Chapter 238
Hearing the roar, Niu Er and Wang Lin were all startled, even Gao Yang was frightened, and all eyes turned to the door of the store in an instant.

Entering the shop, Fang Yiai quickly took off the soap robe and tied it around her waist, just because she was afraid that Gao Yang would recognize the robe.

Standing in front of the shop, Fang Yiai deliberately didn't look towards the corner where Gao Yang was, and stared straight at Niu Er and the others with a pair of eyes, full of anger.

Seeing that the good thing was ruined by Fang Yi'ai, Niu Er was furious, but seeing his body looks like a practicing family man, he forced his anger and cupped his hands and said: "Brother, could it be possible to ruin a good thing on purpose?!"

"Bah, who is your brother who is a daring thief!" Fang Yiai deliberately made an unruly look, patted his belly and said, "I want to call you Lord Jun!"

Looking at the person who was thinking day and night, Gao Yang gradually gathered his mind and almost yelled, thinking to himself, "How could Brother Juner be here!"

Seeing her husband coming, Gao Yang, who was frightened and wronged before, turned into a lamb, avoided Niu Er and the others, and ran towards Fang Yiai along the corner.

Seeing that Gao Yang was about to leave, Niu Er stretched out his hand to use the stool, but before he could grab Gao Yang, a glass of wine hit him hard on the wrist.

After taking action to stop Niu Er, Fang Yiai noticed his wife running towards him, and hurriedly put on a posture of ignorance, and shouted loudly: "I just happened to be out to buy some water and wine today, I didn't think so." But I met you gangsters and bullies, and I want it today."

In the middle of speaking, Fang Yiai felt his chest sinking, Gao Yang had already buried his head in his arms, choked up and began to cry.

Seeing his wife crying with pear blossoms raining, Fang Yi's heart became even more angry, but out of the original intention of acting, Fang Yi's quickly pushed Gao Yang away pretendingly, and murmured: "There is a difference between men and women, this girl should not be like this! "

Gao Yang, who didn't know, saw that brother Jun'er didn't recognize him, so he quickly raised his head to look at her husband, crying, "Brother Jun'er, it's Shu'er, Shu'er came to look for you."

Looking at Gao Yang's haggard face, Fang Yi felt pity in his heart, and sincerely protected him in his arms, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Shu'er, why are you here?"

"Shu'er came to look for Brother Jun'er, but on the way the horses were frightened, and the drinks that Shu'er brought to Brother Jun'er were also lost."

Seeing that the two looked like husband and wife, Niu Er, Wang Lin, and the merchants were stunned, and muttered: "Isn't this a coincidence? The husband came to the door just after the daughter-in-law was bullied!"

After being stunned for a while, Niu Er clutched his already bruised wrist, pointed at Fang Yiai and cursed: "Where is the bird man driving, dare to call himself a military master, who are you, this female family member!"

Hearing Niu Er's yelling and cursing, Fang Yiai signaled Gao Yang to hide behind her, and then said bluntly: "It's easy to say, your grandfather's name is Fang Er, and he is a frontier soldier at Yanmen Pass. This is the brat!"

"Fang Er? A frontier soldier at Yanmen Pass? Is she your wife?" With a mutter, Niu Er asked in surprise, "You're not working hard at Yanmen Pass, what are you doing in Meilong Town?"

Faced with Niu Er's question, Fang Yiai lacked confidence, hesitated for a moment, and muttered, "Here comes Gujiu!"

As soon as this remark came out, the store was in an uproar, "Wine wine? Meilong Town is a hundred miles away from Yanmen Pass, and you came all this way to buy wine?"

After muttering, Niu Eryan Wangfang Yiai yelled loudly: "Yanmenguan has always had strict military discipline, how can you get out? Could it be that you are a deserter?"

Fang Yiai was worried about being said, and couldn't help being shocked, lest Gao Yang would become suspicious, and said disdainfully: "Whether your grandfather is a deserter or not, good grandson, have you eaten too much salt?"

After being insulted twice by Fang Yiai, and being spoiled by him, Niu Er was furious and winked at his younger brother, "Go and show me the door of the store, not even a fly will fly out today!"

Seeing that Niu Er was about to make a move, Fang Yiai turned around and said to his wife who was hiding behind him: "Shu'er, you hide in the counter first, don't be afraid if Brother Jun'er is here!"

Fang Yiai's soft words were as heavy as a thousand catties to Gao Yang's ears. After nodding in response, the little girl entered the counter trustingly, hid in it and quietly watched her husband's back.

