Chapter 219
Hearing Xie Zhongju's soft words from his own voice, Fang Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he, who had always regarded the female Jiao'e as a little eunuch, turned his thoughts to the opposite of the truth at this moment.

"Bai Jian and Wang Youdao all have the kind of male duck voices that are octaves higher. I think Xie Zhongju will naturally have self-esteem at a young age, and he can still lower his voice on weekdays. At this time, when I heard my mention of his sister, he showed his anger. Come on with your own voice?"

Thinking of this, our clever He Bangtou was startled, "No, you must hold back, don't laugh! If Xie Zhongju is angered, don't tell the eldest grandson Queen about my dream after drinking!"

After thinking wildly for a while, Fang Yiai gritted his teeth secretly, and said with a straight face: "Guicha, could it be that your voice is hoarse? Do you want the students to give you a prescription to moisten your throat and reduce fire?"

Seeing Fang Yiai's tense expression, Xie Zhongju, who was naturally intelligent, instantly saw through his thoughts.

"Fang Zi? Fang, you big-headed ghost! This damn Fang Jun must have identified me as an eunuch. Is my family so rough?"

Xie Zhongju was born as a fish and a wild goose, even though she is dressed in men's clothes, she is still pretty and pleasant, but her beautiful face, in Fang Yiai's eyes, looks very much like those gloomy eunuchs in TV dramas in her previous life
Secretly spitting, Xie Zhongju went down the donkey, rubbed his throat with his hand, and said: "No need, I just go back and drink some tea."

Seeing that Xie Zhongju's complexion gradually returned to normal, Fang Yiai's heart fell to the ground, and then quickly changed the topic, and continued to ask for advice on the art of war to change one's mind.

"Guicha, can you change your mind by reading the Art of War?"

Xie Zhongju didn't know Fang Yiai's thoughts. Seeing that he wanted to change the subject, the little book boy disguised as a man said: "The art of war has always been written by the sages with their painstaking efforts. Besides, the way to use soldiers is to be calm, and impatience is one of them." Big taboo. At the top of the list, you can look up Sun Tzu’s Art of War and try it first. Among them, Art of War can not only kill the enemy in battle, but also can be used flexibly in daily dealings with people and things.

Hearing what Xie Zhongju said, Fang Yiai instantly remembered the "36 Strategies", and murmured behind his back: "That's right! Xie Zhongju's words are reasonable, and the art of war is about steady and steady fighting, which just happens to be right for my hairy temper!"

After a short conversation, Fang Yi solved all the confusion in his heart, and looked at Xie Zhongju who was sitting in front of him, a little admiration rose from the bottom of his heart.

Xie Zhongju was in a trance after being told by Fang Yiai, and after casually exchanging pleasantries with him, he hurriedly exited the guest room, went to his own room and secretly cursed Fang Jun for not being enlightened.

After Xie Zhongju left, Fang Yiai hurriedly found out Sun Tzu's Art of War, sat in front of the book case and eagerly flipped through it.

Here Fang Yiai is studying hard, while Bai Jian has already led the 20-meter Yulin Army out of Daming Palace.

It is dusk now, and the streets are full of common people and testers who go out for a walk before the curfew, and most of the topics of conversation among everyone are all anecdotes about the "top of the commoner list" who fell down the steps of the Gongyuan in despair.

As for Fang Yiai's falling down the steps of the Gongyuan, most people said that it was the result of He Bangshou's hard work in the exams, and a few people believed that there were mistakes in He Zudao's test papers, and there were words of treason. There are different opinions, but this incident has managed to suppress the false gossip of "Gao Yang's adultery with the monk". If you think about it, Fang Yiai is a blessing in disguise.

Standing in front of the Daming Palace, thinking of Li Shimin's previous oral instructions, Bai Jian murmured: "Long live, order me to disown He Bangshou? I think our family has a close relationship with He Bangshou, and this matter is really offending. Now that Wang Ming is here, I don't care about the loyalty of friends!"

After a moment of choice, Bai Jian made up her mind, and said to Yu Linjun behind her: "Listen up, brothers, you can pick whatever makes a big noise when you go to the downtown area, and don't say anything when you go to Marshal Qin's mansion." Hey, we acted according to the instructions of Long Live!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Jian seemed to grow bigger in an instant, and walked forward with her head held high, clearly a father-in-law who was about to go into battle to kill the enemy
When a group of people came to the busy city, Bai Jian deliberately yelled a few times at the top of her voice, in order to attract everyone's attention.

