Chapter 407
The bright moonlight was shining on the ground, and Fang Yiai and Fan Jin walked forward. The difference from the daytime was that the magistrate had already changed into his official clothes, and was replaced by black clothes and a black mask to cover his mouth and nose. The cloth hangs over the neck.

Zaoli, who was watching the night, walked forward slowly with a lantern in his hand. After seeing the county magistrate's attire, he turned his head and looked sideways, and let the two of them slip away from his eyes as if they were air.

"It's good to be a county magistrate, and you don't have to worry about the curfew in night clothes." Fang Yiai walked forward with his hands behind his back, smiling.

Fan Jin smiled slightly, stroked his beard and looked at Fang Yiai who was beside him, "Master, why didn't you bring someone with you during the robbery?"

"Huh?" Fang Yiai took out the dagger from his waist, shook it at Fan Jin, and said quite proudly, "This is a cold iron dagger given to this county by Qin Guogong, bestowed by Long Live."

"Master Fan, have you read too much unofficial history? No assassin would kill with a long sword or simple knife."

"Zhuan Zhu's fish hides the sword, and Jing Ke's picture is poor. Which one is not a light and flexible dagger."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai put the dagger back on her waist again, and speeded up her pace with Fan Jin, and rushed towards the prison in Nancheng.

When we came to the prison, it was already the beginning of the fourth watch. The policemen and jailers who had been notified by Fan Jin early on sat in the gatehouse one by one with great energy, and set up an own goal one by one.

Walking into the concierge, Fang Yiai, who was dressed in black, really surprised everyone.

"Why is the county gentleman wearing this suit?"

"What kind of costume is this?"

"The county honor is like a charcoal seller."

Fang Yiai frowned slightly, and said coldly, "Don't be sarcastic! Do the right thing!"

As she spoke, Fang Yiai covered her face with a black cloth, looked at the bewildered arresters and jailers and asked, "Where are they locked up?"

"In the last cell." The jailer whispered.

"Okay, let's all move."

As soon as Fang Yiai's words came out, everyone was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, "Get moving? What are you doing?"

"Stupid!" Fan Jin spat lightly, and then said at the top of his voice, "Someone is in jail!"

"Prison? Who? Fuck him!"

"That desperate person came to the prison!"

Fang Yiai wanted to cry without tears, took out the dagger, pointed at herself and said, "I, I'm here to rob you!"

"Oh, it turns out to be the county lord, please rob, please rob."

"I'll rob you, you big-headed ghost!" Fang Yi'ai kept a sense of proportion, kicked a policeman over, then reached out and grabbed a jailer, dragged him and walked quickly towards the cell where Mei Zhusheng and Wang Tong were. past.

The reckless man Wang Tong was sleeping soundly, and Mei Zhusheng, who was frowning, was thinking about what Fang Yiai said in the court during the day. At this moment, he suddenly heard someone robbing the prison. , and instantly thought of the fierce and cowardly prefect of Caozhou.

"Is it really here? The cunning rabbit is dead, the lackey is cooking, you really answered the little baby's words!" Mei Zhusheng stood up abruptly, looked out through the wooden prison door, and instantly saw a man dressed in black and wearing black clothes. The cloth masked Fang Yiai.

Wang Tong was awakened by the noisy noise in the prison, turned over and sat up, and saw a man in black striding forward with a jailer on his shoulders, the capital of Meiwu County immediately revealed his original shape.

"Damn it! I'm your brother-in-law!" After cursing a few words in a powerful manner, Wang Tong made a move that left Mei Zhusheng and Fang Yiai speechless. He quickly jumped off the bed, and then With a bark, he hid under the bed board and hid.

"Trash! If you die, die, what are you afraid of!" Mei Zhusheng swung his sleeves and cursed, his eyes carefully looked at Fang Yi'ai, but the lights in the cell were dim, and Fang Yi'ai covered her face with a black cloth, this teacher over fifty years old Due to various factors, the master couldn't see Fang Yiai's upper half of his face clearly.

Walking to the prison door, Fang Yiai kicked the jailer to the ground with the intention of making a fake show. Before he could cry out in pain, a knife hand knocked him unconscious on the ground.

After beating the jailer unconscious, Fang Yi'ai stood in front of the cell door, looking at Mei Zhusheng inside, took out the white paper that had been prepared from her bosom, and looked at Mei Zhusheng up and down.

Fang Yiai put away the white paper, raised the dagger high in his hand, and split the iron chain in half with just one blow.

"You are Mei Zhusheng?" Fang Yiai could press her throat, and quickly opened the prison door, with a gleaming dagger lying in front of her, and said in a tone full of murderous intent: "Where's Wang Tong?"

Seeing that the man was so handsome, Mei Zhusheng sighed softly, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​escape, "The cunning rabbit is dead, the running dog is cooking, and the bird is gone!"