A group of merchants saw that "Fang Er" and Niu Er were about to get violent, and worried about their own lives, how could they care about which Er was more powerful? Since the door of the store was blocked by Niu Er's younger brother, they had no choice but to retreat. Beside the wall, everyone looked like they were afraid of being affected.

Knowing Fang Yi'ai's identity in advance, and the fact that he had seen the unusually handsome Huang Puma, Niu Er was convinced of the identity of the "Fang Er" frontier soldier, and suddenly took out a hatchet from his bosom in fear, bang With a bang, it was chopped onto the dining table beside him.

Seeing Niu Er take out the hatchet, all the merchants exclaimed in unison in fright, Wang Lin who was pushed to the ground was even more impatient, Lian Sheng shouted for Fang Yiai and his wife to leave quickly, but just said a few words He was punched and kicked by Niu Er's little brother before he could finish the sentence.

"You are a bandit in the army, Second Master Niu will come to meet you today!"

Rao was shouting, but Niu Er had no intention of moving forward at all. He stood on the spot and rolled up his arms and sleeves.

Looking at the crowd of hooligans, Fang Yiai, who had fought bloody Turkic thieves, was not afraid, but was sneered by Niu Er's actions, and immediately gave up the plan to defeat the enemy with a dagger.

"This group of hooligans have a lot of thunder and little rain. I think they are all used to this group of timid businessmen who are looking for money!"

Muttering inwardly, Fang Yiai was afraid that the few people would harm Gao Yang, so she subconsciously took a few steps towards the counter, as if she was eager to protect her wife.

Where did Niu Er know what Fang Yiai was thinking? Seeing him backing away, Niu Er, who mistakenly thought he was being intimidated by him, laughed wildly, reached out to pick up the hatchet chopped on the table, and strode towards Fang Yiai .

While walking, Niu Er stretched out his hand to wipe the hatchet, and the fierce look in his eyes was indistinct.

"Fang Er, right? Both of our names carry the word "two", let your daughter-in-law accompany me for a drink, and forget about it!"

Seeing the honest Wang Lin being beaten from time to time, Fang Yi was very angry in his heart, and now he heard Niu Er's idiotic dream, he left suddenly in anger, and rushed to Niu Er in an instant.

Clasping Niu Er's wrist holding the hatchet with one hand, Fang Yiai slashed Niu Er's neck with the knife.

There was a scream, and the hatchet in Niu's second hand fell to the ground. He tilted his neck and stepped back again and again, all the while swearing obscenities.

Seeing Fang Yiai's ferocity, all the businessmen exclaimed again, their faces were full of relieved expressions, and they didn't have the trembling look of being frightened before.

After repelling Niu Er, Fang Yiai moved again, and rushed to Niu Er's little brother who was beating Wang Lin, and knocked these paper tigers to the ground with two or three blows.

While bending down to help Wang Lin up, Fang Yiai quickly sent a trace of true energy into the old man's body, trying to stabilize his internal organs and avoid Wang Lin's internal injuries from the previous beating.

"Old man, hurry up and hide in the counter!"

Giving instructions to Wang Lin, Fang Yiai grabbed Niu Er's collar, looked at Niu Er who was staring at him, and said with a sneer, "Niu Er, Niu Erye! Do you want to fight?"

Niu Er was originally a villager in Meilong Town. He was cast aside by the villagers because of his idleness, so he simply recruited a few cronies to become hooligans. He actually started a business of intercepting and killing merchants. After a few times, the people did not raise officials and did not investigate, and gradually became more courageous, so that at this time, he ran into Fang Yiai, the evil star, who was about to die.

Seeing Fang Yiai's attitude of clinging to the end, Niu Er simply acted like a hob, tilted his neck and cursed: "The thief joins the army, if you have the guts, kill grandpa, or you will definitely insult your wife!" .”

Niu Er has never been out of Westgate since he was a child, so naturally he doesn't know what is beyond the sky, so it's fine if he is soft at the moment, but foul language can only make Fang Yi's heart ache, so how can he let him go.

Seeing that Niu Er insulted Gao Yang again, Fang Yiai, who had accumulated a lot of anger, burned her temples, gathered her true energy in her hands, and punched him in the heart.

After a muffled sound, Niu Er's chest was the same as the vicious dog that was trampled to death by a red-maned horse on the official road before. More than half of it collapsed. middle.

(End of this chapter)

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