Chapter 35 Instant Kill
Seeing the hideous and terrifying Ashina Tulu approaching, Princess Gaoyang screamed and forgot to dodge to the side in shock!
Seeing that Princess Gaoyang's life was in danger, Fang Yiai rushed towards Ashina Tulu, and shouted out of desperation, "How dare you!"

The moment his hands were about to touch Gao Yang's neck, Ashina Tulu turned his head to look at Fang Yi'ai, with a sly smile on his lips.

Ashina Tulu paused slightly, and the moment Fang Yiai was about to catch up, he opened his palm suddenly, and then slapped Princess Gaoyang on the shoulder and neck.

Princess Gaoyang was shocked by Ashina's attack, her body retreated rapidly under the effect of inertia, and at this moment the distance between her and the steps was less than three meters!

Seeing that Gao Yang was about to fall down the steps, Fang Yiai couldn't help but glared, and then bypassed Ashina Tulu, and rushed straight towards Princess Gao Yang who was falling backwards.

Seeing that Fang Yiai really cared about Gao Yang, Ashina Tulu was overjoyed, and swung his fists directly at Fang Yiai's face who passed by him.

After feeling the wind of punching in his ears, Fang Yiai's figure flashed, and under the rage, he had already prepared his sword finger and pointed towards Ashina Tulu. Because of the situation, the two of them faced each other's attacks and neither of them could do anything. There is no thought of dodging.

In an instant, because of the previous change of body shape, Ashina Tulu hit Fang Yiai's face with a heavy punch, and then hit Fang Yiai's back hard.

And the "Jade Finger Sword" that Fang Yiai exerted all his strength in a murderous atmosphere also directly hit the chain armor on Ashina Tulu's chest.

After the confrontation, Fang Yiai relied on the inertia generated by Ashina's heavy fists to rush to Princess Gaoyang, and put her arms around Princess Gaoyang's slender waist.

Seeing that Princess Gao Yang was about to see her own face clearly, Fang Yi said in a hurry, "Close your eyes!"

Princess Gao Yang who was still in shock, faced the cold order of the strange man in front of her, how could she dare to be negligent in the slightest, and then tightly closed her almond eyes.

After helping Princess Gaoyang to stabilize her figure, Fang Yiai didn't dare to stay for a while because Princess Xiangcheng was still on the sidelines. After putting Princess Gaoyang behind her, her figure flashed quickly, and two Turkic warriors came in the blink of an eye. before.

Two screams sounded, and the two Turkic warriors who hadn't had time to react immediately fell to the ground, and there was a small blood hole in their chests!
"I have warned you before, you can't live without doing your own crimes!"

With her back to Gao Yang and Xiangcheng, Fang Yiai looked at the two Turkic warriors who were still trembling slightly on the ground, snorted coldly, and could clearly see the murderous aura in their words!
Seeing that Fang Yiai killed two Turkic warriors in an instant, Princess Gao Yang was shocked, and casually asked Fang Yiai's name, "Hero! May I ask the hero's name?"

"I'm afraid you'll offend Miss's jade ears with your humble name, so let's leave!" After she finished speaking, Fang Yiai wiped the blood from her fingertips, then walked towards the gazebo where Qin Jingniang was.

While walking, passing in front of Ashina Tulu, Fang Yiai walked slowly with his hands behind his back, as if he regarded the first Turkic warrior as nothing, and the arrogance of trusting the horse and walking alone on the riverside exuded from his actions.

Seeing Fang Yiai walking in front of Ashina Tulu calmly, Shidanai, whose right arm was crippled by Ashina before, stomped his feet and cursed: "Boy, fight back quickly! It's about this time, you Damn, how handsome is she playing!"

Not only the reckless and impetuous Shi Danai, but even Qin Qiong, who is indifferent to life and death, couldn't help being secretly surprised after seeing Fang Yiai's behavior.

What everyone didn't expect was that Ashina Tulu, who was originally majestic and majestic like a killing god, just stood there and didn't do anything after seeing Fang Yiai walking past him leisurely. Continue to attack!

Walking to the side of the long pavilion, Fang Yiai paused for a moment, then reached out to hold onto the bluestone railing, and after a pause, walked slowly into the long pavilion and sat beside Qin Jingniang.

Seeing that Ashina Tulu was indifferent to the killing of his two subordinates, Shi Danai was a little curious. After standing there for a while, he boldly approached Ashina Tulu.

Walking in front of Ashina Tulu, Shi Danai walked around Ashina Tulu a few times, and then asked curiously: "What the hell happened to you? Why didn't you fight back?"

Hearing Shidanai's words, Qin Qiong couldn't help cursing secretly, "Which the hell are you? Tell him to fight back? Tell him to fight back to kill me?!"