"Where's Wang Tong?" Fang Yiai knew that too much talk would lead to mistakes, and he didn't want to entangle with Mei Zhusheng, so he immediately searched for Wang Tong who was hiding under the bed.

Seeing the killer looking for Wang Tong, Mei Zhusheng said with a smile: "He is a capable dog, you were the one who killed the first two county magistrates before?"

Fang Yi's heart trembled, he looked at Mei Zhusheng, and thought, "Sure enough, the deaths of the first two magistrates are inseparably related to the dog official of Caozhou prefect!"

"Since you know, why bother to ask!" Although Mei Zhusheng guessed that he was a killer sent by the prefect of Caozhou, but his life was at stake, Fang Yiai did not dare to be sloppy, and tried to catch him.

Mei Zhusheng knew that he was doomed to die, his heart was ashamed, and he hibernated with all his meticulous scheming, and he didn't even have the slightest thought of resisting.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Mei Zhusheng turned around and sighed, exposing his back to Fang Yiai, as if he wanted to kill him.

It doesn't matter if he gave up and resisted, but Fang Yiai said, "What kind of tricks is this old fox playing! If I don't kill him, won't I show my feet when I come back to my senses later?!"

Seeing that Mei Zhusheng was silent, Fang Yiai snorted coldly and said with a suppressed voice: "Old man, I'm sorry you can't run away, so kill Wang Tong first!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai strode to the bed and overturned the inferior wooden bed with one hand, instantly exposing Wang Tong who was hiding under the bed.

"Spare my life, good man, spare my life, good man. The prefect of Caozhou is my brother-in-law! Did my brother-in-law send you to save me?" Wang Tong was so frightened that he couldn't speak incoherently, but instead helped Fang Yiai.

"Hmph! I knew you were an idiot who did more than bring about success, so I specifically asked me to kill you first when I came here!"

As soon as the words fell, Fang Yiai raised the dagger high, cruelly, and stabbed Wang Tong's collarbone with precision.


Wang Tong clutched the bleeding wound, his limbs trembled like a sieve, panting heavily: "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

"When a husband dies, he dies. What's the use of suing him!" At the juncture of life and death, Mei Zhusheng fully demonstrated the integrity of a literati. It has to be said that in ancient times, when life and death were really approaching, literati who had always been weak were more virtuous than generals, but they cannot be generalized. .

"Hero, forgive me, I have money, I have money!" As he spoke, a strange smell suddenly came from under Wang Tong's body, and this little crab who usually walks sideways in Meiwu County was so frightened that he lost control of himself.

Seeing that Wang Tong and Mei Zhusheng believed it to be true, Fang Yiai realized that it was time, and said the secret code agreed with Fan Jin before, "The King of Hades told you to die at the third watch, which one will keep you until the fifth watch!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai was afraid that Fan Jin's appearance would be too coincidental, and then stabbed Wang Tong twice, but these two hits only hurt his calf and arm, and Fang Yiai could dodge all the vital parts .

"Bold thief, the county lord is here!"

With a loud shout, Fan Jin led the arresters and jailers forward, and quickly blocked the narrow prison door.

"Who!" Fang Yiai pretended to be panic, and murmured in a panic: "Who? What's the point?!"

After the words fell, Fang Yiai raised the dagger again, and this time the blade was aimed at Wang Tong's throat.

The moment Fang Yiai swung the dagger down, Fan Jin yelled again: "Master Xian, the thief is inside!"

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Yiai quickly withdrew the dagger, stamped her feet resentfully, and walked straight towards the prison door, raised her foot and kicked over the two arresters, then ruthlessly slashed at Fan Jin's shoulder.

After rushing out of the siege, Fang Yiai quickly ran to the gatehouse, took off her black clothes, hid the dagger, and then turned around and came to the cell.

"Hmph! One leaf can't see Mount Tai, Master Fan, the thief has been shot dead by this county. You won't ask for guilt, will you?"

Fan Jin covered his shoulders with his hands, and said with pain: "I will report to the county lord that robbing a prison is a death penalty for beheading, and the county lord will execute him in accordance with the law."

"Oh, Master Fan, are you hurt? Hurry up and bandage it up!" Fang Yi's upper body, the showman's upper body, greeted Fan Jin coldly, and then stood in front of the prison door, looking at Wang Tong who was wailing in pain, And Mei Zhusheng, who bowed his head and said nothing, said: "You are lucky, if the county is not afraid that the prefect of Caozhou will make trouble tomorrow, and plans to interrogate you overnight, you may have already boarded the Naihe Bridge by now!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai supported Fan Jin, turned around and walked towards the exit of the cell, thinking to himself: "Old fox, you've nailed this trick!"

Just as the two of them left with the arrester and the jailer locked the cell door again, Mei Zhusheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "The magistrate, go slowly, the old man has something to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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