Chapter 8 Recognized

The distance from the mountain to Wolong Village where Tong Xi is located would take about two hours, but it only takes one hour to reach Zhangjia Village, which is not too far away.

All this happened earlier than Zhang Yi expected, because it was less than three o'clock now. If so, Tong Xi should be able to be sent to her village before five o'clock.

Along the way, the two of them didn't communicate too much, because they didn't have much to say, but Tong Xi tried to find a topic a few times, but in the end the words got stuck in his throat and he retracted them.

At the same time, her face was flushed, which belonged to a young girl Hanchun. What she wanted to ask was whether Zhang Yi was married, but out of a woman's reserve, she swallowed the sentence halfway through.

Soon, the two passed by the place where Zhangjia Village was located, and this was the place where 'Zhang Yang' had lived for more than ten years.Now he appears here as Zhang Yi.

In "his" memory, Zhangjia Village had a nickname in the early years, called Evil Village. In short, almost everyone in the village participated in it.Moreover, robbery often occurs. He despises the behavior of these villagers, but he has nowhere to go and has to live here for more than ten years.

But there is an unwritten rule in the village that unless a villager who lives in the village leaves voluntarily, other villagers cannot hurt each other or rob other people's property. 'Zhang Yang' has survived in this environment for more than ten years, and everyone wants him to leave here.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, Zhang Yi's appearance aroused the contempt of many passing villagers. No matter who saw him, they would hide away like a plague god, and even those who couldn't avoid him would pretend to be ignore.Obviously, among these villagers, Zhang Yi is still an unwelcome existence.

Everyone passing by in Zhangjia Village wore brighter clothes than him. These villagers should look down on the poor Zhang Yi.

The performance of the villagers made Tong Xi feel a little strange. It was different from Zhang Yi in her mind. Why was such a warm-hearted person so unpopular?

At this time, an old woman said: "Look, that Zhang Yang went to chop firewood. It's been almost a day, and he returned empty-handed! It seems that being poor is not unreasonable, this kid is too lazy! No wonder others .”

Zhang Yi's predecessor was Zhang Yang, but that kid is dead now, and Zhang Yi replaced him.

Another old woman said: "Isn't it? That kid is just... You see, who is the girl behind that kid?"

At this time, an old woman appeared, and she looked at this guy, she was just an ordinary existence, with very tricky eyes.She walked directly in front of Zhang Yi, blocking his way.

"Zhang Yang, where did you abduct this woman? It's fine if you don't work hard, but you are still abducted like others, just like your father!"

Zhang Yi knew that these villagers all looked at him with colored eyes. If he did not do well, or something, he would definitely be pointed out by others. Verbal violence is terrible.If you do well, you will be criticized by these people.No matter what, the villagers can pick their bones.

Facing the obstruction of the old woman, Zhang Yike was not polite.

"Go away, I don't have time to talk to you."

So he pushed away the old woman who was blocking the way, and the woman who was blocking the way stopped immediately, because this had never happened before, Zhang Yi was not like this before.

"Oh, you dare to push my old lady, you are such an uneducated child!"

The old woman was furious. In other words, the most poisonous woman's heart was nothing more than that, but because they were women, Zhang Yi didn't want to have the same knowledge as them.

The old woman began to scold Zhang Yi crazily, the more she scolded, the more ugly she was. It could be said that she had brought along all eighteen generations of Zhang Yi's ancestors.

At this time, Tong Xi said with some doubts:

"Your name is Zhang Yang? Not Zhang Yi?"

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said softly: "Who doesn't have two names? Does it matter what name it is?"

It seemed that it was really unimportant, so Tong Xi had no choice but to stop worrying about this issue.

"You don't seem to be welcome! There must be some misunderstanding?"

In her eyes, Zhang Yi is a hero, so she felt that there must be a misunderstanding in the villagers' advice.

"It's just a bunch of gossiping women, why get upset because of them, can you go? If you don't go, it will be dark."

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, had an indifferent attitude. Unexpectedly, as soon as he left, the old woman's loud voice came from behind.

"Isn't the Yellow Turban Army recruiting recruits from the village chief now? I think Zhang Yang can join in, and let the life in the barracks give him some training!"

When she said this, Zhang Yi's heart skipped a beat. The Yellow Turban Army had never been to Zhangjiacun before. Except for Deng Mao and his party just now, there was no one else!

"Could it be that Deng Mao brought people into the village?"

Now it seems that there is only this explanation. You must know that the Yellow Turban Army's entry into the village means that they will incite some fanatics from the villagers to join them, so as to strengthen their own team. Of course, they will also crazily collect some property and food.

So he stopped, but when he stopped, he attracted a series of attacks from gossip women. The more they talked, the more ugly they were. You must know that his name is Zhang Yi, not Zhang Yang, so his attacks on these people Very indifferent.

But the fact that the Yellow Turban Army entered the village caught his attention. If so, it would be fun.Because it is very possible to run into them, but then again, one of these Yellow Turban soldiers knew him.

He didn't believe that there was such a coincidence in this world that these people would recognize him, and maybe he could pass through the village safely.

But there is such a coincidence in the world, because these loud cursing directly caused a large number of onlookers.

Zhangjia Village has a population of about 1000 people, about 200 households, and each household is very close to each other. Whenever there is a quarrel, it will cause a large number of onlookers.

These people don't think there are too many things to do, they just love to be lively.

Now that's all right, more and more people gathered around.

When they saw Zhang Yi, none of them pointed at him.Some even came up with Tong Xi's idea.

"let's go!"

Zhang Yi wanted to leave here immediately, he was fed up with the noise from these people, but at this moment, a man wearing a yellow scarf appeared.

Seeing that it was Zhang Yi, the man pointed at him and shouted, "General Deng Mao, I found the man who killed our Yellow Turban warrior!"

This cry directly stunned everyone, because they didn't want to believe that Zhang Yi would kill even if they were beaten to death.

The ones who shut up the fastest were those old women who scolded the most fiercely. These people looked at Zhang Yi himself with disbelief.

So someone asked:

"Brother Huangjin, are you mistaken? This kid can use up firewood. He can't even cut firewood well. How could he kill someone?"

"Yeah, this guy looks like a waste, how could he kill someone?"

"That's right, that kid is so thin and small, it's impossible, he must have made a mistake."

They wanted to verify one thing, that is, Zhang Yi would not kill people. They did not justify Zhang Yi, but refused to believe this fact.

If it is true, then he is a murderer. People have a natural fear of murderers.

But the big man in the yellow scarf told everyone firmly. "That's him, and the woman beside him, at the place on the mountain just now, we saw the people they killed!"

This big man in the yellow scarf is really good at talking, and he saw it directly, in order to prove that what he said was true, and he was able to forge the confession at the scene.

After being identified by the Yellow Turban Army, Zhang Yi never said a word, nor did he run away, because it was too late to run now, and not far away, Deng Mao had already led nearly a hundred people to rush here.

 Still asking for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!grateful!


(End of this chapter)

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