Chapter 288
Fang Yiai's wound had just formed a layer of golden sores, when Gao Yang pinched it so suddenly, the bright red blood soaked his clothes immediately, and he also yelled.

"Ah!" With a cry of pain, Fang Yiai looked at Gao Yang in bewilderment, and said sadly, "Shu'er, you are really willing to do it!"

Seeing that Fang Yiai's hem was stained red with blood, Gao Yang's doubts disappeared immediately, and a layer of tears welled up in his almond eyes, "Fang Jun! You really are nothing!"

Looking at each other, Fang Yiai was shocked into a cold sweat, thinking behind his back, "How did Shu'er know? Could it be that Xiao Rui told her?"

Looking at the silent Fang Yiai with tears in his eyes, the tears in Gao Yang's eyes turned into pearls and gurgled down, and he whimpered, "How long are you going to hide from me? I am your wife! My wife who shares the same bed! "

Gao Yang punctured his heart, Fang Yiai was full of emotions, looked up at his wife, but still kept a trace of luck, "Shu'er, don't scare Juner brother, how could I be Brother He, I can't read. "

"Okay, are you still holding on until now?" Gao Yang stood up and angrily walked towards the door.

Seeing Gao Yang run away in a fit of anger, Fang Yiai got up quickly and was about to catch up, but she pulled the wound on her calf, and blood flowed out for a while, Fang Yiai grinned her teeth in pain, and couldn't help crying out in pain, "Oh!"

Gao Yang was about to throw open the latch and leave in anger, when he heard Fang Yi's cry of pain, his heart was in a mess, and he turned his head to look, only to see that Fang Yi's hem had already been stained red with blood. There is a tendency to continue to spread.

Brother Jun'er's cold sweat dripped down his face, instantly quenching most of Gao Yang's anger, and she, who had already pretended to leave in anger, trotted to Fang Yi'ai, and helped him sit back on the couch.

"Does it hurt?" Shuangshuang sat on the couch, looking at the blood-stained white robes, Gao Yang's heart was full of pity, but his expression was still cold.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt." After resisting the severe pain and responding twice, Fang Yiai wiped the cold sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, and said guiltily, "Shu'er, where did you know that?"

Faced with the question, Gao Yang kept silent, got up and went to the storage cabinet by the window, searched a few times, and finally found the golden sore medicine that he hadn't used for a long time.

Returning to the couch with the sore medicine in hand, Gao Yang said to Fang Yiai with anger in his almond eyes: "Can you change your clothes?"

Seeing Gao Yang, who is used to being a small bird on weekdays, was looked at by his wife sullenly at this moment, Fang Yiai was somewhat surprised, and his mind was punctured, poor this prestige commoner top of the list, at this moment has become a little daughter-in-law , looking at Gao Yang nodded again and again, reaching out to change the blood-stained clothes.

Taking off her belt, Fang Yiai suddenly remembered something, first she blushed, and then said awkwardly: "Shu'er, I don't seem to be wearing underwear today"

Although Fang Yiai and Fang Yiai had shared the same bed for a long time, they respected each other as guests for various reasons. Upon hearing Fang Yiai's words, the untrained Gao Yang couldn't help but frown slightly, and said shyly in sullen anger, "Then put your clothes on." Rip it off."

In the middle of speaking, Gao Yang felt that the words were inappropriate, and quickly added: "Wounds always need to stop bleeding!"

Seeing that Gao Yang's words softened slightly, Fang Yiai smiled and nodded in response, stretched out her hand and unbuttoned the skirt, then stretched her hands in front of Gao Yang, intending to take the golden sore medicine from his wife.

Opening Fang Yiai's palm with a cold face, Gao Yang slowly sat on the side of the couch, looked at her husband and said coldly: "I will give you the medicine in person, you just need to explain the whole story clearly, otherwise don't say that I killed my relatives righteously, Tell your father about this!"

Saying that, Gao Yang uncorked the bottle, opened the broken skirt, and carefully applied the golden sore medicine on Fang Yiai's bleeding wound.

It has to be said that the ancient medicine for golden sores is very effective. The wound stopped bleeding immediately after the powder was applied. According to Fang Yiai, a liberal arts student, it should be because the medicinal materials did not use any chemical fertilizers or urea.
Thinking about it for no reason, seeing Gao Yang just lowered his head to apply the medicine for himself, Fang Yiai couldn't bear to let his virtuous wife be frightened by him, and in a state of anxiety, the idea of ​​prevarication came up again.

Reaching out to caress the top of Gao Yang's head, Fang Yiai smiled obsequiously and said, "Miss, I'm a little tired today, why don't I tell you tomorrow?"

