Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 192 Are These All Alcohol?

Chapter 192 Are These All Alcohol?
Fang Yiai's wry smile was fine, but Zhang Wen and the others who were bewitched by Changsun Jin were spoiled with joy.

"He Zudao Could it be that Jiang Lang has exhausted his talents? Or is his poems really picking up the wisdom of others?"

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Wen simply stopped thinking about it, and secretly said: "Whoever he is, wait for me to urge him!"

After finalizing the calculation, Zhang Wen cupped his hands and said to Fang Yiai: "Why is the leader of the list laughing so much? Could it be that he thought of some excellent words? Write it down quickly and let us all have a look."

Seeing Zhang Wen's urging again, Fang Yi felt displeased, turned his head to look at Zhang Jieyuan, and said in a daze, "Why are you so annoying? Didn't you see that I was conceiving? Do you understand the conceiving! Forget it!"

During the conversation, Yi Ai burst into foul language because of drunkenness. Although the voice was not loud, it was really heard by the people around him.

Having been scolded by Fang Yiai, Zhang Wen smiled instead of anger, secretly delighted for a while, pretended to be angry and scolded loudly: "Hey, why are you so ignorant of good and evil, I have to ask, why do you hurt people!"

As soon as this remark came out, "He Zudao"'s reputation of being drunk and cursing people was confirmed.

Knowing that "He Zudao" insulted Zhang Jieyuan, the onlookers looked at each other in blank dismay, showing contempt for him.

"No, Yiai must be drunk!" Seeing everyone criticizing Fang Yiai, Du Ruhui frowned, and set off to find a reason to pull Fang Yiai away, so as to prevent the situation from getting out of control. .

Looking at Fang Yiai from a distance, Xie Zhongju's affection for her fell apart in an instant, dissipating, "I knew Fang Jun was frivolous, but I didn't expect that he would be so unscrupulous. If things go on like this, how can he help the new king?" "

Although she was only thinking about Fang Yi'ai, Qin Jingniang still had some resistance when she saw her lover swearing, "He Lang thinks it's because he drank too much, but swearing is really not good."

Sensing the contemptuous gazes of the crowd looking at her, Fang Yiai snorted coldly, looked at Zhang Wen, and whispered, "Zhang Jieyuan, are you happy now?"

Seeing that Fang Yiai guessed his thoughts, Zhang Wen was a little startled, he didn't know how to answer correctly for a moment, he hesitated for a moment and simply pretended to be stupid.

"He Bangshou, let's write down the poem quickly. Everyone is waiting to see." After speaking, the corners of Zhang Wen's mouth rose slightly, and his face was full of complacency.

Hearing Zhang Wen's slightly sarcastic reminder, Fang Yiai gritted her teeth secretly, trying to use her zhenqi to drive away the drunkenness, but she still couldn't feel the familiar zhenqi at her dantian, so she had no choice but to bow her head and meditate.

"Why didn't He Bangtou write it so long? Could it be that your poems are really like the rumors in the market, learned by picking up people's teeth and wisdom from the old man in the mountains?!"

"What's the point, do you want to write it or not! We are all waiting!"

"I learned it from the old man in the mountains? Could it be that He Zudao is really a villain who deceives the world?"

As Fang Yiai fell into contemplation, noisy discussions gradually sounded on the second floor. With a mentality of envy that people are inferior to others, there are more derogatory voices than positive ones in the discussion voices. It can be said that there are almost no commendatory words.

After a while, a few testers who came from the Lanke Chess Hall saw that Fang Yiai had been slow to write, so they couldn't help mentioning the news that Fang Xuanling had fainted, so as to belittle the "top of the commoner list" and vent their hearts jealousy.

"He Zudao, Prime Minister Fang is in a coma right now. I think you are proficient in medical theory, and you don't want to treat your teacher, but you write some poems in Wufenglou!"

The news of Fang Xuanling's coma had already been released, and it immediately exploded among the spectators.

In ancient times, the views of the family were very important, and a group of testers wanted to worship under Fang Xuanling's door, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, but they sought to advance to no avail. ".

"What's the point, you are a disciple in vain, why is your teacher still drinking and having fun here when he is sick in bed?"

"Hmph, Prime Minister Fang really misunderstood you for taking you as his apprentice!"

In the belittling voice, a few good words from the Guozijian students occasionally came out, but they were suppressed by everyone's glaring eyes the moment they were uttered.

Seeing that more and more people gathered in the Wufeng Tower, and the complaints against Fang Yi'ai almost turned into insults, Du Ruhui could no longer sit still in the Chinese military tent, got up and walked towards Fang Yi'ai.

But before Du Ruhui walked down the stairs, Fang Yiai, who was standing in the middle of the second floor, laughed loudly, and then put down the brush in his hand.

Facing the almost rude belittling and ridiculing of the crowd, Fang Yiai was furious, and in the midst of her anger, she accidentally thought of the allusion of "Hundred Poems of Taibai Fighting Wine".

An idea flashed in her heart, Fang Yiai looked up and looked around, and simply threw the brush on the wooden plate held by Xiaoer, ready to imitate Li Taibai's drinking and composing poems. Possession" is all.

Seeing Fang Yiai laughing and throwing away the writing brush, Zhang Wen's people backed away again and again because of his bloody battle against the Turkic thieves, fearing that "He Zudao" would go crazy and beat him violently.

Seeing the people who were retreating with their faces changed, Fang Yiai smiled loudly, turned around and said to Xiao Er beside her, "Xiao Er, bring some wine!"

"Wine? Isn't the top of the list enough?" Muttering a little, Xiaoer didn't dare to ridicule Fang Yiai like Shizi, so he put down the wooden tray in his hand, and went to the first floor to get drinks full of doubts.

