Chapter 136
Pushing open the wooden door of the school, she walked into the school side by side with Xie Zhongju, looking at the empty desks in front of her, Fang Yiai couldn't help being a little dazed.

Looking at the desk where Li Lizhi was before, Fang Yiai muttered in a daze, "I don't know if my brother is okay in the palace."

Xie Zhongju guessed about Fang Yiai's thoughts, and said in his usual cold voice, "Since the top of the list is in love with the eldest princess, it should work hard to study the book, instead of standing here in a daze."

His thoughts were interrupted by Xie Zhongju, Fang Yiai stopped feeling emotional, and cupped his hands and said, "Yes, what Guichai said is not bad."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai hurried to the seat by the window, and with complicated emotions, she picked up the book and began to read.

And Xie Zhongju stood behind him, "assisting" Fang Yiai's study with great interest.

After a while, the students came to the school one after another. Seeing that "No. [-] of the Commoner" was reading in his seat, everyone was overjoyed. They wanted to talk to each other, but they were discouraged by Xie Zhongju's cold eyes.

Out of reverence for the "No. [-] in civilian clothes", a group of students sat in the banquet and bowed their heads in silence, fearing to disturb Fang Yiai's interest in reading.

Waiting until the students arrived one after another, a burst of surprised shouts broke the tranquility of the school.

Seeing Fang Yiai sitting in front of the desk and meditating on reading, Hou Balin, who had been worrying about his injuries for the past few days, breathed a sigh of relief, walked quickly to Fang Yiai, and shouted, "Brother!"

Hearing the shout, Fang Yi was overjoyed, put down the book in his hand, got up and patted Hou Ba Lin's strong arm.

Hou Balin can be said to be the first friend of the same age that Fang Yiai brought to Zhenguan. He has always looked at this younger brother Fang Yiai differently. At this moment, after seeing Hou Balin's heartfelt smile, Fang Yiai laughed loudly and joked, "Brother, I haven't seen you for a few days, but you've gained weight again!"

Hearing Fang Yiai's joking words, Hou Ba Linhan laughed, scratched his head and said, "Brother, I've been so worried about you these days."

"I'm fine, what are you worried about!" After exchanging greetings with Hou Balin, Fang Yiai stepped out of the desk and looked around after noticing the fiery gazes of all the students, "I've been delayed by trivial matters these days. I lost my studies, and I made everyone worry about me."

Faced with Fang Yiai's words of thanks, the students stood up together, cupped their hands and said, "The first word on the list is serious!"

Xie Zhongju was a little surprised to see Yinsheng, the son of the Imperial College, was so respectful to Fang Yiai, and thought to himself, "Could it be that Fang Jun is really talented? Why do these officials' sons treat each other like this?"

After saluting to everyone, Fang Yiai was about to go back to the banquet and continue to work on the book, but was stopped by Hou Balin beside her.

Looking at Xie Zhongju standing behind Fang Yiai with an iceberg-like complexion, Hou Balin leaned closer to his elder brother's ear and asked quietly, "Big brother, who is this kid?"

Seeing Hou Balin asking about it, Fang Yiai thought of the fact that Xie Zhongju might not leave before winning the first prize, so she took advantage of the situation and said to the students, "This is my companion, Xie Zhongju. Take care."

Knowing Xie Zhongju's superficial identity, the students who hadn't sat down cupped their hands again, and said in unison to Xie Zhongju, "Mr. Xie!"

Xie Zhongju didn't expect the Yin students to be so reasonable, he was surprised and hurriedly bowed his hands to say hello, with a rare smile appearing on his face.

Seeing Xie Zhongju's embarrassing expression, Fang Yiai chuckled lightly and thought, "How about it? You won't be wronged by being my book boy, just look at our face!"

Xie Zhongju, who is exquisite and translucent, obviously understands that the reason why all Yinsheng treat him so courteously is because of his title of "No. [-] in Commoner". After thinking about it carefully, this frosty beauty's impression of Fang Yiai has quietly changed slightly.

During the conversation, there was a sudden phlegm cough from outside the door, and then the old doctor in a splendid robe walked into the school as always, holding a ruler and a book.

Seeing the old doctor's face was rosy and his waist was straight, Fang Yiai chuckled lightly, and secretly said, "Since the "Humble Room Inscription" has changed his family situation, this old man seems to be more than ten years younger. His waist has also become straighter, and his chest It has also become quite strong, so it looks like an old doctor who is full of money!"

Walking slowly to the desk on the high platform, looking around, and seeing Fang Yiai's figure, the old doctor laughed loudly, cupped his hands and said, "What's the first place on the list!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the school. The students never thought that the old doctor, who was usually unsmiling, would greet Fang Yiai in front of all the students in the school!
Seeing the old doctor's actions, Xie Zhongju snorted secretly, "This old doctor doesn't look like a master, but now he looks like Fang Yiai's student!"

