Chapter 24

After landing, the book case under Hou Balin had already been torn apart.Although there is a book case as a buffer, Hou Balin is not having a good time at the moment.

Hou Balin clutched the lower abdomen that was kicked by Fang Yiai before, only felt pain in his abdomen, and lay on the ground for a while and shivered.

After kicking Feihou Balin, Fang Yiai dusted off the dust on her body, and snorted coldly, "Punches are powerful but inaccurate, you idiot!"

Seeing Fang Yiai who was flying Hou Ba Lin flying with one strike, the three disciples of Lin Xiuwen who were still taunting Fang Yiai before had obediently shut their mouths.

They obviously couldn't afford to offend a person who dared to beat the prince's son.

"He actually kicked Hou Balin away!"

"My God, he is not only outstanding in literary talent, but also in martial arts!"

"Both civil and military! This is both civil and military!"

Hearing the exclamation of the crowd, Fang Yiai smiled slightly, walked to the side of Hou Balin who was lying on the ground, and said, "Give me back my book!"

Seeing Fang Yiai, the evil star, came to beg for the book, Hou Balin didn't have the prestige and murderous look before, resisted the sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and said tremblingly: "Give it to me."

Seeing that Hou Balin fell to the ground, Hou Balin's attendant wanted to go up to help him, but then remembered that he had also taunted Fang Yiai before, and for a moment, this rich man who only knew how to flirt with flattery froze in place. idea.

Hou Balin struggled to get up, but the severe pain in his lower abdomen made him lose the ability to stand up. In desperation, he could only shout to his followers: "Help me up!"

Seeing that Hou Ba Lin's servant was scared out of his wits, Fang Yiai gave a wry smile, pretending to be angry and said, "Go and help your young master! You are still standing there when you should show your loyalty, no wonder you can only be someone else's." attendant!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Seeing Fang Yiai's words, the attendant didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly ran to Hou Balin, and stretched out his hand to help Chen Guogong's young master up.

Fang Yiai looked at Hou Balin, whose face was crimson at the moment, and couldn't help but feel amused, "I can't stand this one kick? The embroidered pillow is soft and pustules!"

Seeing Fang Yiai's sarcasm, Hou Balin was afraid of losing face in front of everyone, so he moved out his father Hou Junji to suppress Fang Yiai, "I advise you to be more polite to me, no matter what you say about my father."


Accompanied by a clear and crisp slap, Hou Balin, who had just been helped up by his followers, turned around and fell to the ground again.

Looking at Hou Balin who was knocked to the ground, Fang Yiai rubbed his palms without paying attention, and said nonchalantly, "Your father is Chen Guogong, I know that!"

Seeing that his master was beaten twice in a row, Hou Balin's servant immediately quit, pointed at Fang Yiai's nose and said, "Do you know what crime it is to beat the son of an important minister of the country?!"

After finishing speaking, before Fang Yiai could react, the attendant bravely continued to say: "You are a poor scholar in common clothes."


There was another clear and crisp slap, screaming at Fang Yiai's chattering servant, then turned around in a circle, and then pressed heavily on Hou Balin.

Hou Balin was struggling to get up when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back, his hands were sore, and then he lay on the ground again with his chin on the ground.

Seeing Hou Balin and his attendants lying on the ground screaming, Fang Yiai rubbed his ears and snorted coldly, "Noisy!"

Seeing Fang Yiai openly beating Hou Balin twice in a row, Li Su was afraid that he would get into trouble, so he stood up and stopped him: "Brother He!"

"Brother, the words of a sage won't work for them." Seeing Li Su and a scholar stop him, Fang Yiai couldn't help but let out a wry smile, then raised her hands and said, "Although fists are violent, they are the most direct way to deal with these reckless people." Way."

Li Su, who is quiet and gentle by nature, was a little dazed by Fang Yiai's words. After standing there for a while, he nodded lightly, "Brother, please be careful. After all, he is Chen Guogong's son. If it is spread out, it may cause trouble." .”

Fang Yiai didn't expect Li Su to stop her, but she was afraid that he would be retaliated by Hou Junji. After thinking about Li Su's original intention, Fang Yiai felt a warm heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, " Thank you Brother Li for the reminder."

After thanking Li Su for his kind figure, Fang Yiai reached out and pulled Hou Balin up, "How about you, young master, am I being polite?"

Hou Balin was beaten twice within one breath, and naturally there was a lot of resentment in his heart. Although he knew clearly that he was not Fang Yiai's opponent, he refused to bow his head in front of everyone, "You're welcome? You're welcome What will happen?"

Seeing that Hou Ba Lin was still trying to be brave, Fang Yiai couldn't help cursing inwardly, "This grandson must be a duck, right? His flesh is rotten and his mouth is not rotten!"

Looking at Hou Balin whose face was half swollen and blue, Fang Yiai sighed, raised her palms in front of her, and said, "Do you want to try?"

Hou Balin raised his head and saw Fang Yiai's raised palm, his body couldn't help trembling, he waved his hand quickly, "Don't, don't."

