Chapter 410 Promotion Judgment
In the early morning, with the sound of a rooster, the couple woke up from their sleep.

"Mmm, refreshed!" Fang Yiai hugged Qin Jingniang, looked at the tent above her head with a smile, and murmured, "Jingniang, why don't you just stay here?"

"It's so embarrassing. I didn't return home last night. I don't know what elder sister Yaohuan thinks." Qin Jingniang snuggled into Fang Yiai's arms, shy and coquettish.

Recalling Xie Yaohuan's icy face yesterday, Fang Yiai smiled awkwardly, "So you told Yaohuan."

Standing up and putting on her shoes and socks, Fang Yiai combed her black hair behind her and said, "It's okay, she's going to go through the door in the future, so why not be ashamed."

Putting on Fang Yiai's official clothes, Qin Jingniang looked out the window at the newly rising Golden Crow, and said a little disappointed, "I don't know if father, father-in-law and mother-in-law are okay."

Fang Yiai puts on the gauze hat, although he has gone through a series of major events and his character has changed a lot, but when he thinks of his family in Chang'an, he can't help feeling homesick.

"As long as the time is right, Long Live will naturally recruit me back to Beijing." As he spoke, Fang Yiai caressed the beauty's cheek, and said with some self-reproach: "It's just that I have caused my lady to suffer."

"The slave's family has already belonged to He Lang, and it is only natural for husbands and wives to follow suit. What's more, Jing Niang is very content with the officials' pity."

"Yeah, you and I still have family members, but Yao Huan entered the palace since she was a child. I'm afraid she has no relatives. You have to take good care of her in the future." Said, Fang Yiai leaned into Qin Jingniang's ear, and the little girl Said: "Take a posture of being the main wife, anyway, you are also the first wife in this list!"

"Okay." Qin Jingniang murmured when Fang Yiai brought up the old promise, and nodded, "Sister Yaohuan is calm and calm. If there is something on her mind, I'm afraid she won't tell my family."

"Yaohuan will last forever, let's talk about it." After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai bid farewell to Qin Jingniang, walked out of the inner office, and went straight to the Meiwu County Court, which had a new look.

Sitting in the courtroom, looking at all the slaves and policemen who had arrived, Fang Yiai nodded in satisfaction, and asked, "How is the progress of the food distribution these few days?"

Because Fan Jin went to Caozhou to write a letter early in the morning, the one who spoke and answered was replaced by an older policeman.

"Reporting to the county lord, in the past three days, the humble officials and others have walked through all the villages and towns under their jurisdiction, and the food distributed is enough to feed the people for three months."

Nodding slightly, Fang Yiai rubbed her chin and muttered, "Are all the shops on the street open?"

"No. Merchants are so afraid of the heavy silver tax, they would rather close than open."

"It's all good deeds done by Mei Zhusheng!" Fang Yiai spat softly, then patted the gavel, and said seriously: "Later, when you spread the word, you will say that from now on, all kinds of silver taxes in Meiwu County will be reduced or exempted." Half a year, wait for half a year before collecting taxes according to the law, as for the miscellaneous taxes set before Mei Zhusheng, they will all be abolished!"

After speaking, Fang Yiai picked up the pen and paper on the public case, swiped the pen, and wrote down a notice for the people of Xiaoyu County.

After asking Zaoli to post the notice on the bulletin board outside the door, Fang Yiai thought of Mei and Wang who died yesterday, and asked suspiciously, "Where are the bodies of Mei Zhusheng and Wang Tong?"

"Reporting to the county lord, the mistake of the two of them has been carried to Yizhuang."

"Bury the two of them. Later, I will find two people to accompany the county to the cemetery outside the city. The county will pay homage to the former two magistrates in person."

"Also, the four of you go to the street to hire a carriage and go to Shuanghuaishu to bring Master Fan's mother and wife to the inner yamen."

After instructing Zao Li and the yamen servants to perform their duties, Fang Yiai walked out of the county yamen, deliberately wearing official clothes to flaunt the city, and went outside the city to pay homage to the two previous magistrates who died unjustly.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed. Since Fan Jin's mother and wife moved into the inner yamen, the whole compound has become more lively. On weekdays, Mrs. Fan is in charge of cooking, and Mrs. Fan is taking care of the flowers and plants in the courtyard. The days are becoming more and more normal .

Besides the official business, since Mei and Wang were executed in the street, with Fang Yiai's announcement as an introduction, all the abandoned businesses in the county began to resume operation, and even more people came to sue and file lawsuits. Fortunately, Fan Jin can handle all these trivial matters by himself, and Fang Yiai is happy to be the hands-off shopkeeper, teaching Ba Duan to write, practice calligraphy, and exercise his muscles every day in the inner office. Being scolded by Qin Jingniang and Xie Yaohuan for being a big slob.

