Chapter 264
It's a pity that Xiangcheng, who drank the medicinal wine, had already fainted, otherwise he would cry with joy when he heard Fang Lang's promise?

Embracing the beautiful woman, Fang Yi's emotions couldn't get any better, he was stunned for a while, then picked up Xiangcheng, and walked towards the soft jade tent.

Gently placing Xiangcheng on the couch, Fang Yiai sat by the bed, silent for a long time, her heart seemed to be in a mess, and she couldn't find the tiny thread.

His feelings for Xiangcheng are not like the bloody mingling with Shu'er, nor is it like being on par with Qin Jingniang, or agreeing with Li Lizhi, it is rather sympathetic.
After an unknown amount of time, the wooden door of the attic slowly opened a gap, and Xie Zhongju, who had been waiting outside, walked in quietly.

For the purpose of getting close to Fang Yiai, Xie Zhongju "eavesdropped" outside the door the whole time. Seeing that there was no movement in the room before, this beautiful lady thought that Fang Yiai was taking advantage of Xiangcheng's coma to do something out of the ordinary with the help of wine. Partly for the mission, and partly driven by inexplicable feelings, he decided to enter the room to find out.

Seeing Fang Yiai sitting on the side of the bed, looking at Xiangcheng with tears in his eyes, Xie Zhongju was very confused. After his worries were dispelled, he turned back and inserted the latch, and then silently sorted out the herbs and wine pot fragments on the ground.

Seeing Xie Zhongju enter the door, Fang Yiai secretly wiped away the tears on her face, got up and walked slowly to the table, bent down to join her, and picked up the herbal residues that had fallen on the ground.

He was so close to Fang Yi'ai, and looked at him from time to time, seeing that his eyes were flushed and his face was lonely, Xie Zhongju weighed it over and over again, but still couldn't hold back his curiosity, "Is the son-in-law crying for Princess Xiangcheng?"

Hearing Xie Zhongju's question, thinking that the "little eunuch with paralyzed face" knew her very well, Fang Yiai gave a wry smile, and said embarrassingly: "If Fang Jun answers yes, will Guichai call me a passionate prodigal son?"

Saying that, Fang Yiai stopped and squatted on the ground, her eyes stared at Xie Zhongju's eyes flickering like a cold pool.

Being watched by Fang Yiai, Xie Zhongju felt like falling into an ice cave. She thought she knew Fang Yiai like the back of her hand, but at this moment she was horrified to realize that she was a little elusive about this son-in-law's mind!

Shocked and horrified, Xie Zhongju was unusually confused, quickly avoided Fang Yiai's gaze, picked up the medicine residues on the ground with both hands, and murmured: "I never said that."

Aware of Xie Zhongju's strangeness, Fang Yiai didn't want to guess, and he was haunted by his thoughts, he let out a long sigh, and said: "If you want to put your thoughts on Yaoqin, if you have few friends, who will know if the string is broken?"

"Since he was admitted to the Imperial College under a pseudonym, Fang Jun has been frightened every day, always cautious, walking on thin ice"

As she said that, Fang Yiai stretched out her hand suddenly, and her white palm accurately grasped Xie Zhongju's wrist, "Youchai is very thoughtful, do you know Fang Jun's difficulties?"

While speaking, the corner of Fang Yiai's mouth curled up a bit, and the eyes flashed darkly. The cold tone seemed to be asking Xie Zhongju, but there were a few traces of noncommittal in it, and there was no look of discussion at all.

Facing Fang Yiai's question, Xie Zhongju was about to speak, but when he reached the point of his mouth, he was frightened back by the gloomy look in his eyes.

"My son-in-law, you are drunk!" Pushing Fang Yiai's palm away, Xie Zhongju's eyes flickered all over the place. To avoid Fang Yiai's gaze, her shy and terrified cheeks were almost stuck to the floor. .

Seeing Xie Zhongju's strange behavior, Fang Yiai finally realized her gaffe, stood up awkwardly, and said with a smile: "Thanks to Guichai who told me to study the art of war before, otherwise Fang Jun's mind might still be in the impetuous state of mind. temperament."

