Chapter 28 She is my woman
With Hou Balin coming forward, the order really improved a lot. After a while, Fang Yiai wrote his pseudonym on all the rubbings in everyone's hands.

Looking at the joyful faces of the crowd, Fang Yiai rubbed her wrists and sighed in her heart: "I was just a single dick, but unexpectedly, I became a sweet potato in the Tang Dynasty!"

Seeing Fang Yiai rubbing her wrists, Hou Balin smiled obsequiously and moved to his side, a pair of sandbag-sized fists lightly beat Fang Yiai's back.

"Brother, are you comfortable?"

Seeing Hou Ba Lin's weird smile, Fang Yiai thought to himself, this kid must be holding back some good fart!
Because Hou Balin is already his younger brother, Fang Yiai didn't go out of his way when talking to him, "If you don't care about anything, it's either adultery or robbery, what's the matter?"

"Hey, big brother is really big brother." Seeing that Fang Yi'ai had seen through his mind, Hou Balin let out a smirk, "It will be my father's birthday soon, and I want to ask big brother for a pair of calligraphy."

Hou Balin's request happened to be in the middle of Fang Yiai's mind, and now he is continuing to develop contacts, and he just took advantage of this matter to get in touch with Hou Junji, "No problem, write now?"

"No, no. At that time, I will invite my eldest brother to drink at home, and write it at the birthday banquet? They will definitely envy me, haha!"

Seeing that Hou Ba Lin invited her to attend the birthday banquet, Fang Yiai nodded with a smile, "Okay, remember to notify me on the day of Chen Guogong's birthday banquet."

Seeing Fang Yiai's agreement, Hou Balin burst into joy for a moment, "Okay, when the big brother takes my place, I will definitely be very imposing!"

At noon, when the old doctor gave an order, everyone filed out and walked out of the Imperial College one after another.

Walking in the busy market of Chang'an City, Fang Yi'ai was only thinking about Li Su who didn't come to class today. From the previous few contacts, Fang Yi'ai always felt that there was something wrong with this young prince, but she couldn't tell what was wrong for a while. wrong.

With something on her mind, Fang Yiai returned to the Princess Mansion in a stop-and-go manner.

As soon as they stepped into the gate of the Princess Mansion, a middle-aged couple walked towards Fang Yiai.

Seeing the middle-aged couple, Fang Yiai couldn't help trembling, and hurriedly bowed forward, "Father, mother."

Seeing Fang Yiai salute, Fang Xuanling, who was already displeased, turned even more ugly, snorted coldly, and said sharply, "Where have you been fooling around again?"

Seeing Fang Xuanling's displeasure, Fang Yiai lowered her head and whispered, " went to the countryside to play."

Fang Xuanling was obviously very dissatisfied with his second son's usual behavior, and when he learned of Fang Yiai's whereabouts, his face darkened, "You Wan, You Wan. Hmph! When will you become a talent!"

When Mrs. Lu saw Fang Xuanling scolding Fang Yiai, her complexion changed, she stretched out her hand to pinch Fang Xuanling, and said kindly: "Ai'er, your father is confused. Leave him alone."

"Confused?" Hearing Mrs. Lu's words, Fang Yi was taken aback, thinking to himself, could it be that his parents were angry at the Princess Mansion?

"Things that don't make a talent!" After finishing speaking, Fang Xuanling waved his sleeves and left the princess mansion quickly.

After Fang Xuanling left, Mrs. Lu looked at Fang Yi'ai with doting eyes, tears welling up in her eyes, "Son, have you suffered a lot here? You have suffered!"

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Lu reached out and touched Fang Yi'ai's cheek, then covered her face and left the Princess Mansion.

Looking at the back of his parents leaving, Fang Yi already guessed eighty-nine points of what happened in his heart.

Although the soul of Fang Yiai at this moment is a college student from the 21st century, his memory has long been merged with the original owner of this body, and Fang Xuanling and his wife are naturally treated by him as his biological parents.

