Chapter 166

Both of them sat down at the chess table, looking at the extraordinary "Imperial Physician" sitting opposite, Fang Yiai felt a bit of depression inexplicably, and out of courtesy, she cupped her hands and said, "My lord, please first."

Seeing that Fang Yiai asked him to hold the white first, Li Shimin suddenly remembered the phrase "Bong Rao is the most powerful man in the world".

Staring at Bai Yuzi in the sandalwood chess basket for a moment, Li Shimin thought to himself, "If I hold the white and go first, don't I think that my chess skills are not as good as this kid?"

In the same joint, Li Shimin, who is the king of ten thousand chariots, would not bow his head to others, picked up the chess basket and handed it to Fang Yiai, saying: "Brother, take the white pieces."

Fang Yiai wanted to decline, but when she heard Li Shimin's thick voice, she felt a tremor in her heart, and accidentally took the chess basket in front of her with both hands.

After handing over the black piece to Li Shimin, Fang Yiai bowed his hands and saluted, instead of declining, he took the white piece and took the first step.

Fang Yiai and Li Shimin came and went, Chai Shao stood aside and watched with great interest, while Bai Jian was outside the door of the Wanhua Hall, strictly investigating all the past palace people who might reveal Li Shimin's identity, and not letting them go Enter the Wanhua Hall.

After dozens of moves, the leader of the commoner who was famous in the chess world and was so angry that his eldest grandson vomited blood for three liters was already dripping with cold sweat. Looking at the criss-crossed black and white pieces on the chessboard, he couldn't help crying secretly and trembling with fear.

"This imperial doctor's chess skills are really good, as if he can see through my next move." After being shocked by Li Shimin's chess skills, Fang Yiai shook her head with a wry smile, and turned to a plan, muttering: "Got it." , let’s just stick to the trick of “running away with your head in your arms”!”

After making up her mind, Fang Yiai dodged the white stones again and again, every time deliberately avoiding Li Shimin's edge, and let him swallow the white stones with the black stones, but dared not confront him head-on.

Seeing Fang Yiai dodging again and again, Li Shimin frowned slightly, and couldn't help thinking in his heart that he had no backbone, why is a man so timid?

Chai Shao, who was on the side, saw Fang Yiai's chess moves, and showed contemptuous eyes, and interjected curiously: "Hey, why are you so timid, baby?"

Hearing that Chai Shao belittled himself, Fang Yi felt a little displeased in his heart, and argued, "Timid? Haven't your lord heard the saying "Temporarily avoid the edge and wait for a good opportunity"?"

Seeing Fang Yiai's rebuttal with common sayings, Li Shimin and Chai Shaoju just laughed it off, and ignored the eloquent He Bangtao.

After the bazaar, Fang Yiai frowned, and the sadness on her face was beyond words.

On the chessboard, the black pieces are not eager to swallow the white pieces, they attack and stop wherever they go, and the chess moves are laid out steadily, obviously not intending to give Fang Yiai a chance to fight back.

Seeing that Li Shimin's black chess moves were stable, Fang Yiai complained endlessly, thinking to herself, "Could this imperial doctor have read the hematemesis spectrum? Why is the chess game so stable? If this continues, I will be swallowed by the black whale sooner or later!"

Realizing the futility of avoiding the sharp edge, Fang Yiai simply stopped dodging and attacked repeatedly with the white pieces in his hand, aiming to break the black pieces' moves and win a way out in the dead.

Fang Yiai's chess moves suddenly changed, and Li Shimin was quite surprised. In the hundred moves, he held the sunspots and played steadily. Don't play chess pieces to fight back.

While Li Shimin was in a hurry to set up counter-attack pieces, the white pieces held by Fang Yiai had already broken through the defense line of the black pieces, opening and closing all the way, quite like a surprise attack on the battlefield.

Seeing that Fang Yiai dared to commit crimes like this and kill Heizi, regardless of the general situation of the monarch and his ministers, Chai Shao was shocked. He wanted to speak to remind him, but he remembered the original intention of Li Shimin's trip, so he had no choice but to stand where he was and pinch Fang Yiai secretly A cold sweat.

In recent years, when Li Shimin ascended the throne as a great treasure, although he had chatted and played with Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and others in his spare time, these old ministers' minds were all better than goblins, and they talked with their opponents ten times There were nine times when they defended more than attacked, and were finally wiped out by Li Shimin's steady chess.

It is precisely the chess moves of the ministers that Li Shimin formed a "steady battle and victory" chess move, but at this moment, Fang Yiai, a stunned young man, did not know Li Shimin's identity, and he assumed that he was the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital. Naturally, when playing chess, he doesn't care about the general situation of the monarch and his ministers, and often greets him head-on and face-to-face with the most lethal way.

Realizing that the chess move was breached, Li Shimin was busy responding, but his chess style had already become a habit. Although he intended to counterattack, he still played steadily. For a while, not only could he not deal with Fang Yiai, but also lost more than a dozen sunspots that he had placed before.

Seeing that the sunspots he was holding had turned into a sign of defeat, Li Shimin snorted coldly and complained slightly: "You doll is too ignorant of etiquette, why don't you talk about the righteousness and peace of the way of Confucius and Mencius?"

