I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 88 There are chapters to talk about

Chapter 88
Wait until you reach a place where no one is there.


Xiao Jinlong understood, and opened the space backpack, and he threw the load of ginseng into it, and then his hands were empty.

Zhang Yi looked at the sky, it was still early.

"Then, how about we ask for the 100 taels of gold?"

It should be his own, but he won't let anyone take advantage of him at all.

Xiao Jinlong nodded in agreement.

At this time, the county magistrate Sima is probably in a state of desperation, and Zhang Yi will not let him stop, because this guy has plotted against him several times, and if he doesn't disgust him, he will be sorry for himself.

So, he walked towards the county government office.

After a while, he was standing in front of the county government office. At this time, people were coming in and out in a hurry.

He walked directly into the hall, and no one stopped him, because he had already become an acquaintance here.

When Zhang Yi walked into it, he saw Sima County Magistrate and others counting gold there, which made him a little puzzled. He didn't know what was going on until he heard the conversation between Sima County Magistrate and Fatty .

"Brother-in-law, your strategy is really good! Although we lost tens of thousands of gold and made the national treasury go short, we made an extra 1 taels of gold!"

"Learn a little bit in the future. When it comes to matters, you must know how to use power. Power is everything! That's why some people want to buy an official even if they spend all their wealth."

"Yes, yes, without my brother-in-law's plan, it would not be easy to get so much gold out of the pockets of those merchants!"

"Even so, the thief still needs to be caught. If we can recover the gold, we will have a great career."

"The thief will definitely not leave this city, brother-in-law, if you give me some time, I will definitely capture them!"

"Also, don't mess with that Zhang Yi, how many times have I told him!"

"The Zhang family is also on the list of merchants, and my brother-in-law didn't mention it!"

"Don't you know how to judge? He is a talent. I have to recruit him. In the future, our future will depend on thousands of talents like Zhang Yi, do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand, but what to do with the gold?"

"The original warehouse is still there. I don't believe that the thief will come to the same place twice!"


Zhang Yi finally understood something when he heard the two talking.

It turned out that what he did made Sima County Magistrate confiscate all the property of the nearby merchants. This is interesting. If it didn't make Sima County Magistrate's money less, it seemed to become more.

This is something he didn't expect. If he hadn't come here, he probably wouldn't know what happened today.

Zhang Yi was thinking in his heart, it seemed that he had to find a time to clear his gold again.It's still the same place, which is interesting.

At the same time, he also knew that Sima County Magistrate wanted to use the gold to do something, and his purpose was the same. Money can make ghosts turn millstones. This is a very simple truth, and everyone understands the mystery.

Zhang Yi knew that someone might appear if he continued to listen, so he deliberately shouted: "Is Sima County Magistrate here? I, Zhang Yi, are here to ask for my hundred taels of gold!"

As soon as the sound came out, the two of them were startled, and they immediately covered the gold on the ground with a piece of cloth.

When Zhang Yi appeared, Sima County Magistrate pretended to be serious.

"Brother Zhang, why are you free to come over today?"

"Master County Magistrate, I'm here to get my things."


"The 100 taels of gold, I'm a little tight recently, and I really need that money. You said yesterday that you would report it to the court. No, I came here again today. You know, this house is huge, and the cost is quite high. Many."

Anyway, what Zhang Yi showed was greed for money. In Sima Jian's mind, this kind of person is the best existence to buy. If you give him enough money, he will do anything for you.

Sima Jian laughed dryly and said: "I've forgotten about it, how about it, brother Zhang, I'll clarify the matter today, if you are willing to follow me in the future, I will give you 100 taels of gold a month, you What do you think?"

In the end, Sima Jian had nothing to do, so he had to use money to buy Zhang Yi, because Zhang Yi seemed greedy enough.

"Lord County Magistrate, I think you made a mistake. I am here today to ask for money, not to be hired, and the speed at which I can make money is not limited to 100 taels of gold a month!"

What he meant was, you want to buy me with 100 taels of gold, isn't that too little?

"We can discuss the price again. I just want to ask you, will you follow?"

"It depends on your sincerity. How about this? Give me 100 taels of gold first."

"Zhang Yi, my brother-in-law is willing to recruit you because he thinks highly of you. Don't be shameless."

At this moment, Zhang Yi had the Gu Yi Dao across his chest.

"Can you say that again!"

As long as the fat man dared to say something disrespectful to him again, he would directly kill the fat man.

Fatty didn't expect Zhang Yi to be so resolute and startled him. He knew Zhang Yi's skills. Once this knife was used, he might lose his life.

It was Sima county magistrate who came out and became a peacemaker.

"Be quiet, be safe, this matter can be discussed."

At the same time, he glared at the fat man.After all, Fatty is also his brother-in-law, and if Zhang Yi can't kill him, he will be at a big loss. This person has not been recruited yet, and he has made an enemy for himself. In the end, I am afraid he will never die. No one wants such an extreme, extremely bad consequence.

"Shut up for me, you actually talk about something irrelevant!"

What the fat man said, Feidan, had no effect on the recruitment, but had a counterproductive effect.

The fat man was probably scared, so he didn't dare to say anything.

"Master County Magistrate, I will get the 100 taels of gold today. I don't care what method you use to get in touch with the imperial court. I have completed the imperial list, and you have also checked it. If you don't give me the money, I'm afraid it's unreasonable." .If you can't get the money today, your county government may have something to lose."

Zhang Yi showed off his Guyi Dao, the meaning was very clear, in fact, it was not less than 100 taels of gold, but, it was his own, and he would not be cheap for Sima Jian.

As for the gold in the space backpack, he stole it with his strength and it was his own.

Sima Jian knew that it would be impossible not to give Zhang Yi money today.

So he said: "I have something to say, but the matter is not up to that point. Come here and send 100 taels of gold to Brother Zhang!"

After saying this, someone came out with 100 taels of gold and handed it to Zhang Yi.

"That's right. We will still be friends in the future. In fact, I don't want to use force. If you understand people, you should deal with them in a way that understands people."

Sima Jian kept nodding his head and said, "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Let's go first!"

Zhang Yi won't stay here too often. Now he has more important things to deal with, which is to recruit soldiers. The Yellow Turban Army will come over in two days, so he must be prepared.

After speaking, he left the county office.

This made the fat man very angry.

"Brother-in-law, I'm afraid I can't control Yi, how about..."

The fat man made a gesture of obliteration.

"Let me think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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