Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 33 Instant decision of life and death, Gao Yang is here!

Chapter 33 Instant decision of life and death, Gao Yang is here!
"What a lot of strength!"

Seeing that the hard stone pillar might fall apart at any time, Fang Yiai frowned slightly, secretly confirming that Qin Qiong's previous words were not false.

After killing Shidanai's apprentice with one blow, Ashina Tulu snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Ignorant bastard, please spare your life!"

When Shi Danai saw Ashina Tulu pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, a surge of anger rose in his heart, "You!"

Seeing that Shi Danai was not angry, the corners of Ashina Tulu's mouth rose slightly, and he stretched out his palm to make a swaying gesture, "What? The traitor of the Ashina family, the running dog of the Tang Emperor, Ashina Da Nai you Want to try it too?"

Hearing Ashina Tulu insulting him, Shi Danai was furious, "Who do you call a lackey!"

"Abandoning the glory bestowed upon you by your ancestors and instead working for the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, what are you if you are not a running dog?" As he spoke, Ashina Tulu pointed to the sky with one hand, and the contemptuous look in Shi Danai's eyes was clear at a glance , "Changshengtian has long cast aside you! You are a disgrace to our Ashina family!"

"My surname is Shi, a surname bestowed by the late emperor!" Shi Danai, who was naturally rude, couldn't bear Ashina Tulu's verbal insults, and in a fit of rage, he wanted to fight to the death with his clan with the same surname.

Seeing that Shi Danai was easily irritated by Ashina Tulu, Qin Qiong cried out secretly, guessing that this was probably Ashina Tulu's intentional provocative method!

After guessing Ashina Tulu's thoughts, Qin Qiong quickly stopped Shi Danai and said, "Da Nai! Let my nephew do it!"

When Shi Danai saw that Qin Qiong wanted Fang Yi'ai to take action, he snorted coldly, and in a fit of rage, he even opened his mouth to insult Fang Yi'ai, "Who? Is this a coward who doesn't even ride a horse? He's still hiding in the study, playing tricks and making calculations." No, he is not needed in the life-and-death confrontation!"

Shi Danai’s previous taunts from his master and apprentice had already made Fang Yixin unhappy, but now that Shi Danai insulted him again, Fang Yiai, who originally wanted to make a move, suddenly changed his mind, “Since Dou Guogong wants to prove himself, please Let him go first!"

Seeing Fang Yiai's refusal, Shi Danai mistakenly thought that Fang Yiai had no guts to fight Ashina Tulu, and his contempt for Fang Yiai became even stronger, "Hmph, incompetent coward!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Danai pushed Qin Qiong away, roared and rushed towards Ashina Tulu.

Compared with his apprentice, Shi Danai, who has experienced many battles, obviously still knows some martial arts.

I saw him rushing towards Ashina Tulu seemingly recklessly, but at the moment when he was about to hit Ashina, Shidanai's fat body turned quickly and flexibly, and then he circled to Ashina Tulu with lightning speed. Behind Lu!

Originally thought that Shidanai was irritated by his words and lost his mind, but what Ashina Tulu didn't expect was that this "King with a big belly" was actually a person who was rough but subtle!
Seeing that he couldn't dodge in time, Ashina Tulu rushed forward, and at the same time, his figure changed again and again. Although Shidanai had already seized the upper hand before, but at this moment, facing Ashina who was like a cunning rabbit, he was surprised for a while. Did not show the slightest advantage!

A series of heavy punches failed, and Shi Danai was furious. He wanted to prove his ability, and then he unleashed a unique move that he had practiced on the battlefield all the year round!
Taking advantage of Ashina Tulu's stature not yet standing still, Shi Danai shouted loudly, raised his hands in front of him, and punched Ashina Tulu with a pair of fists the size of sandbags up and down at the same time.

After standing still, Ashina Tulu saw Shidanai's moves, and couldn't help exclaiming, "The overlord lifts the tripod!"

It is not difficult to see from the appearance that Shi Danai is a powerful fighter similar to Xu Chu and Dian Wei. They often rely on brute force to fight the enemy, but they don't seem to care much about skills, and it is this that seems reckless. , but for a seasoned general like Shi Danai, to a certain extent, such a skillful and useless move is even more lethal!

Seeing that Shi Danai was approaching fiercely, Ashina Tulu did not dare to underestimate the enemy, and quickly retreated, trying to avoid Shi Danai's sharp edge.