Just when Qin and Qiong were curious, Gao Yang saw Fang Yiai returning to the long pavilion with her hands behind her back. She, who hadn't seen Fang Yiai's face clearly because of fear, couldn't help asking, "Hero."

Because he was afraid of Ashina Tulu's sudden attack, Shi Danai was always tense after getting close to him. At this moment, Princess Gao Yang's sudden opening couldn't help but startled Duke Dou.

Seeing that Gao Yang and Xiangcheng hadn't left yet, Shi Danai, who didn't know their identities, felt that he was scared by a little girl and lost face, he couldn't help but glared and shouted angrily: "What's the noise, go away! "

Looking at Shi Danai, who was covered in blood and stared at angry eyes, Gao Yang and Xiangcheng couldn't help being startled, and then quickly helped Xiao Rui who fell unconscious on the ground, and hurried down the observation platform.

Waiting for the three of Gao Yang to leave, seeing that Ashina Tulu had not moved for a long time, Qin Qiong immediately stepped forward, cupped his hands and said: "Your envoy, Qin has no intention of defeating you with a wheel. Why don't you go back and cultivate for a few days before fighting?"

Facing repeated inquiries from Shi Danai and Qin Qiong, Ashina Tulu, who was still invincible before, did not respond at all. At this moment, he seemed to be a wooden sculpture in a temple, not the one who shot and killed wolves with his bare hands in Daxue Mountain. The first warrior of the Turkic Kingdom.

Seeing that Ashina was silent suddenly, the reckless Shidanai snorted coldly, "My second brother is talking to you. Although I lost, you can't insult me!"

As he spoke, Shi Danai stretched out his intact left hand, and lightly touched Ashina Tulu.

After touching Ashina Tulu, Shi Danai seemed to be afraid of the sudden attack of the killing god, and then quickly stepped back a few steps, looking a little funny and cute.

But what Qin Qiong and Shi Danai never expected was that, just a little bit of Shi Danai's probing, the chain link armor made of refined iron worn by Ashina Tulu broke into pieces without warning. Several pieces fell off Ashina's body and fell to the ground.

The rings of the chains are interlocking, and if any part is damaged, the whole will fall apart. Although this feature is a big hidden danger, the chains of chains made of fine iron may not be able to stab the front with a long lance. Can be damaged!

Seeing the chain mail fragments falling all over the floor, Shi Danai and Qin Qiong were taken aback. Just when they were greatly surprised, Ashina Tulu, who was standing still in the same place, unexpectedly stepped forward. Then, under the watchful eyes of the two, he fell heavily to the ground!
After Ashina Tulu fell to the ground, Yin Hong's blood poured out from his chest. It wasn't until this time that everyone was surprised to realize that Ashina Tulu had died at some point!

Seeing that Ashina Tulu fell to the ground and died, Shi Danai patted his forehead vigorously, and said stammeringly: "What's the situation! Could it be that Brother Luo Chengxian is helping you from the spirit of heaven?"

Ashina Tulu's bizarre death also surprised Qin Qiong. After being frightened, he immediately said to Shi Danai: "Turn over!"

Afterwards, Qin Qiong and Qin Qiong turned Ashina Turu's body over together. After careful inspection, they found that Ashina Turu had the same death pattern as the two Turkic warriors before. Blood hole!
However, in the blood hole on Ashina Turu's chest, there was still a piece of chain armor remaining, because of the barrier of clothes and iron pieces, the blood didn't gushe out in the first time!
Looking at Fang Yiai who was about to sit in the pavilion, Shi Danai's eyes widened, and his open mouth seemed to be able to hold a fist, "God! He was killed by your nephew!"

As soon as Shi Danai said this, Qin Qiong couldn't help looking at Fang Yiai who was sitting in the long pavilion, "Brother He!"

After sitting on the stone bench in the long pavilion, Fang Yiai activated the true energy in her body at the first incident, so that she didn't even look at Qin Jingniang.

Seeing Fang Yiai's abnormal expression, Qin Jingniang was extremely disturbed. She wanted to ask questions but was afraid of disturbing Fang Yiai, so she could only sit aside and worry for a while.

After a while, Fang Yiai opened his eyes and asked softly, "The three of them left?"

"Well, I have already left on horseback. The Turkic dog thief also fell to the ground and died!"

Seeing Fang Yiai asking, Qin Jingniang, who was secretly worried, breathed a sigh of relief, but just when she was secretly glad that Fang Yiai was fine, Fang Yiai, who was sitting beside her with a livid face, suddenly groaned in pain, then opened her mouth to spray There was a mouthful of bright red blood!

(End of this chapter)

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