Seeing her two parents leave angrily, Fang Yiai clenched her fists and said in a cold voice, "Gao Yang must be being unreasonable again!"

After watching Fang Xuanling and his wife leave, Fang Yiai went straight to the main hall, wanting to argue with Princess Gaoyang.

Everyone has a piece of Ni Lin, and Fang Yiai's Ni Lin is Fang Xuanling and his wife!
"The reverse scale of the dragon, if you touch it, you will die!"

Although Fang Yiai didn't dare to do anything to Princess Gaoyang, but it is possible to enforce the family law!
Just as Fang Yiai was walking quickly through the corridors, the maid Mei Xiang bumped into Fang Yiai with a jug in her hand.

Seeing that Fang Yi'ai and Mei Xiang seemed a little nervous, she wanted to turn around and avoid, but was called down by Fang Yi'ai.

Walking in front of Mei Xiang, Fang Yiai asked in a cold voice: "Mei Xiang! Master and Madam have been to the Princess Mansion before?"

Looking at the expressionless Fang Yiai, whose eyes were full of anger, Mei Xiang couldn't help trembling slightly, the wine pot in her hand almost fell to the ground, "Before the prime minister and his wife"

"What are you talking about! Don't tell me you're only afraid of Princess Gao Yang and not my son-in-law?!" Halfway through speaking, Fang Yiai suddenly raised the volume a bit.

The aura exuded by Fang Yiai's words made Mei Xiang not dare to look up, and quickly told what happened, "Just now the prime minister and his wife saw the princess drinking, so they left."

Knowing what had happened, Fang Yiai frowned slightly, and her tone of voice softened a bit, "Drinking? Who are you drinking with?"

"With the princess of Xiangcheng, the son-in-law Xiao Rui and a group of literati."

"Scholar of letters? Gao Yang blatantly brought outsiders into the princess mansion, does he really think that I don't exist?!"

Hearing Mei Xiang's words, Fang Yiai finally understood why Fang Xuanling was so angry before. Although Princess Gaoyang is the daughter of the royal family, under the enlightenment of the ancient feudal system, it is obviously against the law for a woman to openly bring a strange man into her home. A contempt for the authority of the husband's family!
"Give me the flagon! Go down first." Saying that, Fang Yiai took the flagon from Mei Xiang's hand and walked quickly towards the main hall.

Walking to the entrance of the main hall, before anyone saw her, she heard her voice, and Princess Gao Yang's laughter, like a silver bell, immediately reached Fang Yiai's ears.

Fang Yiai walked into the main hall, only to see Princess Gaoyang drinking and joking with a handsome young talent, the two behaved very intimately, no wonder Fang Xuanling would leave angrily after seeing her.

Before Fang Yiai opened his mouth to speak, the young talented man saw Fang Yiai walking in the door, and immediately waved and said, "Pour wine for my son-in-law."

The young talented man was obviously drunk, and he started to call himself a son-in-law regardless of his dignity during his conversation!
Hearing the young talented man's words, Fang Yi's heart was filled with anger, and he thought, "My son-in-law? Whose son-in-law is he? Gao Yang's!"

Seeing Fang Yiai enter the door, Princess Xiangcheng who was sitting beside her smiling like a flower froze, and then poked Xiao Rui, the son-in-law beside her, with her fingers.

Xiao Rui was drunk, when he was reminded by Princess Xiangcheng, he was drunk and found Fang Yiai standing at the door.

"Fang" Xiao Rui just wanted to say hello to Fang Yiai, but when the words came to his lips, he was scared back to the stomach by Fang Yiai's eyes like knives.

Seeing Fang Yiai standing motionless at the door, the young talented man couldn't help feeling a little angry, "Hey, are you deaf? Come and pour me some wine!"

