Xu's family, but I offended you just now, please don't take it to heart."

At this time, the attitude is very low. Otherwise, you may not even get the money. Moreover, such a big family needs to go through some repairs every period of time. Under normal circumstances, it will not change workers. , They want to make this money, they are wrong, they should admit it, otherwise they lose a big customer and give it up to others, and everyone will feel unhappy.

"That's right, Mr. Xu, how offensive you were just now, I'm too blind to see Mount Tai, and I hope that your lord will ignore the villain's mistakes."

Xiao Zhao immediately corrected everyone.

"Masters, our son's surname is not Xu, but Zhang. Our master sold this house to you last night."

The crowd was in an uproar, it was really hard to judge by appearance.

That is to say, Zhang Yi is the biggest here. If one says one is one, no one dares to question it, and no one will take care of it!This time, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

Seeing these people so frightened, he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

"Forget it, forget it, I don't have time to punish you, let me say a word here, even if the person standing in front of you is a beggar, he may be worth several times more than you, so don't look down on others in the future! Okay, you all have a good time Do it!"

There is no need to argue too much with these working people, just a lesson or two is fine.

Everyone was relieved, and they couldn't help saying: "Young master is really magnanimous, which is rare in the world."

"With the young master in this house, it will definitely prosper!"


Zhang Yi was very comfortable hearing these people's flattery.Sure enough, people still like to listen to good words, and he is no exception, but he is not deceived by these good words.

When Xiao Zhao heard this, she also breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that she must be blamed, but she didn't.

"Okay, everyone, let's work. The repairs in this courtyard are all to be completed today."

Smart, she immediately called everyone to work, and the matter was over.

Everyone understood, and started to work hard with the tools in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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