Faced with Li Shimin's complaints and nagging, Fang Yiai, who didn't know what to do, was quite proud, and said with a smile, "My lord, the chess game is in full swing. If the students have room for it, I'm afraid they will either be slaughtered or be punished." Was it killed?"

As soon as this remark came out, Chai Shao suddenly remembered the changes in the Xuanwu Gate back then. After thinking about it, he was horrified, and secretly said: "Could it be that this kid is impatient? What kind of slaughter is being slaughtered by others? Great?"

Hearing Fang Yiai's words, Li Shimin withdrew the black pieces that were about to fall on the chessboard, and muttered, "Is it killing people or being slaughtered?"

Fang Yiai's words made him feel emotional, thinking of his elder brother and third younger brother, he raised his eyes and asked softly: "Little brother, of course you can win with this chess move, but don't you feel guilty now?"

"Guilty?" After mistakenly thinking that Li Shimin's chess skills were not good and wanted to switch to psychological warfare, Fang Yiai smiled slightly, looked at the chessboard with a white piece in his hand and said leisurely: "In troubled times, if you don't make a move, he will make a move, and if you don't stop, he will die. Chess game It's the same with war, Luozi Wuhui naturally has to do his best every step of the way!"

Hearing Fang Yiai's words, Li Shimin lowered his head and pondered for a moment, the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

These words let Li Shimin get rid of the guilt of killing brothers and brothers, and his slightly angry mood became happy, "This son's temperament is somewhat similar to that of the lonely family before, interesting, really interesting."

Seeing the smile on Li Shimin's face, Chai Shao heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile in his heart: "This kid is playing the wrong way, and he flattered the Holy Majesty invisibly..."

Fifty moves later, Fang Yiai gradually reversed the defeat, the white pieces on the chessboard steadily overwhelmed the black pieces, and there was a faint possibility of a counterattack and an all-out attack.

Faced with Fang Yiai's chess strategy of not leaving behind and using unscrupulous means, Li Shimin felt a little headache, and asked out of curiosity: "Brother, it's better to keep some bottom line in everything."

After hearing what Li Shimin meant, Fang Yiai let out a wry smile, cupped her hands and said, "If the student asks your lord to stabilize the situation, I'm afraid I'll be the loser, right?"

Li Shimin saw that Fang Yiai had no intention of letting go, and he, who was always used to being humbled by others, couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You boy!"

Just when the two were stalemate in the game, Changsun Wuji, who accompanied Changsun Dan to the Imperial Hospital, hurried back to the Imperial Garden.

Just as Fang Yiai said, after Changsun Dan drank the qi-regulating medicinal soup prescribed by the imperial doctor, he gradually woke up. Seeing his son waking up, Changsun Wuji, who was determined to find a chance to get rid of his enemy, returned non-stop Yu Huayuan, lest I miss this god-given opportunity.

Standing at the door of the Wanhua Hall, seeing Bai Jian guarding the door, Changsun Wuji asked softly, "Elder-in-law, what is the point of meeting the Holy One?"

Seeing Changsun Wuji walking away profusely, Bai Jian was confused, shook his head and said honestly: "The Holy Majesty is playing chess with He Zudao in the Ten Thousand Flowers Hall disguised as an imperial doctor, Duke Qiao is accompanying him."

"The Holy Majesty disguised himself as an imperial doctor and played chess with He Zudao?" After muttering, thinking of He Zudao's unscrupulous chess moves, Changsun Wuji was overjoyed, and looked at the imperial guards holding horizontal knives on both sides of the hall door. Counting, and then quietly walked into the hall.

Whispering behind Fang Yiai quietly, Changsun Wuji silently greeted Chai Shao, and then watched the chess game from the sidelines.

After another fifty moves, the black pieces held by Li Shimin were gradually defeated, and Fang Yiai's white pieces pressed on every step of the way, forcing him to the corner of the chessboard in an instant.

Seeing that Li Shimin's Heizi was forced into "a corner of peace", Changsun Wuji was overjoyed and cursed secretly: "What is the way, what is the way. Next year today will be your death anniversary!"

When the eldest grandson Wuji gloated, the good old Chai Shao couldn't bear it, "Hey! How can I see such a talented person die for a mere game of chess! Shall I remind him?"

Just when Chai Shao was hesitating whether to wake up Fang Yiai, Fang Yiai, who was eager to win, deployed a killer move, and was only one step away from killing Li Shimin's blacks!
Holding a white jade chess piece in hand, Fang Yiai stood up excitedly, rolled up her sleeves and put it down on the chessboard.

But at the moment when the white pieces were about to land on the chessboard, Li Shimin, who had already been offended by Fang Yiai's tricky chess moves, snorted coldly, and also stood up.

Looking at Fang Yiai with his hands behind his back, seeing the joy on his cheeks was beyond words, Li Shimin, who felt that his face was missing, reprimanded sharply: "Bold!"

As soon as this remark came out, Chai Shao and Changsun Wuji, who were driving beside him, were all shocked, and quickly fell to their knees on the ground.

"Long live calm down!"

Hearing that the two shouted long live, Fang Yiai felt like a thunderbolt, and the vision was suddenly white, as if she was in the middle of a ecstasy!
(End of this chapter)

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