Chapter 430 Giving a Head

Looking down at the headless dead body on the table, Fang Yiai's Qingjun's face showed a sinister smile, she walked down the high platform slowly with a knife in her hand, and said loudly: "Do you have anything to say?"


Several centurions looked at each other, exchanged glances hastily, and then fell to the ground with the waist knife in their hands, and then knelt on the ground together.

"Sir, please forgive me."

It is true that they are Liu Yuhou's confidantes, but at this moment Liu Yuhou has been beheaded by Fang Yiai. Even if they fight hard, they will end up in the same way.

Fang Yiai walked up to the head, bent down and grabbed the bun, and looked at Liu Yuhou who was dying, and most of the anger in her heart disappeared.

"How wonderful is this gift? Yuhou!"

Holding a knife in her right hand and Liu Yuhou's head in her left hand, Fang Yiai looked around at the prostrating centurions in front of her and said with a sneer, "Kill him, can you accept it?"

"Submit." All the centurions spoke in unison, fearing that the steel knife in Fang Yi'ai's hand would be chopped off.

"Since I'm convinced, I'm here to ask you a question." Fang Yiai returned to the high platform, kicked Liu Yuhou's dead body aside, and swaggered to sit on the chief seat of the Chinese military tent.

"Did you participate in the massacre of Xiaohuai Village back then?" Fang Yiai put the head on the table, held the steel knife in her hand, and glanced at the centurion under the stage, seeing all the changes in the expressions of the few people. .

As soon as this remark came out, several people looked at each other in dismay, all of them looked shocked. Tucun was very strict back then, but he didn't expect to be caught out two years later.

Seeing the flickering eyes of several people, Fang Yiai snorted coldly, slammed the steel knife on the table, and said loudly: "If you don't tell me, I will punish you immediately!"

The centurions were all stunned by Fang Yiai's methods. Seeing that the killing god was about to attack again, they who were still pondering a moment ago started rushing to talk now.

"Information and judgment."

"Your Honor."

"Report to my lord."

Seeing the miscellaneous things that several people said, Fang Yiai snorted coldly, slapped the table again and said, "Let's talk after one is finished!"

"According to the general judgment, the massacre of the village was an order from the magistrate of Caozhou, and we, as soldiers, only followed orders."

After several people confessed truthfully, the corners of Fang Yiai's mouth slightly raised, nodded and said: "Since you have confessed, then take out a pen and paper and draw on it!"

Trembling, the centurion brought the Four Treasures of the Study, and when one person wrote the confession, the rest of them pressed their fingerprints one after another, and then handed the confession to Fang Yiai respectfully. appearance.

Looking at the confession, Fang Yiai nodded and said: "Since you confessed truthfully, then you should be punished lightly."

"Thank you sir."

Fang Yiai stood up, put the confession in the belt around her waist, looked at the centurion who was kneeling down on the platform, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and came up with a brilliant idea.

"Long live gave me a private seal before, but I haven't used one now, why not use it to deal with that dog official of the prefect of Caozhou today!"

Having made up her mind, Fang Yiai said loudly, "Does it seem like you're going to make amends?"

As soon as the words came out, the centurions kowtowed and responded, "I am willing to listen to the adults."

"Okay!" Fang Yiai nodded, grabbed Liu Yuhou's head, walked down the high platform quickly, and said, "You find two hundred strong soldiers and follow me to the government office!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai threw the head to the nearest centurion, stretched out his hand and saw that the palm of his hand was not stained with blood, and then continued: "You take this head, it will be useful for me to go to the government office. "

Fang Yi'ai walked out of the tent of the Chinese army with his hands behind his back, and the armored soldiers standing on both sides of the road saw that he was proud of the spring breeze, and couldn't help being curious.

Because of Liu Yuhou's order before, they raised their sabers above their heads again, but before Fang Yiai could move forward, several centurions walked out of the Chinese army tent.

When everyone saw Liu Yuhou's head, there was an uproar in the barracks, and all the waist knives raised just now fell to the ground. You look at me, I look at you, no one believes it. However, the seemingly frail Fang Yiai killed Liu Yuhou himself!
"Bold! How dare you use a knife in front of Mr. Tong San! Why don't you hurry up and plead guilty!"

As soon as the centurion holding the head said this, a group of armored soldiers knelt down and clasped their fists, and Fang Yiai was delighted to see them in desperation, walked out of the barracks with their hands behind their hands, then got on their horses, and under everyone's gaze , said in a loud voice: "Centurion, take the head and lead the armored soldiers to find me in the Tongpan Mansion later!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai rode his horse and walked slowly towards Caozhou City.