"Your son-in-law is serious. This is what students should do." For some reason, every time he talked with Fang Yiai, Xie Zhongju's heart would be a little messed up. In the end, his tone of voice became a little fluttering, and he almost lost his original voice. Show it.

Standing there for a moment, after Xie Zhongju disposed of the medicine dregs and debris, Fang Yiai walked slowly to the side of the couch, stretched out her hand to touch the brocade quilt, and spread it on Xiangcheng's body full of guilt.

Looking at Xiangcheng, which was lightly applied with makeup and fell into a deep sleep, Fang Yiai sighed softly, "Jinse has fifty strings for no reason, one string and one column think of Huanian."

After reciting Li Shangyin's "Jinse" in a daze, Fang Yiai suddenly felt that the artistic conception of this poem did not match her feelings for Xiangcheng, so she only read the first two lines and then closed her mouth in desperation.

Standing by the side and listening attentively, seeing Fang Yiai make a poem, Xie Zhongju's heart, which had just calmed down, felt rippling. Still tactfully dismissed the idea.

After a while, Fang Yiai turned around with tears in her eyes, and said to Xie Zhongju: "Let the expensive servants laugh at me, please?"

After finishing speaking, Xie Zhongju walked forward slowly, opened the door and was about to go downstairs, but saw Fang Yiai behind him, tidying up the dishes and wooden chairs in an orderly manner.

After Fang Yiai finished this series, she saw some superfluous actions in her eyes. Looking at Fang Yiai who was walking slowly, Xie Zhongju asked softly, "What was the son-in-law doing just now?"

"Huh?" Seeing Xie Zhongju's curious face, Fang Yiai sneered, "Yu'er went to Chang'an Inn to drink alone, how could she use two sets of bowls and chopsticks?"

"What's wrong with Guichai today? It doesn't seem to be in the mood." After speaking, Fang Yiai walked sideways past Xie Zhongju, and walked down the attic silently.

After closing the door, Xie Zhongju tore off the window paper on the door leaf, reached in and turned the latch upside down, then glued the window paper back in place, and then walked down the attic safely.

Looking at Fang Yi'ai's back, Xie Zhongju's heart was jumping like a deer, and his almond eyes, which were calm and calm, now had a hint of cowardice, and that inexplicable love grew rapidly. If it was in an embryonic state before, it might have broken ground at this moment. And out.

"Fang Jun's name is Xiangcheng Princess Yu'er?"

"Why did he ask me just now? Does he think I understand his difficulties?"

"Jinse has fifty strings for no reason, one string and one column to think about the year. Such a beautiful poem. I am afraid that only this man in front of me can write it?"

"When he was about to leave the house, he actually noticed the slight flaws in the two sets of bowls and chopsticks, but I didn't think I noticed. Could it be that he has really changed?"

Walking out of the Chang'an Inn, Xie Zhongju's heart became more and more rippling, until finally it became a monstrous sea wave, which completely overturned her perception of Fang Yiai.

Xu Shi got along with Xie Zhongju for a long time, and had a tacit understanding with Xie Zhongju. Along the way, seeing the "little eunuch with a paralyzed face" always following behind, Fang Yiai, who couldn't figure out what she was thinking, immediately stopped and looked back.

Seeing Fang Yiai's cold pool-like eyes fell on him again, Xie Zhongju's heart trembled, and he hurriedly quickened his pace and followed closely.

"Is there something on your mind?" Standing under the locust tree in the alley, Fang Yiai folded her hands across her chest, and murmured, "Is it convenient to tell Fang Jun?"

Being watched by Fang Yi's love, Xie Zhongju replied with a slightly nervous tone: "No. I don't have anything on my mind."

After several life-and-death trials, Fang Yi's mind has already reached the bottleneck, and Xiangcheng's generous "going to death" before was the critical point for him to break through the bottleneck.

At this moment, seeing Xie Zhongju faltering and looking flustered, Fang Yiai, who has undergone transformation, could not guess her thoughts, "Could it be that he is thinking about how to write the memorial? It is written that Fang Jun has a real affection for Yu'er?"

