Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 179 Dragon Lantern Festival

Chapter 179 Dragon Lantern Festival (1)

Seeing that Xie Zhongju's face changed when he heard the word "Xie Yaohuan", and the teacup in his hand spilled on the ground, Fang Yi couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart.

Reminiscent of Xie Zhongju and Xie Yaohuan having the same surname, Fang Yiai asked tentatively: "Guicha, are you familiar with Xie Yaohuan?"


Sensing that Fang Yi's love words were suspicious, Xie Zhongju quickly stabilized his mind, and in a hurry, he murmured in order to conceal his identity: "To be honest, Xie Zhongju is the younger sister of a lower official."

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Yiai was both surprised and delighted, and after pondering for a while, clapped his hands and praised: "No wonder Guichai's chess skills and calligraphy are so superb, so it turns out that she and Xie Yaohuan, a female official from Siji, are brothers and sisters, disrespectful, disrespectful."

Hearing Fang Yiai's praise of "Xie Yaohuan" twice in a row, Xie Zhongju felt warm in his heart, and asked a little shyly, "Why, does the number one on the list admire my little girl so much?"

Hearing Xie Zhongju's ambiguous and low-pitched words, Fang Yiai mistakenly thought that this "little eunuch with facial paralysis" was trying to test her, and was surprised, and quickly changed her words, "Where, where. The student is just admiring your sister's talent, so why not admiring her! "

Seeing that Fang Yiai changed his words, Xie Zhongju raised the corners of his mouth slightly, cupped his hands and said, "The exam is not too far away now, I hope the top one will study diligently."

"Yes, students will go back to their rooms to study essays."

Walking out of Xie Zhongju's room anxiously, Fang Yiai wiped the sweat off his brow, secretly frightened, "Huh, it's dangerous. I almost said the wrong thing!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai went back to her room to study scriptures and classics carefully.

After closing the door, Xie Zhongju leaned against the door and murmured, "Fang Jun praised my talent? He stayed in my room last night? Didn't he use my bed quilt..."

Thinking of this, Xie Zhongju doesn't have the autumn frost face in the past, the red clouds on his face extend to his temples, and there are countless amorous feelings.

For three days in a row, because the lectures in the Imperial College were very slow, Fang Yiai didn't go to attend the lectures, but sat alone in the guest room to study, reviewing all the ancient books he had learned in his previous life.

It was dusk, Fang Yiai put down her books and walked to the second hall for dinner.

Qin Qiong, Xie Zhongju, and Qin Jingniang had already taken their seats, waiting for Fang Yiai to come and have dinner together.

Sitting at the banquet, Fang Yiai's eyes were a little sore due to several days of sleepless nights and food studies. Taking advantage of the gap before the servant brought the food, the son-in-law stretched out his hands to do eye exercises.

Seeing Fang Yi'ai's tired face, Qin Qiong, who has been watching the words and deeds of the "prospective son-in-law" for the past few days, inevitably felt a little bit of pity.

"Fang Jun, tomorrow is February [-]nd. Chang'an City will hold a dragon lantern festival. You can go to the lantern festival to relax and meet some talented scholars."

Hearing Qin Qiong's words, Fang Yiai stopped moving and murmured: "Dragon Lantern Festival? Is it a grand event like the Lantern Festival? It's cold now, so it's better to stay in the room and study books."

"A dignified man is afraid of the cold?!" After scolding Fang Yiai, Qin Qiong raised the wine cup and took a sip, and said slowly: "Although it is called the Dragon Lantern Festival, it is actually a cultural meeting held in various restaurants and cultural centers, isn't it? Literati and talented people may not even be able to get in."

"Every major? Restaurant? Literature hall?" Hearing Qin Qiong's narration, Fang Yiai scratched his head without knowing it, and said, "Isn't it a gathering together?"

"Hmph, Chang'an literati have eight thousand if not ten thousand, and they all gather in one place, not to mention ordinary restaurants, even the Cassia Ming Tower will collapse!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Qiong called the servants to serve the wine and dishes, poured the wine for himself, and ignored the ignorant uncle-to-be.

Seeing Fang Yiai's confused face, Xie Zhongju explained: "The Dragon Lantern Festival is just a pretext for literati gatherings, like Chang'an Restaurant, Jueming Tower, Chunfeng Garden, and Lanke Chess Hall. If the leader of the list goes forward, it will be fine to play and relax with the leader tomorrow night."

Knowing the origin of the Dragon Lantern Festival, Fang Yiai nodded slightly, thinking of the interesting old men in the Lanke Chess Hall, he immediately responded: "Lanke Chess Hall? Okay, I'm just going to visit Du Weng is waiting for the old gentlemen."

After the words fell, Fang Yiai began to taste the dishes. Reminiscing that the exam was approaching, the liberal arts college student in the previous life let out a sigh, and asked curiously: "The spring exam will be held in February this year. How come the palace exam will be held in April. Is this suitable? Etiquette?"

Hearing Fang Yiai's inquiry, Xie Zhongju patiently explained the reason for him.

"Originally there was no test this year, but because of Princess Changle's engagement, Long Live added a test Enke. But I want to come to Princess Changle's marriage..."

