Chapter 214
Looking at the entrainment in the hem of Hou Balin's skirt, the official sent a cold snort, held the hem of the clothes with one hand, pulled out the horizontal knife with the other and swung it violently, the hem and the robe were instantly torn apart.

Seeing the officer cutting off Hou Balin's lapel with a knife, Fang Yi's heart trembled suddenly, and the disciples behind him let out bursts of exclamation.

"The purpose of the Chunwei Examination is to seek talents for the country, how can it be faked with copywriting!"

Scolding Ba Lin loudly, the officer threw the cut skirt into the bamboo basket beside him, needless to say the look of anger on his face.

Facing the scolding from the officials, Hou Balin, who is naturally frizzy, blushed, wishing he could plunge into the cracks in the ground.

Hou Balin was born to love martial arts but not literature, and he was forced by Hou Junji to enter the Imperial Academy and take part in the examinations. During this period of time in the Imperial Academy, he went to play with Zhou Gong every day, and he even failed to read the Four Books and Five Classics taught by the old doctor. However, it is purely helpless to hide entrainment at the moment. Who would have thought that the search officer would see through the trick before entering the door.

After scolding Hou Balin, the official didn't say much, he waved his hand impatiently, signaling him to go into the tribute courtyard quickly, and then went to search the posthumous disciples.

After being released by the official, Hou Balin walked up to Fang Yiai as if he had received an amnesty, with an embarrassing and ugly expression on his face.

"You, how can you do such a thing. If it reaches Chen Guogong's ears, you will be beaten again!"

After feigning anger and rebuking Hou Balin, Fang Yiai walked quickly into the Gongyuan with an examination basket and candles in hand, and under the arrangement of the police, she stood in front of the examination shed, ready to wait for the examination to begin.

But after the two left, the officials on the desk looked at each other, then took a notebook, and wrote Hou Balin's name on it with a pen.

When all the disciples entered the tribute courtyard, the officials stared at the incense sticks in the incense burner for a moment, and waited until the incense sticks were completely extinguished, then they shouted a signal to their colleagues to close the door.

Three cannon shots were fired, and the gate of the Gongyuan was closed tightly, with seals affixed inside and outside. The seals would only be lifted when the first exam was over three days later.

"All candidates enter the examination room separately, and are not allowed to whisper, pass paper copies, make loud noises, or call people for no reason!"

Hearing the official's reminder, looking at the remaining hem of his clothes, Hou Balin complained in a low voice, knowing that the exam would be hopeless: "No whispering, no passing paper copies, isn't this all nonsense. One person, one test room is like a prison. , there is not even a window, how do you pass it on? How do you say it? It’s inexplicable.”

Seeing Hou Ba Lin bowing his head and muttering something, the official officer couldn't help scolding him with furious eyebrows when he realized that he had something hidden behind him: "What are you muttering about, why don't you go in quickly!"

Frightened by the officials, Hou Balin immediately lost his temper, so he had to carry the test basket into the test room, lay down on the table and fell asleep.

After entering the test shed, the official guard immediately locked the door. There was only a small empty window on the narrow door, which was used to deliver meals to the examiners, and also to see their every move in the test shed. Tool of.

Entering the examination room, Fang Yiai took out the pen, ink and inkstone from the examination basket, sat in front of the examination table, looked at the three red candles, and thought, "Three red candles for three nights, hey, I think it might be possible to come here." Experience what it means to forget food and sleep!"

Waiting for the police to hand over the test papers from the empty window, Fang Yiai and most other examinees were all rushing to answer the papers as soon as possible, only a few people such as Hou Balin were picking their feet, picking their nose, or picking their ears, or Sleeping, as if knowing how to try has nothing to do with them.

Nine days in a row, three exams, entering on the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th in sequence, and leaving after [-] days, returning to the Qin Mansion to change clothes, Fang Yiai was almost all sitting at the desk in the exam booth, writing every word carefully, Trying to stabilize Changsun Jin to win the club.

The contents of the three general examinations are: Four Books, Five Characters and Eight Rhymes, Five Classics, Policy Questions, four major themes.

Among them, the first three are Fang Yiai's wisdom pearls, but only when it comes to the examination question of Cewen, Fang Yiai has thought about it several times, but he dare not write rashly.

The policy question is an examination question that Tang Taizong personally took. The title is only four short words, "internal and external"

Fang Yiai combined Chinese and Western knowledge in his previous life, and his views are quite radical. If he writes rashly, he may salute it, and he may miss Huiyuan.

After thinking hard for half an hour, after thinking about the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign virtuous rulers' skills in governing the country, Fang Yiai's inspiration suddenly flashed, and he picked up his pen and swiped on the test paper.

There were three more cannon shots, and the examination shed was opened by the officials. Before the students who were busy with the school team's exam questions could react, the test papers on the table were carefully and quickly taken away by the officials.

After collecting the test papers together, the messengers sent all the articles written by the examiners to the high platform in the center of the Gongyuan.

After packing up the study tools, Fang Yiai walked out of the examination room with the test basket in hand. Looking at the sun at noon, Fang Yiai suddenly had a complex mentality of seeing the sun again.

"It is said that the iron inkstones have been worn out after ten years of cold windows. Before that, all the deeds of the ancients were read from the books. Now, try it yourself. It really doesn't feel too uncomfortable!"

