Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 140 There Are Hidden Weapons!boots?

Chapter 140 There Are Hidden Weapons!boots?

After reading it, Hou Balin feared that the students might not hear clearly, so he repeated it at the top of his voice.

"Fengrao is the best master in the world, and the son of Chang'an's life is nothing."

This time, Hou Balin's voice was so loud that hundreds of students heard it clearly. Even Fang Yiai felt her ears buzzing, and couldn't help scratching her ears and eyes.

After hearing what Fang Yiai wrote on the paper, Xie Zhongju stretched his eyebrows and sneered behind his back, thinking, "Could it be that Fang Jun wants to irritate the eldest grandson first, so as to increase the odds of winning? This kind of loss is what he wants to lose." Come out!"

"Bongrao's best hand first?" The old doctor muttered after thinking about what Fang Yiai wrote, and then suddenly realized, "The top of the list means to let the "rotten Ke" take the lead? This is obviously not Changsun Dan pays attention to it!"

After a group of sentient beings figured out the meaning, they couldn't help showing a look of satisfaction on their faces.

"That's good, that's good. He will be the first to win the battle, and discipline this madman to surrender!"

"He Bangshou thinks that he must be superb at chess. You can see that the school boy next to Bangshou can play three hundred times with grandson Dan!"

"Haha, now the number one on the list will be able to vent our bad temper for the students of our Imperial College, so as to kill the prestige of Changsun Dan!"

Just when everyone was talking about Zhenghuan, Changsun Dan, who was on the chess table, snorted coldly and said, "He Bangshou, since he likes to show off his talent so much, why don't you write a poem about Go while you are in good spirits?" what?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Yiai was willing to follow the wish of the eldest grandson, and thought to herself, "I will write if you ask me to? I won't write!"

Seeing the anger in Changsun Dan's words, Fang Yi knew that the method of provocative tactics had achieved initial results, and then signaled Hou Ba Lin to return to the banquet, and walked onto the chess table alone.

Going up to the chess table, Fang Yiai bowed her hands to her eldest grandson Dan with her usual expression, and sat down on the seat with the sunspots instead.

Seeing that Fang Yiai ignored her words, Changsun Dan snorted coldly, sat in front of the chess table and said, "Why is the number one on the list, why don't you show off your talent below?"

"I'm not very interested right now, it won't be too late to write after playing chess."

Saying that, Fang Yiai stretched out her hand and made a gesture of invitation to Changsun Dan, as if she wanted Changsun Dan to hold the white son first.

Seeing Fang Yiai's expression was natural, Changsun Dan's underestimation of the enemy disappeared immediately, holding the white piece in his hand and just about to make a move, but suddenly remembered the words that Hou Balin had read aloud before.

"Bongrao is the most powerful man in the world, if I just go ahead with the white, wouldn't it be justified?"

Thinking of this, the aloof eldest grandson Dan put the white pieces back into the chess basket, and said to Fang Yiai, "You and I will change the chess pieces."

Guessing Changsun Dan's thoughts, Fang Yiai shook his head and said nothing, thinking to himself, "I've boasted so much just now, if I trade black and white with you now, wouldn't it be ridiculed by my classmates?"

Looking up at Changsun Dan, seeing his pale face, Fang Yi's heart changed, and he deliberately sarcastically said, "Why, Mrs. Sister-in-law has violated the seven rules?"

"Ah?" Dazed by Fang Yiai's unreasonable words, the eldest grandson shook the chess basket in his hand and said, "What does it have to do with my wife if I exchange chess pieces with you?"

Faced with Changsun Dan's explanation, Fang Yiai, who was determined to make fun of him, said, "Oh? Brother Changsun has such a habit? I think my wife is the one who is married and married by a bright matchmaker. How can I get it?"

It wasn't until this time that Changsun Dan realized Fang Yiai's intentions belatedly, and couldn't help but slapped the chess table in anger, cursing, "Forget Baduan!"

Hearing the filthy words from Changsun Dan on the high platform, all the sentient beings stared with big eyes and small eyes, and couldn't help being possessed by the literati's arrogance, and blamed Changsun Dan one after another.

Seeing Changsun Dan's grim expression, Xie Yaohuan, who was standing on the sidelines looking around, nodded slightly, thinking to himself, "Although Fang Jun's methods were a bit unbearable, he managed to irritate Changsun Dan. After that, it depends on how his chess skills are."

When Chang Sun Dan saw the students pointing at him, he realized that his behavior was a little out of control, and in a rage, he put the chess basket back on the chess table, and started to play chess with the white stones in his hand.

Seeing that the grandson Dan was holding the white first, Fang Yiai, who had studied his chess carefully before, didn't dare to neglect, and kept parrying with sunspots in his hands, the two of them fought tit for tat like this.

Thirty moves later, because of the anger in his heart, and the eldest grandson Dan who wanted to make Fang Yiai lose face this time, he didn't care about the way of Confucius and Mencius, so he changed the game at the beginning and played "Roan Keweng" Give him the unique way.

Fang Yiai carefully guarded against Changsun Dan's siege. Seeing his sudden change of chess style, he couldn't help being surprised, thinking to himself, "This grandson changed his style so quickly? This is a quick decision?!"