In the early morning of this day, just as Fang Yiai sat in the courtroom, an official in official clothes and a flat cap rode his horse and stopped at the gate of the county government office.

Looking at the approaching officials, Fang Yiai squinted her eyes and thought to herself, "Officials from the Ministry of Officials? Why are you wearing an official uniform from the Ministry of Officials!"

The official came to the center of the courtroom, looked at Fang Yiai who was sitting upright in the courtroom, cupped his hands and asked, "Is the county honored son-in-law?"

"Well, that's right, this county is Fang Jun." Seeing that the visitor directly called him Fang Jun, Fang Yi was very happy in his heart, and thought to himself, "Could it be that the Holy Spirit has promoted me back to Beijing?"

"The lower official is a messenger from the Ministry of Officials. I was ordered to pass on the documents of the superior. Please look at it, son-in-law." The official sent the package to Fang Yiai with both hands.

"Come fast, go fast, what are you doing?" Fang Yiai returned to the high platform in a daze, and after opening the bag, a booklet with the official seal of the official department came into his eyes.

Unfolding the folder, the corners of Fang Yiai's mouth rose slightly, and she couldn't help laughing loudly.

"What's wrong with Xianzun? Why is he smiling so brightly?"

"I'm afraid you won't be promoted?"

Just as Zaoli and the policeman were secretly guessing that Fang Yiai was grinning stupidly, Fan Jin came leisurely from the inner office, and seeing his boss smiling from ear to ear, he couldn't help but clasped his hands and asked, "What's wrong with the magistrate?"

"This county has been promoted!" Fang Yiai handed the booklet to Fan Jin, and said with a smile behind his back, "I was promoted to the general judge of Caozhou, this is an official from the fourth rank! He was promoted to three ranks in a row! Hahaha!"

Fan Jin respectfully handed the booklet to Fang Yiai, and after the boss had laughed, he said softly, "The county lord is going to move to the Caozhou mansion this time, where is the boundary of the prefect of Caozhou, the county lord opened a warehouse to release grain I have formed a grudge with him, and I am afraid that I will inevitably be made things difficult and hindered when I take up the post of Caozhou General Judge."

"What are you afraid of? The Bentong magistrate in this county is under the fourth grade, and the prefect of Caozhou is only the fourth grade. What can he do to this county among the same level?"

As she said that, Fang Yiai patted Fan Jin on the shoulder and said, "It may take a few days for the county magistrate sent by the imperial court to arrive, so you should stay in the government office for a few days, and come again when the new magistrate arrives." Caozhou is looking for me."

Fang Yiai looked at Fan Jin, and saw that the old boy was calm and honest, so he couldn't help thinking of playing tricks, "Master Fan, why don't I go to Beijing with my official account and protect you as the magistrate of Meiwu County?"

"Students only want to follow the county magistrate in this life, so it's better to avoid being an official." Fan Jin is proficient in accidents, so he naturally knows how important a small seventh-rank county magistrate is, and the celebrity staff next to the prince's son-in-law is more important. Rejection with a wave of hands seems to cut off the once-in-a-lifetime path of becoming an official, but in fact it is a wonderful move.

"This county is joking with you, here you support first, I will go to the inner office to tell the good news to my wife."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai walked out of the courtroom with a smile, leaving Fan Jin alone on the high platform, looking at the wooden chair that symbolized the main hall of Meiwu County, but the old scholar's eyes were full of indifference.

"I, Fan Jin, am already 50 years old this year. Even if I am honored by the county venerable and recommended to be promoted to the main hall of Meiwu County, I am afraid that I will be trapped in this poor village for the rest of my life? Why not follow the county venerable and go to Chang'an to learn more .”

After coming to the inner office, after saying hello to the old lady Fan who was watering the flowers, Fang Yiai trotted all the way into the bedroom, and said to Xie Yaohuan and Qin Jingniang who were reading and embroidering, "Come on!"

"He Lang, what's wrong? Who made He Lang unhappy?"

"It's still so frizzy, when will it really calm down?"

Facing the complaints from the second daughter, Fang Yiai turned a deaf ear to it, put the folder on the table, and said: "You two young ladies, I can judge whether you are handsome today or not?"

"Sentence? Has He Lang been promoted?" Qin Jingniang put down the embroidery in her hand and walked up to Fang Yiai with a smile, her eyes full of joy.