Just as Fang Yiai looked up to the sky and sighed, Hou Balin, who was sleepy, walked out of the examination room with a yawn.

After seeing Fang Yi'ai, Hou Balin grinned and called "Brother", but there was a dejected expression on his brows that he failed the exam.

Seeing Ba Lin's heartless smile, Fang Yiai frowned slightly, and asked curiously, "Ba Lin, have you ever finished the test paper?"

"Examination paper? Brother, your younger brother's examination paper can be said to be tofu mixed with shallots. It is clear and white, without writing a single word!"

Ever since the entrainment was found, Hou Balin decided that he would be beaten on the left and right, and simply lay down in the examination shed and slept for nine days. As for the examination papers sent by the officials, it was whatever they were confiscated when they came. In this way, it really responds to the allusion of Lin Xiangru returning to Zhao with complete jade. . .

"Silly brother, you can sleep for nine days in the test room, you are really talented!" Hearing what Hou Balin said, after Fang Yiai muttered, she couldn't help but remind him, "Ba Lin was born to like martial arts but not literature. , if I am lucky enough to escape with my life after the pseudonym is exposed, I can consider recommending him to Marshal Qin, instead of writing a pen to secure the world, it would be good to be a good general with a knife to determine the world."

Standing in front of the examination shed and waiting for a while, someone called a group of candidates to listen to the lecture under the high platform in the center of the Gongyuan. After going through this cutscene, they can go home to comfort the Wu Zang Temple and sleep with their heads covered.

Standing under the high platform in the center, looking up to the stage, two chief examiners and deputy examiners in official uniforms were sitting side by side, concentrating on selecting the test papers to be judged in public.

Looking at the two examiners on the stage, Hou Balin sneered, leaned in front of Fang Yiai and muttered, "Look, brother, why are there such big differences between the two examiners? One has a round, red face, and the other They have long dark faces again, one has a gray beard all over the face, and the other has no beard at all. You can see that the age and appearance of the two of them are quite different, and their eyesight for reading articles is naturally different. , in case my blank examination paper is selected by the chief examiner, maybe we can have a good time."

Hearing Hou Balin's extremely absurd daydream talk, Fang Yiai chuckled lightly and thought to himself, "The winner of the blank test paper? Do you think you are Zhang Haogu in the third consecutive promotion!"

The examiners in the audience had their own thoughts, and the examiners on the stage carefully selected the test papers. The two of them did not look at the content of the test papers when they selected the test papers, but only looked at the writing.

"He Zudao" is a student of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, two prime ministers, and the nephew of Qin Qiong, the general of the world's soldiers and horses. He once wore dragon clothes and rode across the street on a royal horse. Naturally, the first thing to do is to check his test papers. After all, it is a good thing to benefit a lot from making friends with the future champion and son-in-law.

After some searching, the two finally found the three test papers that Fang Yiai had mentioned.

After finding the test paper, the chief and deputy chief examiners signaled the audience to be quiet, and then commented on the article "What's the point?"

"Four scriptures, um, why is it at the top of the list... Candidate He Zudao's essay is proficient, it can be regarded as the best essay in the world."

Hearing the deputy chief examiner's evaluation of the four scriptures of "He Zudao", the audience buzzed and began to whisper to each other, while Changsun Jin and Xiao Jingming, who were dissatisfied with He Zudao, showed disdainful eyes.

"Five-character and eight-rhyme poems: From the original to the grass, one year old and one dry and prosperous. The wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. The distant fragrance invades the ancient road, and the clear green meets the deserted city. Send the king and grandson away, full of love."

After reading the five-character and eight-rhyme poems made by "He Zudao", the official examiner, who didn't know what it was, was very appreciative.

After listening to Fang Yi's Aiwen copying old Mr. Bai Juyi's poems, all the students were amazed, even the disdainful Changsun Jin and Xiao Jingming showed a little admiration.

"The writing of the five classics is well-founded, and the transition from beginning to end is wonderful, which can be regarded as top-notch!"

After waiting for the deputy chief examiner to praise Fang Yiai's five scriptures, the chief examiner picked up the last policy question and looked carefully. The smile on his face faded as time went on, and finally completely condensed together.

"Master Liu, come and take a look at this policy question!" The chief examiner handed the policy question test paper to the deputy chief examiner tremblingly, his face was full of horror.

"Could it be that He Zhidao's policy question is written extremely well? Why did Mr. Pan act like this?"

The deputy chief examiner took the policy question paper without knowing it, took a deep breath when he looked around, and then slammed on the table and jumped up with a bang!
After standing up, the deputy chief examiner was stunned for a while, and then shouted to the messenger: "Quick! Hurry up and ask all the scholars of the Tribute Academy to come over, hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, the principal and deputy chief examiners set off together, hurried down the high platform with Fang Yiai's policy question papers, and went to the main hall of the Gongyuan to wait for the scholar without looking back!

Seeing that the chief and deputy chief examiners looked like a mourning concubine, Fang Yiai murmured that it was not good. When writing the policy question papers, although he deliberately relied on ancient concepts, the experience of more than [-] years in his previous life made the articles he wrote still somewhat radical. , Thinking of all those test papers that were judged as treason and sentenced to death throughout the ages, Fang Yiai couldn't help touching the back of her neck subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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