Princess Gao Yang, who had already noticed that Fang Yiai had entered the door, saw Fang Yiai's face was livid, and the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened a bit, then she reached out to take a candied fruit, and unexpectedly brought it to the young gifted scholar's mouth with a charming expression!
Opening his mouth to eat the candied fruit that Princess Gaoyang personally fed him, the attitude of the young talent became even more arrogant, "Thank you Shu'er."

As soon as the young talented man said this, Xiao Rui who was drinking tea almost spit out the tea, "Shu'er? Fang Yiai has never called Gao Yang like that before, this grandson is looking for death!"

I had seen Princess Xiangcheng who was behind Fang Yiai before, and when I saw the young talented man calling Gao Yang by his boudoir name, he couldn't help screaming that it was not good. I can't stand the slap!
Seeing Fang Yiai ignoring him again and again, the young talented man was furious, and said in a cold voice: "Come and pour wine for my son-in-law!"

Hearing the young talent's urging, Fang Yiai walked slowly in front of him and Gao Yang, then reached out to fill him with water and wine.

The young talented man drank the wine that Fang Yiai poured for him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, his eyes were full of contempt, "Well, this is more or less the same!"


As soon as the young talented man finished speaking, Fang Yiai's palm was already in front of him.

Accompanied by a clear and pleasant slap, the young talented man fell to the ground with a large piece of flesh scratched on his forehead.

Seeing the young talent being beaten, Princess Gao Yang didn't dare to look directly at Fang Yiai, and subconsciously ate a candied fruit, trying to cover up her inner anxiety.

The moment Princess Gao Yang ate the candied fruit, Fang Yiai strode forward, leaned over to stop Princess Gao Yang's slender waist, and then kissed the beautiful woman's red lips.

Princess Gaoyang was taken aback by Fang Yiai's actions, and wanted to fight back, but Fang Yiai hugged her tightly to her chest, unable to move for a while.

Due to lack of oxygen, Fang Yiai broke through Gao Yang's jaw in a short while and sucked the candied fruit into his mouth.

After achieving the goal, Fang Yiai let go of Princess Gaoyang, with a smirk on her lips, and said, "Mm, it's so sweet. Thank you, lady!"

After being kissed by Fang Yiai, Princess Gao Yang's cheeks were unbearably hot, and she said coquettishly and angrily, "You are a disciple!"

The young talent just stood up from the ground, seeing Princess Gao Yang being kissed by a servant in common clothes, almost fainted, and then scolded loudly: "Who are you, how dare you be rude to the princess!"


Another slap sounded, and the young talented man who had just stood firm fell to the ground again.

"She is my woman, who do you say I am?!"

Saying that, Fang Yiai took Princess Gaoyang into her arms, and raised her hand to hit the beautiful woman in her arms on her buttocks, swearing her sovereignty and identity.

Princess Gao Yang was subjected to the "family law" enforced by Fang Yi'ai, she only felt her body soften, and then let out a groan with forgetfulness.

Hearing Princess Gao Yang's charming moans, all the men present couldn't help but tremble, and their envious eyes immediately turned to Fang Yiai.

Fang Yiai disregarded the gentle resistance of Princess Gao Yang in her arms, looked down at the fallen young genius, and asked, "You just called yourself a son-in-law? May I ask which princess's husband-in-law are you?"

Seeing that Fang Yiai was angry, Xiao Rui hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: "Brother Fang, this is all a misunderstanding."

The reason why Xiao Rui stepped forward to persuade him was not because he had a deep friendship with the young talented scholar, but because he was the one who led this person into the princess mansion!If the matter spreads to the palace, not only the young talent will be questioned, but even Xiao Rui will be reprimanded and even punished!

Seeing Xiao Rui stepped forward to persuade her, Fang Yiai let out a cold snort, raised her hand and slapped Prince Consort Xiao heavily on the cheek.

"Xiao Consort, I want to ask you. Who brought this grandson into the Princess Mansion?!"

(End of this chapter)

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