Seeing Ashina dodging again and again, Shi Danai couldn't help yelling at Ashina for being a coward, then shouting loudly, and swung his right hand straight towards Ashina's face.

After evading Shidanai's sharp edge, Ashina Tulu saw Shidanai insulting himself as a coward. This proud Turkic first warrior couldn't help feeling a bit of anger in his heart, and then he punched him with one hand. Stanay's heavy punch!
The two fists clashed, and Shi Danai took three steps back, while Ashina Tulu stood still, with a slight sneer on his face.

Qin Qiong, who was on the sidelines of the battle, saw that Shi Danai was repelled head-on by Ashina Tulu. Knowing Shi Danai's strength, he couldn't help being secretly surprised.


Qin Qiong and Shi Danai have always been friends, and they know Shi Danai's strength well.Although Shi Danai's strength is not as strong as Li Yuanba, Luo Shixin and other fierce men, but compared to the strength of Qin Qiong and Qin Qiong, they are evenly matched. Seeing that Shi Danai suffered a loss in the hands of Ashina Tulu at this moment, one can't help but Let Qin Qiong re-evaluate the strength of the Turkic Kingdom's number one warrior.

After gaining the upper hand with one blow, Ashina Tulu snorted coldly, looked at Shidanai with disdain, and said sharply: "How dare you become a Duke with such little strength? You really embarrass the Ashina family!"

Faced with Ashina Tulu's provocative words, Shi Danai was caught again, roared in shame and anger, and cursed: "You birdman, see if I don't tear you up!"

Seeing that Shi Danai really got the trick, Ashina Tulu smiled slightly, and said sarcastically again: "Well, if it is louder, I admit defeat!"

Being humiliated several times in succession made Shidanai furious, his cheeks were flushed, the blood vessels in his neck bulged slightly, the anger in his heart had obviously reached its limit!
"One more punch from Grandpa!"

After yelling, Shi Danai raised his right hand again, and with the sound of bones bursting, Shi Danai punched hard, and swung straight at Ashina Tulu.

Facing Shidanai's all-out blow, Ashina Tulu sneered, and a complacent expression appeared on his face.

Just when Shidanai was about to charge in front of Ashina Tulu with his punches, the number one Turkic warrior moved.

Ashina Tulu clenched his fist with one hand, shouted loudly, and immediately collided with Shidanai's heavy fist.

After a scream, Shidanai flew upside down for a few meters, while Ashina Tulu was the same as last time, standing still like a boulder.

Seeing Shi Danai being knocked into the air, Fang Yiai's eyes froze, and he guessed Ashina Tulu's intentions, "He just hid his strength!"

Looking at Shi Danai who fell to the ground, Ashina Tulu snorted coldly, and said in a disdainful tone: "You brat!"

After finishing speaking, Ashina Tulu stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Shi Danai on the ground, and said, "According to the tradition of the Turkic Kingdom, I have given you a chance to prove yourself. Are you convinced now?"

Hearing Ashina Tulu's words, Shi Danai struggled to stand up, but at this moment his right arm had already been bent into a strange angle, obviously this arm had been crippled by the head-on confrontation just now!
Although his face was full of displeasure, Shi Danai still conceded to Ashina Tulu, "Submit! I lost."

Seeing Shi Danai admitting defeat, Ashina suddenly laughed loudly, then looked at Qin Qiong, and said, "Marshal Qin, I don't care about your despicable calculation of fighting with wheels. Now it's your turn?!"

Hearing Ashina Tulu's words, Qin Qiong, who has always been upright, was a little displeased. Although he really wanted to go up and fight this arrogant Turkic thief, his years of fighting experience told him that it would be difficult for him to win this battle!

If the age is the same, Qin Qiong is obviously not afraid of Ashina Tulu.But at this time, he was over half a hundred years old, while Ashina Tulu was in his prime. Judging by age alone, Qin Qiong had already lost more than half of it!
Moreover, Qin Qiong's strength is obviously weaker than that of Ashina Tulu, and at the moment Qin Qiong's best Qin family's double mace cannot be used because he does not carry a weapon. If he fights Ashina, his chance of winning is only [-]% , plus Ashina Turu came here to find out the reality of the Tang Dynasty. If he is given the opportunity, he will definitely put Qin Qiong, the marshal of the Tang Dynasty, to death without mercy!