"Okay." Being deceived by Fang Yiai again and again, Gao Yang's patience has almost reached a critical point. Seeing Fang Yiai's stubbornness, he simply put away the golden sore medicine and said: "I will go to the palace to meet the emperor right now." , Tell him to come and ask you in person!"

"Don't, don't, I said, I said it's okay!" After reaching out to grab Gao Yang who was about to get up, seeing that the matter could not be concealed, Fang Yiai let out a sigh of frustration, and then murmured: "Shu'er, actually He Zudao is just my pseudonym"

Hearing her husband's confession with her own ears, the look in Gao Yang's apricot eyes changed again and again, and he suppressed his agitated mood and said, "What else?"

After muttering for a while, Fang Yiai immediately played a favor card, "Also, I was the young hero who saved you on the moon-watching platform before."

Rao guessed it in his heart, but at this moment when Fang Yiai mentioned it himself, Gao Yang still couldn't help but feel a little sad, his almond eyes were already hazy, "Then you lied before that you were injured by falling from a horse, was it because you were injured by Ashina Tulu?" of?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter, am I better now?"

"I think it's my waywardness that caused you to be injured."

"It's okay, it's okay, Shu'er, don't be sad, you see it's getting late, let's rest, shall we?"

Compassion had just arisen in his heart, seeing Fang Yiai's evasive words, Gao Yang regained his icy face again, "It's getting late? Don't come here! It's only noon now! Hurry up!"

Being scolded by Gao Yang in a cold voice, the smile on Fang Yiai's face froze instantly, and said bitterly: "Today, when the lady is up to the hall to ask the case, the humble people must know everything, and I beg the lady not to use torture."

Fang Yiai was halfway through joking to lighten the atmosphere, when suddenly her ears tightened, and Gao Yang's slender hands grabbed the son-in-law's ears.

The sullen Gao Yang turned his palm slightly, he was not willing to pull Fang Yiai's ear, and said bluffingly: "Don't talk about it with me, this is our family's family law, invented for you alone! "

"This family's law is not good, Shu'er, why don't you learn from me?"

"I'm not as nasty as you, so tell me!"

In this way, Fang Yiai was pulled by the ear, from picking medicine in the suburbs to meet Qin Qiong, until she was threatened by Xiao Rui. The embarrassing past of Monk Bianji's jealousy, but this small-bellied son-in-law has selectively lost his memory.

"Shu'er, I shouldn't have kept this matter from you, but the reason why I did this was because I didn't want you to be frightened."

After explaining the ins and outs of the "alias" in detail, when Fang Yiai didn't know how to face his wife, Gao Yang, who heard her heart trembling, gently moved her head closer.

With his head resting on Fang Yiai's shoulders, Gao Yang's black eyes were full of happiness, and he said with a smile: "Brother Jun'er, you said those princesses and princes know that you are famous in Jinghua, what kind of reaction will they have?" ?”

Caressing Gao Yang's cheek, Fang Yiai smiled wryly, and said: "Shu'er, I have said everything that should not be said right now, and I am afraid that it will hurt you and follow me in the future."

Looking up at Fang Yiai, Gao Yang didn't seem to hear his sigh, and said with a self-conscious smile: "When Brother Jun'er wins the gold medal, Shu'er will come to the door of Fangfu to welcome you, I want to beat the gongs and drums to invite brother Jun'er back to the princess mansion."

Seeing that Gao Yang deliberately changed the subject, Fang Yiai became more and more anxious, frowning, and said solemnly: "Shu'er, I have committed a heinous crime on my head, maybe I will lose my head."

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Gao Yang's face disappeared in an instant. He raised his head to look at the green curtain, and a trace of determination flashed in his weak almond eyes.

"Why don't you pretend you don't know, and tell me that I lied to you after the incident, so that Shu'er can also avoid punishment."

In the middle of speaking, Fang Yiai's lips were pressed by Gao Yang with his hands, and he got up and sat looking at Brother Jun'er. Gao Yang bit his crimson lips lightly, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Smelly Fang Jun, it's you Good luck! This princess marries a chicken and follows the chicken, but you are not allowed to get rid of me, even if you go to jail, we have to go together! Otherwise, what will you do when you go to Pingkangfang?"

Looking at Gao Yang with a determined face, Fang Yiai was relieved and smiled wryly, "Thinking about how to use Pingkang Fang in the prison?"

As soon as the words were finished, Gao Yang rushed forward, Fang Yiai was caught off guard, and both of them fell on the bed, after a while of chuckling, there was sobs.

(End of this chapter)

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