Chapter 78

Zhang Yi was not polite either, and ate directly at the same table with Deng Mao. For these delicacies, he never gave up, because these things are not available in modern times, but they are very common in ancient times.

Moreover, he also has a feeling that he wants to grow the rhythm of his body. Before crossing, what to say, he is also a 1.8-meter young man with a weight of about 160, but now he is only a 1.6-meter-five kid. , weighing less than 120 catties.

In the ancients, some people were tall, especially the height of some generals was also scary. Looking at other people with their own height, they basically had to raise their heads, which felt very tiring.Therefore, he wanted to grow up quickly, so as not to be treated like a child when he went out.

At the same time, Xiao Jinlong was also in a place that was difficult to detect, and began to eat with relish.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Deng Mao's face was slightly red, and he asked: "Master Zhang, I wonder if we are going to Zhuojun, can we bring some more disciples there? Let these disciples have a chance to exercise."

As soon as these words came out, one could feel that the surrounding environment became a little lively, and the eyes of the Yellow Turban soldiers beside them had become hot.

Obviously, these people asked Deng Mao to ask Zhang Yi.

And how could he bring too many people together, let alone the Yellow Turban Army, because that would be too ostentatious, and they might make too much noise, and let the guards in Zhuojun arrest them directly.That would be a big loss, and in that case, Deng Mao would not be counted as being caught by himself.

Moreover, with more people, it will be more difficult to capture Deng Mao. Anyway, Deng Mao's ability to lead troops shows that his strength is not weak.In order to prevent accidents from happening.Therefore, only two people went to Zhuojun this time, and there could be no more one.

As a result, Zhang Yi's expression changed.

"Going here is to hone your will, and you will only distract you with so many people!? What else are you talking about? Use your head to think about it, isn't it?"

How could Zhang Yi let him bring one more person?Even if it's a lie, he still has to talk about it, and he also admires himself a little, for being able to round up this lie, and it goes further and further, as if there is such a thing.

Because what Zhang Yi said made sense, there was no room for rebuttal, so Deng Mao had no choice but to agree.

"Yes, yes, the celestial master is right, I was the one who was abrupt!"

"Okay, let's go after eating, pay attention to the need to keep a low profile this time, and don't cause a huge sensation, you know?"

Zhang Yi doesn't want to go out and be surrounded by people, because these people may follow him, if this is the case, then it is impossible for him to keep a low profile, and he may follow him out of the city to Zhuojun .

"I'll arrange it in a while. We will go out through the north gate, and we won't cause a commotion! But, when the time comes, Zhang Tianshi needs to accommodate me and go out with me."

"This is simple. As long as you can march in a low-key manner, this is easy to handle!"

"Tianshi, I still have something to ask."


"What are we going to Zhuojun for this trip?"

Because Zhang Yi didn't explain what he was doing, Deng Mao was always very uneasy.The question of what to do kept haunting him.

"I want you to go to a prison in Zhuo County to rescue a person."

This is probably a good way to directly lure Deng Mao into prison.That is to save people!There are many ways to save people.


"Xu Feng!"

Zhang Yi said a name casually, it was the old Xu who bought him a house, anyway, everything he said was false, so it didn't matter.

When Deng Mao heard about this person, he felt very important and didn't ask about his origin, but he always had doubts.

"It's not that the celestial master has spells. I think that once the celestial master's spell comes, the people in the prison will be rescued."

Zhang Yi asked back: "If I go to save you, what's the use of you?"

As soon as these words came out, Deng Mao was speechless, because Zhang Yi said before that it was to test him.More than half of the immortals would do this kind of thing. They say it is to hone their minds, but in fact they are just lazy and don't want to do it.But Zhang Yi was different. He wanted to deceive Deng Mao into jail, but he took 100 taels of gold and went out to recruit soldiers and build a force in order to survive in this troubled world.

"Yes, yes, yes! You talk too much!"

"At that time, you have to follow my command. This trip is full of dangers, but as long as you listen to me, I will not let you be in danger! Well, we can set off now."

Zhang Yi was almost done eating, so he asked.

And Deng Mao got up.He yelled: "Yes, come! Prepare your horse!"

It only takes about two hours to go to Zhuojun. It will be easier to ride a horse, and Deng Mao believes that Zhang Tianshi can't be neglected no matter what.And dare not use a carriage, that is also very ostentatious, Zhang Yi has said, to keep a low profile, and riding a horse seems to be the best choice.

At this time, a Yellow Turban soldier asked in a low voice:

"Deng Zhenzhen, what if the local general asks?"

Because Deng Mao is the leader here, if Zhang Bao sends someone over to see him tomorrow, it will be difficult for the people here to explain, that's why I asked this question.

"It's okay! I will come back tomorrow, and Zhang Tianshi is here, don't worry!"

Deng Mao had a deep trust in Zhang Yi, because he believed that Zhang Yi would help him no matter what.

How did Deng Mao know that he was stepping into Zhang Yi's trap step by step.

The Yellow Turban Army didn't say anything more, and Deng Mao also went to change a set of clothes, because the clothes of the Yellow Turban Army were too eye-catching.

In the end, the two quickly left the city and left Bazhou.First go north, then go northwest, where is the direction of Zhuojun.


When the two arrived at the south gate of Zhuojun County, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon. It didn't take long for Zhang Yi to come and go. Ren Sima County Magistrate never thought that he would die so quickly. Bring Deng Mao here.I'm afraid he thought he had gone to Zhangjiacun, maybe he hadn't even set off yet.

The appearance of Zhang Yi made the people at the south gate start talking and smiling kindly as soon as they saw him.Because what he did yesterday really refreshed people's perception that the kid in front of him was very powerful.

Seeing all this, Deng Maoci couldn't help but say something. "Master Zhang, your reputation seems to be good."

"Low key!"

Deng Mao just kept silent and followed Zhang Yi's words and arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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