Previously, Li Shimin ordered Bai Jian to give He Zudao a blow, meaning to ask Bai Jian to frighten Fang Yiai, but Bai Jian has been working in the public all year round, and in his perception, getting off the horse is to ring the gong to clear the way, and go to the Qin mansion with great momentum to give He Zudao When the decree was delivered, the meaning of the monarch and his ministers was completely confused.

The common people and Shizi heard Bai Jian's high-pitched voice, and they all looked at them curiously. When they saw the twenty Habayashi soldiers behind Bai Jian, who were in bright armor and with horizontal knives at their waists, whoever He didn't dare to make any more sound.

"Mother! Why did the Habayashi Army guarding the imperial city come out of the palace?"

"Hey, these military masters are so majestic and fierce, don't they want to arrest some minister by order?"

"The old man at the head. Wearing a crimson three-clawed dragon robe, could it be that he is the chief eunuch in the Daming Palace?"

While everyone was discussing from the bottom of their hearts, Bai Jian knew that his goal had been achieved, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he let out a smirk, and then led the Habayashi army to stride through the downtown.

Along the way, when the common people saw the majestic Habayashi Army, they retreated to both sides one after another, causing Bai Jian's nose to almost rise to his forehead.

When Bai Jian came to the Qin Mansion after finishing all the scenes, the 21 of them were already full of people and testers who came to see the excitement. Sent out to arrest and enter the palace.

Entering the Qin Mansion, Bai Jian stood at the entrance of the main hall, turned around and gave the Habayashi Army behind him a wink, and said softly: "Brothers, why don't you come later and pull out your belt together!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Jian thought for a while and felt a little abrupt, and continued to add: "Don't really cut down, we are just scaring him, and Wanzai is still waiting to talk to him."

Hearing Bai Jian's order, the Yulin soldiers nodded their heads one after another. Although they obeyed Li Shimin's oral instructions, they were still a little apprehensive in the mansion of Qin Qiong, the commander-in-chief of the world's soldiers and horses.

Everything was ready, Bai Jian summoned up her dantian energy, used the strength to go to the latrine, and loudly called out the words that He Zudao came to receive the order.

Fang Yiai was reading about Sun Tzu's Art of War in the guest room, when he suddenly heard Bai Jian's voice outside the door, he couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, and he probably guessed half or six of the purpose of Bai Jian's trip.

"Boss Bai must have come here because I know how to test the exam papers. Is it a blessing or a curse? Let's treat it as a visit to the gate of hell to play!"

After secretly gritting her teeth, Fang Yiai closed Sun Tzu's Art of War, adjusted her black robe a little, and strode out of the guest room.

At the same time, Qin Qiong, Xie Zhongju, and Qin Jingniang also heard Bai Jian's yelling, and the three of them, who were worried about the situation of the deceased, rushed out of their respective doors.

In front of the main hall, Fang Yiai was about to say hello to Bai Jian, but when she suddenly saw the Habayashi army with bright armor on both sides, her intentions froze for the most part before she received the order.

Feeling anxious, Fang Yiai paced towards the front of the main hall, but before he had time to kneel down to receive the imperial edict, the sound of weapons coming out of his body suddenly sounded in his ears.


Hearing the sound of weapons coming out of their bodies, Fang Yiai was so frightened that his hair stood on end. Looking around, he could see twenty bright horizontal knives. The Habayashi Army holding the horizontal knives had been ordered by Bai Jian before. He looks like an executioner at Caishikou!

Although shocked in her heart, Fang Yiai wasn't too afraid of being knocked down by swords, guns and swords. After being surprised secretly, she quickly stabilized her mind, strode up to Bai Jian, and forced a smile all over her face.


As soon as Bai Jian's surname was spoken, Fang Yiai's words were interrupted by the person who called her.

Although she wanted to chat with Fang Yi'ai with a smile on her face, but with the king's order in her body, Bai Jian had no choice but to keep a cold face and said without the slightest emotion: "Why do you kneel down and listen to the reading of the Holy Spirit!"

Seeing Bai Jian's cold voice, showing no emotion at all, Fang Yi'ai's head suddenly buzzed, and an ominous premonition burst out of his heart.

"Long live Xuan, why don't you enter the palace!" Because Li Shimin didn't have a detailed verbal instruction, Bai Jian didn't dare to add fuel and vinegar. After saying a few words, he was afraid that he would not be too powerful, so he turned to the Habayashi army on both sides: "Come on, bring He Zudao into the palace!"

Because of the upload, Li Shimin originally wanted to scare "He Zudao"'s actions, but instead, Bai Jian put on a posture of killing people, and a good show of dismounting, just like this, Bai Jian turned it into a farce.

(End of this chapter)

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