Xie Yaohuan also put down the ancient book in his hand, looked carefully at Fang Yiai, then picked up the booklet on the table and said, "Your Majesty appointed you as the general judge of Caozhou? That is an important position in charge of food, taxation, public security and many other affairs."

Fang Yiai nodded with a smile, and said thoughtfully: "Yes, Wansui wants me to restrict the prefect of Caozhou. I think the scriptures I entrusted to my father before coming here should have made Wansui suspicious of the prefect of Caozhou."

"Caozhou is no better than Meiwu County, where there are mixed fish and dragons, so it's better to be more careful when going this time." Xie Yaohuan put down the booklet and said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? I have two beauties, Wen and Wu, by my side, and I'm afraid that the prefect of Caozhou will not be able to interpret the words?" After being a good girl in front of Qin Jingniang and Xie Yaohuan, Fang Yiai asked Ba Duan to go to the restaurant to order with the money. With a table of meals, I plan to celebrate tonight, and I will happily go to Caozhou to take office tomorrow.

That night, Fan Jin's mother and son, Fang Yiai's husband and wife, and Ba Duan, a total of seven people, drank some water and wine, and ate until curfew, and then walked back to the inner office .

After sending Qin Jingniang and Xie Yaohuan back to their room, Fang Yiai came to her own residence alone, sat on the bed and giggled for a long time before falling asleep drunk.

Although the judge of Caozhou is from the fourth rank, compared with Fang Yiai, who was appointed as Shangshu Youcheng before, his rights and future are much worse. The son-in-law had fun for a long time.

Early the next morning, after getting up early in the morning, Fang Yiai settled Fan Jin, mother and son, took Qin Jingniang, Xie Yaohuan, and Ba Duan, and drove out of the city in a carriage.

But when the group turned around the street where the county government office was located, the road ahead was blocked by a crowd of bustling people.

All the people heard the news of Fang Yiai's promotion from Zaoli and the police, and they felt grateful for the kindness of Fang County Magistrate who opened a warehouse to release grain and exempted him from taxes for half a year, so they spontaneously came to see him off.

"Grandpa, this is a new melon planted by my family. The county lord can take it and eat it on the road."

"This is firewood eggs collected by our family. The county lords can go to Caozhou and eat slowly."

"Xianzun, will you come back to see us when you go to Caozhou this time?"

"Be careful on Xianzun Road."

Hearing the earnest advice from the common people, Fang Yiai felt her eyes flushed, and after signaling to Baduan to take a melon and two eggs, she jumped off the carriage, cupped her hands and said, "Old people, Fang Jun is going to Caozhou this time. , although the burden of the Meiwu County magistrate has been relieved, the Caozhou Tongjuan is also the official in charge of Meiwu County, and he will definitely come to visit you if you have the opportunity. I have been away for a few days, and Master Fan is in charge of official duties in the Yamen. What can I find him for?"

After exchanging pleasantries with the people for a long time, Fang Yiai reluctantly continued on the journey. After Fan Jin, a kind of Zaoli, and a policeman sent them to the city gate, Fang Yiai bid farewell to everyone, and then drove towards Caozhou Mansion. .

It was already noon when we came to Caozhou Mansion. After the government office showed the official document and received the seal and the key of the mansion, Fang Yiai went to the execution room to get the official uniform and gauze cap. Then, under the leadership of a policeman, came to the In front of the mansion provided by the government office for the judge.

Because it is the residence provided by the imperial court, the mansion of the dignified fourth-rank official is not very big. Compared with the internal government office in Meiwu County, there are only two more courtyards and a few wing rooms.

After arranging Baduan to live in the West Wing, Fang Yiai had to live in the East Wing because of Xie Yaohuan who was "afraid of the dark", while Qin Jingniang and Xie Yaohuan lived in the main room.

Just as everyone was packing their luggage in an orderly manner, a policeman from the government office somehow got the news and followed him to the door.

After finding Fang Yiai, the messenger put a name card on the ground with both hands respectfully, and said: "My master, please come to Juxian Building for a gathering."

After receiving the name card, Fang Yiai murmured in bewilderment: "Your master? I have never had any contact with him, why did you invite me with the name card?"

"My master is the magistrate of Caozhou. He said that he and Tongpan were old friends in Chang'an."

Hearing what the policeman said, Fang Yiai became more and more confused, and unfolded the name post with a half-knowledge. After seeing the inscription at the end, the joy in the newly appointed Caozhou General Judge disappeared immediately, and was replaced by killing intent.

"The magistrate of Caozhou, Cai Shaobing."

(End of this chapter)

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