Looking at the back of Xiao Er leaving, Zhang Wen had an idea, and rushed behind Xiao Er calmly, and whispered something softly in his ear.

Hearing Zhang Wen's order, Xiaoer's face was a little surprised, but because he had received Zhang Wen's money before, he couldn't ask questions, so he could only obey the order with a half-knowledge.

After sending Xiaoer to fetch drinks, Zhang Wen turned over and stood beside Fang Yiai, muttering in his heart: "He Zudao, don't you want to drink? Ben Jieyuan will take you to a higher level, get drunk? Drink It's better to die!"

Seeing Fang Yiai calling Xiaoer to fetch water and wine, everyone was puzzled and discussed in private, but they didn't dare to ridicule Fang Yiai openly.

Standing on the stairs, Du Ruhui was quite curious when he saw Fang Yiai's behavior, stopped Xie Zhongju who wanted to go to comfort Fang Yiai, and muttered: "My nephew should be a bit more modest, Brother Xie, Niece Xian should follow the old man to watch."

Because the reputation of "No. [-] in Commoner" is so loud that the first, second and third floors of Wufeng Building are already full of spectators. It has the meaning of "selling hanging tickets".

When Xiao Er was like going up a mountain of knives, holding a tray and squeezing in front of Fang Yiai, everyone's eyes could not help but be attracted by the wine cup on the wooden tray held by Xiao Er.

"Huh? What does this mean? The whole jug of water and wine was not served, so why are there wine glasses and cups on the plate?"

"Good guy! Green ant wine, wine, burning knife, pear flower wine, Zhuangyuan red, daughter red, Jiannan Shaochun, Shi Dongchun... and kumiss from Huawai Desert!"

"Drink these drinks together, if you don't get drunk for three days and three nights, tell me to climb out of Wufeng Tower!"

During the discussion, there were many wine lovers who recognized the colorful water wine in the second plate.

The reason Xiaoer brought many kinds of water and wine was not because he wanted to buy more money, but because he followed Zhang Wen's instructions.

Looking at the wine cups on the wooden tray, Zhang Wen's eyes flashed with a dark and prey color, "Hmph, what a shame! Even if you have a lot of strength, drink these water and wine, I will make you drunk into a puddle of mud!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Fang Yiai looked at the wooden plate, seeing the water and wine that had never been seen before, and couldn't help but secretly scolded Xiao Er for being an idiot.

"What's this? Red? Yellow? Green? White? Brown? There's also a black one from Longdong! Could it be that Wufenglou is from the dyeing workshop? Why does water and wine have such strange colors? ?”

Smacking her tongue and muttering a few words, Fang Yiai looked at everyone and saw that they were all looking forward to it, she couldn't help but secretly scolded herself for exaggerating too much, now that it's hard to get off the horse, she can only bite the bullet and drink it!

"Okay! You have to suffer the death you made yourself!"

Gritting her teeth secretly, Fang Yiai picked up a glass of white wine with a relatively normal color, raised her head and closed her eyes and drank it in one gulp.

Under Zhang Wen's order before, Xiao Er deliberately replaced all the wine glasses and wine cups with the largest ones. This glass of water and wine weighs five taels if it is not even half a catty. , as if the throat will spurt fire in the next moment.

Putting down the wine glass, Fang Yiai stuck out her tongue and asked, "What kind of wine is this? It's weird!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the second floor roared with laughter, "This is a burning knife, why should I be at the top of the list!"

Seeing that "He Zudao" couldn't distinguish the type of water and wine from drinking, everyone's contempt became even more serious, and they all spoke out to ridicule the famous "No. [-] of the commoner list".

"What's the top of the list? Why can't you tell the difference between wine? Can you still write poetry?"

"Hey, it should be said, can you still remember the poems that the old man in the mountains once said? How can the top talent write poems?"

"Yes, yes, number one! Didn't your old mentor in the mountains say a few more poems to you? It made our commoner number one suffer again. Hey, it's so embarrassing!"

Just when everyone was talking happily, there was only a crisp sound of putting the glass down, and Fang Yiai put the wine glass heavily on the wooden plate.

The next moment, with the sound of a slightly drunken voice, the laughter in the second floor suddenly disappeared, and a needle could be heard in silence.

"Taibai Doujiu Poems Hundred Poems, Sleeping in a Restaurant in Chang'an City, If relatives and friends in Luoyang ask each other, they will say that I hang the southeast branch!"

Fang Yiai half-spoken, afraid of offending Li Shimin, he had no choice but to make up a few nonsense poems that couldn't be compared.

After a brief silence, the laughter became even louder. For a while, the title of "No. [-] in commoner clothes" became the subject of ridicule for Fang Yiai.

Hearing the mocking sound, Fang Yiai raised the corners of her mouth slightly, bent down to pick up the brush pen before, rolled up her sleeve with her left hand, held the pen in her right, and began to splash ink on the white silk in front of her.

"Wei City is dusty in the morning rain, and the guesthouses are green and willows are new. I advise you to drink a glass of wine, and go west to Yangguan without any old friends!"

The thin golden body of Qingjun appeared on the pure white silk, like a spell, it instantly sealed the mouths of everyone present, and for a while, there was no other sound except Fang Yiai's sneer on the second floor.

With a swipe of a pen, after writing Mr. Wang Wei's Weicheng song on the white silk of Sichuan brocade, the drunken Wenchao became prospered and murmured: "In the previous life, Mr. Taibai once wrote a hundred poems about drinking wine. Today, why don't I take advantage of the wine to start learning?" He will learn!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yiai stopped writing, took a wine cup from the wooden tray, and looked around at the crowd, with an air of "everyone is drunk and I am alone".

(End of this chapter)

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