Seeing that Fang Jun guessed what he was thinking half-truthfully and half-falsely, Xie Zhongju was quite surprised, and let out a slightly surprised "ah" sound in a daze.

Fang Yiai's concern was punctured, Xie Zhongju knew that there was no need to hide it, so he simply asked and became confused, "Is the son-in-law really proposing the truth to the Duke of Xiangcheng?"

After thinking for a long time, Fang Yiai looked up at the locust tree with sparse shadows and broken branches, and said in a daze, "It's not true love, nor fake, maybe it's the obsession in the students' hearts."

"Shu'er has a pure temperament, Jingniang is born with kindness, and although Lizhi is full of money, her mind is immature."

"Only Xiangcheng is far superior to me in terms of intelligence and means, and my talent and learning may be on par with mine, or even better. Have you ever heard of Zhuo Wenjun?"

"Before, I only thought that Yu'er treated me with hypocrisy. I didn't expect that she would be willing to drink poison to die just to have a place in my heart. It's a pity that she wants to marry as a wife. Otherwise, a woman with both talent and beauty will be like this. Jiao Niang, what man wouldn't be moved by her?"

After expressing his feelings for Xiangcheng in one breath, Fang Yiai felt relieved, looked at Xie Zhongju with a half-smile, and said: "Your servant told the truth that the empress is the empress. I won’t go against my will either!”

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai walked forward slowly, walking in a secluded alley, looking at the moonlight shining on the dust, and said to himself: "We could have become confidantes, I guess it's just a trick of fate!"

Standing under the tree, after listening to Fang Yiai's heartfelt words, Xie Zhongju was like thunder, his heart could not be calmed down for a long time, and he had a new understanding of Fang Yiai again.

"Zhuo Wenjun, does he admire talented women? I don't know which one is stronger or weaker, Princess Xiangcheng or me."

"Why did I have such absurd idea? I should have lived in the palace of death, accompanied by ancient books all day long."

Along the way, Fang Yi'ai and Xie Zhongju had no more communication. The two walked along the secluded alley, deliberately avoiding the officers and soldiers who were watching the night, and made a long detour before returning to the Qin Mansion.

Tiptoing back to the bedroom, after closing the door, seeing that Gao Yang was already fast asleep, Fang Yiai changed her clothes softly.

Unbuttoning the belt, touching the jade pendant from Xiangcheng on his waist, Fang Yi was filled with mixed feelings, threw the clothes aside indiscriminately, turned to sit on the side of the couch, and fell silent.

Just as Fang Yiai was meditating silently, she felt warmth on her shoulders. Gao Yang, with sleepy eyes, lay on her husband's shoulders, and said in a daze, "Brother Jun'er is back? You must have drunk from the bar with the smell of alcohol all over you? Go wash your son." Pour you tea?"

Fang Yiai's heart was sad, but when she heard his wife's soft words, the emotions accumulated in her heart suddenly collapsed, she threw herself into Gao Yang's arms, and burst into tears.

When the cry sounded, Gao Yang's sleepiness disappeared immediately, and he looked down at Brother Jun'er who was crying like a child. She, who didn't know the truth, also became sad.

"Brother Jun'er, Shu'er will never bully you again, can I make the quilt in the future?"

"No, I'll fold the quilt for Shu'er all my life."

"Could someone have laughed at Brother Jun'er? Those literati would only mock others sourly. Brother Jun'er is the best in Shu'er's heart, even if he had the experience of being a deserter."

Just like that, Fang Yiai cried for an unknown amount of time before she fell into a deep sleep under the comfort of Gao Yang's gentle words.

Early the next morning, when everyone in the Qin family was still asleep, Xiangcheng suddenly sat up on the attic of the Chang'an Inn with an exclamation.

"Fang Lang? Fang Lang? Fang Lang?"

Compared with last night, Xiangcheng's eyes are blank at this time, and he keeps calling Fang Yiai's nickname, and the few remaining memories in his mind are all the past events with Fang Yiai.

(End of this chapter)

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