Just as Qin Qiong was secretly considering the odds, Ashina Tulu suddenly saw Qin Jingniang standing aside with a worried face.

"Is this girl the marshal's daughter?" Seeing Qin Jingniang's heroism, Ashina Tulu's heart became aroused, and he said with a sly smile: "As long as Marshal Qin gives me this girl as a concubine, how about I let the marshal have his way today?" ?”

As he said that, before Qin Qiong could refuse, Ashina Tulu strode forward, stretched out his hand, and pulled Qin Jingniang into his arms!
Seeing Qin Jingniang being treated lightly, Qin Qiong's hands trembled again and again, and he was speechless for a moment, "You!"

"Beauty, I will take pity on you." As he said, Ashina Tulu, who felt that he was invincible, lowered his head and kissed Qin Jingniang's jade-like cheek!

But before he could succeed, he felt a gust of cold wind coming from behind him. Out of a warrior's instinctive reaction, he immediately let go of Qin Jingniang and quickly dodged to the side to avoid the unknown attack from behind.

After holding the unstable Qin Jingniang in her arms, Fang Yiai could clearly feel the beauty in her arms trembling, seeing this, Fang Yiai couldn't help comforting her softly: "I'm here, don't be afraid. "

Seeing that the beautiful woman who was still in his arms just now was embraced by Fang Yiai, a scholar, Ashina Tulu suddenly became angry, pointed at Fang Yiai and cursed: "Bastard, what are you doing here?" court death!"

"Fanbang clowns are so insignificant, they are so noisy!" Fang Yiai embraced the frightened Qin Jingniang in her arms, and the two walked slowly into the long pavilion beside them.

Looking at the pale Qin Jingniang in front of her, Fang Yiai secretly sighed, no matter how strong she is, she is still a little girl, "I promised you that I will do it!"

Hearing Fang Yiai's words, Qin Jingniang's cheeks were flushed, biting her red lips lightly, not knowing how to speak, she could only nod slightly in response to Fang Yiai's words.

Just when Fang Yiai comforted Qin Jingniang and was about to go out to compete with Ashina Tulu, Shi Danai suddenly yelled at her side, "When the hell is it? Love? Coward, go back to writing!"

Shi Danai's scolding made Fang Yi's heart tremble, thinking that the Hunyuan Thirteen Forms needed to be driven by true energy, Fang Yiai couldn't help but stop, and secretly drove the true energy into his hands.

Just as Fang Yiai was driving his true energy secretly, the shouts and curses of two Turkic warriors who stood watching the battle suddenly came from his ears.

"Cunning Tang people, you actually moved troops!"

After the yelling and cursing sounded, a rush of horseshoes came from under the moon-watching platform.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes could not help but be attracted by the sound of horseshoes, they forgot to fight for a while, and all looked in the direction of the sound of horseshoes from the audience.

Fang Yiai was driving his true energy, and when he heard the sound of horseshoes, he couldn't help but lower his head and look down the stage.

Under the bright moonlight, a man and two women came galloping on the official road next to the moon-watching platform. The leading woman was none other than Princess Gaoyang who had visited Huichang Temple before!
After seeing the three of Princess Gaoyang clearly, Shi Danai was a little puzzled and said, "Why are there three dolls?"

Seeing the three of Princess Gaoyang riding horses and galloping, Fang Yiai couldn't help but tremble, "Didn't they go to Huichang Temple to play? How did they come to the moon-watching platform!"

After pondering for a while, Fang Yiai, who was full of doubts, was relieved immediately, "This is the only way to Jinchengfang. It seems that the three of Gao Yang were so excited that they forgot the time, right?"

"The three of them stopped!"

Just when Fang Yiai guessed the whereabouts of the three of Gao Yang, the three of Gao Yang, who were still galloping before, stopped in front of the observation platform!

Not long after the three of Gao Yang stopped, the Turkic warrior standing on the steps of the Moon-Watching Terrace looked at Qin Qiong suspiciously and said, "They're coming up! Who are they!"

Knowing that the three princesses of Gaoyang had actually boarded the moon-watching platform, Fang Yiai cried out inwardly. If the three of them were accidentally injured later, Fang Yiai would obviously be charged with a heinous crime by Tang Taizong Li Shimin!
(End of this chapter)

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