After noticing the weird expressions on everyone's faces, Fang Yiai gave a wry smile, and had no choice but to stand up and say hello, "Master!"

"Ahem." After greeting Fang Yiai, the old doctor noticed the strangeness on everyone's faces, cleared his throat quickly, and said in a loud voice, "Learn yesterday's "The Doctrine of the Mean" about the "Five Ways, the Three Ways" Dade: "Do you have any understanding?"

Just as the old doctor was about to start giving lectures, a gap was suddenly opened at the door of the school that he had brought with him.

After the wooden door was pushed open from the outside, a handsome man in a blue robe walked in slowly, looking around with a look of arrogance on his face.

The old doctor was about to give a lecture when his train of thought was suddenly interrupted by someone, and he couldn't help becoming angry for a while, holding a ruler in his hand and asked sharply, "Who are you! Why are you disturbing the school for no reason?!"

Facing the old doctor's scolding, the man turned a deaf ear to it. After looking around, he asked, "Who is He Zudao?"

Seeing that the man came to look for her, Fang Yiai was a little suspicious. After looking around and confirming that she had not met him before, she stood up and cupped her hands, "It's my servant."


To everyone's surprise, after Fang Yiai got up to answer, the man waved his sleeves, turned around and walked out of the school with a cold snort.

Seeing that Fang Yiai was deflated, all the students were very puzzled, they looked at each other for a while but couldn't figure out the intention of this strange man.

Before Fang Yiai could react, Hou Balin took the lead to quit, and immediately said, "What's wrong with this grandson!"

After finishing speaking, Hou Balin was about to get up and chase after him to argue, but before he could take a few steps, he was stopped by Fang Yiai.

After quickly stopping Hou Balin, Fang Yiai leaned into his ear and whispered softly, "My dear brother, don't be so impulsive while Master is giving a lecture. Otherwise, you will be punished again!"

As soon as this remark came out, thinking of the old doctor's ability to come to the door to complain, Hou Balin couldn't help but tremble, and then had to sit back on the seat again.

After seeing the young man asking about Fang Yiai, he snorted coldly and walked away. The old doctor who had received Fang Yiai's favor before slapped his hand on the table and said angrily, "How can there be such a madman in the dignified Imperial College?!"

While speaking, Lin Xiuwen strode into the school hall and stood directly on the high platform where the old doctor was.

After whispering with the old doctor, Lin Xiuwen cleared his voice, and said loudly to everyone, "Today the college is holding a "Hands Talk Chess Club". Please move to the main hall of Tongwen Hall!"

Hearing Lin Xiuwen's report, Fang Yiai frowned slightly, and murmured, "Talking about the chess meeting? Now that the exam is approaching, how can the chess meeting be held for nothing if the wine is sacrificed and the students are not allowed to study hard?"

Although he had doubts in his heart, but because of the order to sacrifice wine, Fang Yiai had no choice but to get up, and followed everyone to the main hall of Tongwen Museum.

Walking into the main hall, Nuo Da's general literature hall was crowded with people, and a large platform was set up in the center.

A table and two chairs are placed on the high platform, and there are Go equipment on the table, and a huge wooden board is erected on the side of the high hall.

Standing in the main hall, after looking at the decorations in the Tongwen Hall, Fang Yiai secretly thought, "Why is there only one chess table in the hand-talking chess club? Could it be possible to let everyone watch two people play chess? Isn't this just fighting?"

Feeling puzzled, Fang Yiai, Hou Balin, and Xie Zhongju sat in front of the desk not far from the high platform.

When everyone was seated one by one, Lin Xiuwen stepped up to the high platform slowly, and said in a loud voice, "Today, the disciples of the national player "Lan Keweng" came to the Imperial College to learn chess skills. If you want to talk about the short and the long, you can come to the stage to talk."

As soon as Lin Xiuwen finished speaking, a young man in a blue robe walked up to the high platform, and he could see the arrogance in everyone's eyes!
Seeing the young man coming to the stage, Fang Yi's heart trembled slightly, and he thought to himself, "Isn't this the one who just opened the door to enter the school and behaved strangely?"

While Fang Yiai was secretly curious, Lin Xiuwen's next words made him suddenly realize.

"Here is the true disciple of the national player "Lan Ke Weng", the eldest grandson Dan, the sixth son of Duke Zhao!"

Knowing Changsun Dan's identity, recalling the scene where he left without a word after entering the school and asking about his name, Fang Yiai couldn't help but smiled wryly, and secretly said, "Changsun Dan must have come to find him for his brother." The field is here, and today's "hands-on chess meeting" is probably aimed at me!"

(End of this chapter)

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