"What should I do? Do you really want to follow him to the government office?"

"Otherwise? We've already confessed, if we don't go, we're afraid we'll die!"

"That's right, Fang Junnai is the number one scholar in the current discipline, and he is also the son-in-law of Long Live. Compared with him, the prefect of Caozhou is probably a dozen blocks behind."

"In this case, hurry up and pick out the armored soldiers, and we will enter the city right away!"

After several centurions discussed hastily, one person was left waiting outside holding the head, and the rest went to the camp to select armored soldiers and horses.

Back in the mansion, Fang Yiai handed over the horse to Baduan, and walked quickly into Dongkua courtyard to announce the good news to Xie Yaohuan.


Walking into the room, seeing Xie Yaohuan resting on the couch, Fang Yi knew that the beauty was drowsy due to excessive blood loss, so he couldn't help but walked to the desk and began to write the memorial to Tang Taizong.

After writing a memorial, seeing that Xie Yaohuan hadn't woken up, Fang Yiai started writing again, and wrote three letters in a row, two of which were addressed to Du Ruhui and Ma Zhou, and the other was written to his elder brother Fang Yi. straight.

After writing a memorial and three letters, seeing Xie Yaohuan still asleep, Fang Yiai was overjoyed, quietly walked to the side of the bed, and kissed the beautiful woman's red lips.

"Well, it's always so unprofessional." Xie Yaohuan smiled like a flower, got up and looked at Fang Yiai, and said curiously: "It's not past noon, why did you come back so early?"

"I'm going to vent my anger on Huan'er." Fang Yiai shook her head deliberately, and the two gauze hat wings swayed slightly, looking quite agile and mischievous.

Seeing what Fang Yiai said, Xie Yaohuan instantly thought of Liu Yuhou who escaped the day before yesterday, "What? Fang Lang went to beat Liu Yuhou violently?"

"If you don't hit him, you just kill him."

"Ah! Fang Lang! Why are you so reckless! How can he be an imperial court official!"

"Hmph! It's nothing to order an official from the court. If he dares to hurt my wife, he will definitely not be spared! Cai Shaobing will let him be free for a few days first, and in a few days he will have to be killed as well!"

Fang Yiai spoke loudly, and Xie Yaohuan was moved when she heard it, she snuggled into Fang Yiai's arms, and said with tears in her beautiful eyes, "Fang Lang and my family did not misunderstand the person after all."

"Haha, my lady has good eyesight."

After chatting with Xie Yaohuan for a while, it was estimated that the centurion and others had arrived at the door. Fang Yiai got up to bid farewell to the beautiful woman, walked out of the East Kua courtyard with letters and memorials, and came straight to the west wing where Fan Jin was staying.

"Master Fan, is there anything important? If not, go out with me."

Fan Jin walked out of the room, saluted Fang Yi'ai, and the two walked out of the house slowly, and ran into the centurion and two hundred soldiers.

Seeing Fang Yiai, a group of people clasped their fists and saluted. Seeing Fan Jin standing beside him, they recognized that this was the teacher next to Fang Yiai, and took advantage of the opportunity to say hello to him.

"Okay, let's go to the government office with me." After speaking, Fang Yiai and Fan Jin took the lead, leading two hundred armored soldiers, and rushed over to the government office with great momentum.

Arriving in front of the government office, the team behind Fang Yiai increased to over a thousand people, most of them were people who came to watch the excitement. The leader is the famous top of the commoner list, they all dropped their work and followed to the government office to watch a great excitement.

"Where's the head? Bring it here." Fang Yiai took the package from the centurion, and seeing that Liu Yuhou's head was covered with cloth, he didn't say anything, stood in front of the Yamen with a sneer, and went straight to The government office went to the court.

In the courtroom, the magistrate of Caozhou and Cai Shaobing were reviewing official affairs, when they suddenly heard voices outside the door, and were about to go out to see what happened, Fang Yiai walked in quickly.

"Fang Jun! How courageous you are! See if you beat me!" Seeing Fang Yi'ai, the prefect of Caozhou became furious, pointing at his black-blue left eye, and shouted.

"Fu Zun, don't panic, Fang Jun is here to plead guilty."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai threw the burden of the head directly towards the prefect of Caozhou, because there was strength in letting go, the burden fell directly on the public case, and after a few turns, it slowly stopped.

"Hmph! Playing mysteries!" Caozhou Zhifu took the burden in his hand, and while unbuttoning it, he thought to himself: "Liu Yuhou, this trash, why didn't he kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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