After finishing speaking, Hou Balin winked at the attendant who had just stood up, "Quickly go to the police to get a copy of the brand-new scriptures and classics!"

The attendant saw that Hou Ba Lin was subdued, so he dared to be negligent, and hurriedly saluted Fang Yiai, and promised, "Okay, okay!"

In the middle of the conversation, two white objects suddenly spewed out from the attendant's mouth. Everyone took a closer look, but found that the things spit out from the attendant's mouth turned out to be two white teeth!

Fang Yiai's seemingly light slap actually knocked out two teeth of Hou Balin's attendant. This scene made the students feel a chill, and they all wondered what it would be like to be slapped on their face. .

After dismissing his servants, Hou Balin, who was beaten by Fang Yiai, resisted the burning pain on his cheek, grinned and said, "Brother, whose family are you from?"

Seeing Hou Ba Lin asking her name, Fang Yiai couldn't help being a little curious, "What? You want to settle the bill later?"

When Hou Balin heard Fang Yiai's words, his head almost turned into a rattle, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't dare, dare not!"

After finishing speaking, Hou Balin leaned in front of Fang Yiai, and whispered: "I want to hang out with big brother in the future, will it work?"

Fang Yiai didn't expect Hou Junji to say such a thing. After being a little surprised, she couldn't help but carefully looked at the young man who was beaten into a pig's head by him.

"Hou Junji's son as a younger brother? This is a good deal!"

Although Hou Junji's power in the court is not as great as that of Qin Qiong, he is still a state prince, and his prestige in the army will reach its peak after defeating Gaochang in the future. , but all of this is completely avoidable for Fang Yiai, who is familiar with the historical process.

After making up her wishful thinking, Fang Yiai smiled slightly, and said to Hou Balin, "I don't care, Hu Guogong Qin Qiong is my uncle."

"Hu Guogong Qin Qiong! Generalissimo of the world's soldiers and horses! No wonder he dared to beat me. His uncle has more affection than my father!"

After knowing Fang Yiai's identity, Hou Balin was stunned for a while, then knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and said, "My brother, please accept my respect!"

"My God, what did I see! The son of the duke of the state actually knelt down for him!"

"Isn't this kid too crazy? Forcing the Duke's son to kneel down for him, he won't be afraid of Chen Guogong cutting him down with a knife!"

"I must be dazzled, who will hit me!"

Under the amazed and envious eyes of everyone, Fang Yiai stretched out her hand to support Hou Balin, then patted his shoulder and said, "Good brother, I will protect you from now on!"

Seeing Fang Yiai agreeing, Hou Balin grinned, "Brother!"

Hou Balin worshiped Fang Yiai as his eldest brother not because he was afraid of being beaten by Fang Yiai, but because he admired Fang Yiai's skill. In his opinion, Fang Yiai's ability to have such a handsome skill must be taught by Qin Qiong!

In addition, Hou Balin has been in the military camp all year round, and he has heard hundreds of legends about Qin Qiong, and he regards Qin Qiong as an idol in his heart.Another purpose for him to recognize Fang Yiai as his eldest brother is to get to know Qin Qiong through Fang Yiai!
Thinking of seeing Qin Qiong in the near future, Hou Balin was overjoyed, "Brother, let's go drink after school?"

Looking at Hou Balin with a bruised face, Fang Yi couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and then readily agreed to Hou Balin's proposal, "Okay."

But while the two of them were talking, the old doctor who went to get the roster happened to come back.

Looking at the messy fighting marks on the ground, the old doctor's beard trembled in anger. When he saw Hou Ba Lin with a bruised face, he almost fell down and passed out.

Seeing Fang Yiai and Hou Balin getting together, the old doctor immediately guessed a rough idea of ​​what happened, "You two are fighting? What is the status of a dignified national institution? Go out and punish me!"

Seeing being bumped into by the old doctor, Fang Yiai pouted helplessly, and said to Hou Ba Lin: "Let's go, don't make the old man angry!"

Seeing Fang Yiai's humorous words, Hou Balin's hanging heart immediately fell to the ground, and he followed Fang Yiai's back, as if he had become another follower, "Brother, please watch your step!"

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable. How dare you use force under the divine seat of the most holy teacher!"

After kicking Fang Yiai and Hou Balin out of the school, the old doctor walked to the desk on the podium, patted the table with a ruler, and then unfolded the roster and said: "The roll call will begin, please be quiet!"

"Ahem, Yinsheng Enke's top spot is nothing!"

After reading Fang Yiai's alias, the old doctor saw that no one stood up in the school, and he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, "Which one is the top of the Yinsheng Enke?"

Seeing that no one responded to the two nominations, the old doctor felt a little unhappy. He wanted to read the name beyond He Zhidao, but he thought that this person was at the top of Enke’s list. What is the top of the list, where are you?"

Just when the old doctor was puzzled by the fact that no one answered, the words of the following student almost didn't make the old master who was over [-] years old jump up.

"Doctor, the top of the list was kicked out by you just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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