In the middle of the sentence, Xie Zhongju looked at Fang Yiai with deep meaning, and the meaning was self-evident.

After guessing the meaning of Xie Zhongju's words, Fang Yiai smiled awkwardly and muttered: "Thinking about it, I still have the honor of the eldest princess, and the honor of the eldest princess."

After dinner, Fang Yiai went back to the study to study as usual, and did not fall asleep until the sound of the midnight drum.

At dusk of the next day, after studying for a day of essays, Fang Yiai fetched water to freshen up, and specially changed into a black robe for the upcoming Dragon Lantern Festival.

Walking out of the guest room in a black robe, Fang Yiai came to the second hall, and was about to salute Qin Qiong, but was taken aback by the surprised eyes of the three.

Seeing Qin Qiong and the other three looking slightly surprised, Fang Yiai stretched out her hand to touch her cheek, and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any dirt on my face?"

"Fang Jun, you look so energetic in black." Qin Qiong held the wine cup in his hand, and there was a sense of appreciation in his words.

Qin Jingniang trotted up to Fang Yi'ai, straightened the folds of the clothes for her sweetheart, and said with a smile, "Yes, yes. He Lang's clothes are so handsome, it really deserves to be at the top of the cloth list."

"Haha, this is my good wife."

Seeing Qin Jingniang's little bird clinging to her, Fang Yiai felt very relieved, stretched out her finger and touched the beauty's chin, deliberately acting like a disciple.

Although he doesn't object to Fang Yiai's relationship with Qin Jingniang, for some reason, Xie Zhongju felt inexplicably disappointed when he saw the two people's intimacy, and reminded him aloud: "Ahem, it's getting late. The top of the list should have dinner earlier. Let's go to the Lanke Chess Hall with the leader of the list later."

Sitting at the dining table, Fang Yi'ai looked at Qin Jingniang, and said thoughtfully, "A man should be pretty and be well-dressed. A woman should be pretty and be filial."

"Jingniang, will you accompany me to the Lanke Chess Hall to relax later? I think Jingniang will change into a white dress to win the snow, and she will definitely be able to overwhelm the most troublesome oiran, the number one in the flower list."

Knowing that her sweetheart called her to attend the Dragon Lantern Festival together, Qin Jingniang nodded with a smile, and happily went to the boudoir to change into white clothes after answering.

After Qin Jingniang left, seeing Xie Zhongju's face was gloomy, Fang Yiai cupped his hands and said, "Guicha, Jingniang and I are brothers and sisters, it's not like what Guichai thinks."

Facing Fang Yiai's lies full of loopholes, Xie Zhongju snorted lightly, and turned to concentrate on eating, "Hmph, sophistry!"

Qin Qiong saw that Fang Yi cared about Qin Jingniang in his heart, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, he laughed loudly, took out a wine glass and said, "Come on, Fang Jun, let's have a drink."

"Okay, my father-in-law... Duke."

After having a few drinks with Qin Qiong, Qin Jingniang changed her clothes and stood in front of the second hall. Dressed in white clothes like snow, she had the aura of a Wushan fairy.

Seeing how beautiful Qin Jingniang was, Xie Zhongju, who was dressed in men's clothing, was a little annoyed, and thought childishly: "If I put on white clothes, I think I'll look better than her!"

After a hasty meal, Fang Yiai bid farewell to Qin Qiong, walked out of the Qin mansion with the two beauties, and walked towards the Lanke chess hall as if playing.

Of course, for Xie Yaohuan, a talented woman who pretends to be a man, Fang Yiai always thinks that she is a "little eunuch with facial paralysis", at best, a "little eunuch with facial paralysis".

The three of them walked to the small bridge. Compared with the quiet scene in the past, the Lanke Chess Hall was extraordinarily lively tonight. Two red lights were hung high in front of the door, giving it a taste of Chang'an Inn.

Walking into the chess hall familiarly, seeing Du Weng, Zhong Laotou and other old men gathered together, Fang Yiai smiled slightly, stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Hello gentlemen, the students are here today to ask for a glass of water and wine." .”

Seeing Fang Yiai's arrival, the white-clothed old man who was talking with someone was slightly taken aback, and said coldly: "You are so dishonest, you stole my Jiaoweiqin a few days ago, why are you here again today!"

Although the words were cold, the old man in white had a smile on his face, and it could be seen that he welcomed the arrival of the three "Popular People".

Du Weng got up and stood up, walked slowly to Fang Yi'ai, cupped his hands and joked: "I haven't seen you for a few days, my brother is getting more and more handsome. How about the long-lived dragon clothes and the imperial horse?"

Hearing Du Weng's words, Fang Yi'ai blushed, and said with a wry smile: "Du Weng made fun of it. I was mistaken for a thieves by the yamen guards that day. I am really ashamed."

"Haha, it's not a bad thing for my brother to keep a low profile. I need to drink a few more glasses today."

After Du Weng finished speaking, Fang Yiai was about to nod in response, but Du Weng's words afterward made Fang Yi's hair stand on end with fright, and she almost yelled.

"Brother, your benefactor will also be here later. Tonight I can hear Prime Minister Fang playing the "Swordsman" by himself. It really is worthwhile for me to brave the cold wind to come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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