You come and I go down, Changsun Dan's chess moves became more and more violent, Fang Yi, who knew that he was no opponent, made a plan, "I can't be tough, I'll play Tai Chi for you, right?"

After making up her mind, Fang Yiai immediately changed the way of the black pieces. She neither countered nor defended against Changsun Dan's fierce attack of the white pieces.

Seeing that Heizi was defeated by being killed, Changsun Dan didn't see Fang Yiai's intention to counterattack at all, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "What method are you doing?"

Seeing Sun Dan's questioning, Fang Yiai would never say that she was cowardly, and then casually told him the "improved version" of the legend of "The Spectrum of Vomiting Blood" written by Liu Zhongfu, a national player in the Southern Song Dynasty, by Lishan Yuxian, " To tell you the truth, when I was traveling and studying in all directions a few years ago, I saw an old woman playing chess alone with black and white pieces at the foot of Lishan Mountain. Out of curiosity, I stopped to watch and saw that the old woman's white pieces were better than the black pieces. The old woman was determined to reverse the situation of the black pieces. After thinking hard, I immediately vomited several liters of blood..."

Listening to Fang Yiai's "convincing words" narration, Changsun Dan was surprised for a moment, and murmured, "It's very rare that there are such idiots in the world."

After the words fooled Changsun Dan, Fang Yiai looked at the chessboard with all his attention, and began to carefully analyze Changsun Dan's chess moves in his heart.

After Baizhuo, Fang Yiai still preserved her strength and let her grandson Dan eat up Heizi, but she didn't intend to compete with him at all.

Seeing this, everyone in the Tongwen Museum looked at the iron chessboard and shook their heads in thought.

"What kind of chess is this at the top of the list? If this continues, I'm afraid I will lose within a hundred moves?"

"Neither attacking nor defending, but dodging around, how can there be a gentleman's style? Is this really the top chess move?"

"He Bangtou was forced to run around exhausted by Changsun Dan. It seems that his chess skills are even better than Wang Hai. How can he be Changsun Dan's opponent!"

Although Changsun Run didn't know how to play chess, he listened to everyone's comments on Fang Yiai, and guessed about the situation of the game. Seeing that "He Zudao" was about to lose, Changsun Run was overjoyed and took four or five followers He walked quickly to the auditorium and stood under the high platform.

Looking at Fang Yiai sitting on the stage and concentrating on analyzing Changsun Danqi's road, Changsun Run once again resorted to the despicable trick of "Taibai Mountain Blowing the Horse Whistle".

"It's not enough, it's not enough. Come down, don't be ashamed!"

Seeing Sun Run taunting Fang Yiai, several of his followers were not to be outdone, and shouted at the top of their voices.

"Mr. Tan is a good player in the chess world, how can he compete with him in the first class? Come down quickly!"

"Yeah, He Zudao is only good at writing a few short poems. He is no match for Mr. Dan. Hurry up and admit defeat!"

As soon as Changsun Run and his attendants made taunts, there was an uproar in the Tongwen Hall, and then two or three pairs of cotton boots flew towards several people, and one of the boots hit the forehead of Changsun Run, who was shouting in high spirits.

"No, there is a hidden weapon!" After being hit on the forehead by a boot, Changsun Run hurriedly hid behind his servant, looked at all the living beings in front of him, and shouted, "Who! Who attacked your young master!"

The members of the sentient beings were sighing at Fang Yiai's weird chess moves. Seeing Changsun Run and others running to the audience to ridicule the top of the commoner list, they couldn't help but vent all the grievances accumulated in their hearts on Changsun Run and the others.

"Go down and eat what's inside and out!"

"Fortunately, you are still students of the Imperial College, how can you help outsiders ridicule the top of the list?"

"It's just that there is no inkstone right now, otherwise I will smash you to death!"

During the cursing, a group of students who took off their boots and "surprised" Chang Sun Run and others, fearing that they would be recognized by Chang Sun Run after losing their boots, immediately encouraged the students to throw the boots at Chang Sun Run.

Facing the overwhelming boots, Chang Sun Run complained incessantly. After being hit by the "boot rain" several times in a row, he retreated to the banquet under the cover of his followers.

Looking at the hundreds of pairs of boots under the high platform, although Lin Xiuwen looked displeased, he really let out a bad breath in his heart.

After ordering the messenger to take away the boots, Lin Xiuwen stood with his hands behind his back, watching the battle on the chessboard intently, apparently not intending to pursue the crime of the students for making noise in the school.

On the high stage, Fang Yiai and Changsun Dan were concerned about the chess game and were not affected by the noisy environment off the stage. The two were so focused on how to win that they clasped their hands tightly, as if they were in a confrontation.

After 150 moves, Changsun Dan saw that Fang Yiai was only hiding but not attacking, so he turned into a stance in anger, preparing to trap Fang Yiai's sunspot to death in the corner of the chessboard.

But it was this act of rage that made Fang Yiai so ecstatic that she almost couldn't yell out.

"Changsun Dan, do you want to swallow me with the method you used to deal with Xie Zhongju? Right now, your Baizi's battle has not yet begun, and it's a difficult time, so I decided"

"Beat the drowning dog!"

(End of this chapter)

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