Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 52 It Is Really Deceptive

Chapter 52 It Is Really Deceptive
Noticing the strange expressions of the two of them, Fang Yi was slightly stunned and thought to himself: "As a businessman, not only did he not drive up prices, but he stopped asking prices and sold the elixir to everyone? What kind of business is this?!"

Just as Fang Yiai was trying to figure out the thoughts of the two of them in the Western Regions, while using his true energy to suppress the wounds in his body, the merchant from the Western Regions held a short knife and quickly cut the light water vine into equal parts.

After dividing the light water vine, the merchant from the Western Regions took the wooden plate casually, and then handed the dagger to the servant beside him, "Generals, once the light water vine is contaminated by weapons, the aura will leak out quickly. Please hurry up Take it down,"

The young man took the dagger, his expression suddenly changed, and then he walked downstairs quickly.

Yu Chigong, Cheng Yaojin and the others are staring at the light water vines in the wooden tray in a daze, so they don't have the time to pay attention to the servant who quietly retreats.

Just when the servant was walking past Fang Yiai with a short knife in his hand, the sharp-eyed Fang Yiai noticed that the short knife that had just been used to cut up the light water vine had turned jet black at this moment!
After the stranger from the Western Regions noticed Fang Yiai's gaze, he snorted coldly, waved his sleeves and urged the boy, "Hurry up and get down!"

Hearing the urging, the boy who had been going all the way started to trot down the top floor of the Jussing Building.

After the servant left, the stranger from the Western Regions looked up and down at Fang Yiai with eyes like poisonous snakes, and a stern murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Fang Yiai was stunned, the Western Regions merchant had already walked up to Yu Chigong and the others with a wooden tray in his hand.

Looking at the light water vine on the plate, Yu Chi Gong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said to the waiter at the side: "Okay, bring some hot tea. I'll eat this elixir immediately!"

When Xiaoer brought the hot tea, Yu Chigong deliberately picked out the largest piece of light water vine slice, and then prepared to open his mouth to swallow it whole.

After Yu Chigong picked out the light water vine, Cheng Yaojin and the other five, not to be outdone, picked up a piece of cut light water vine one after another, and prepared to take it into their stomachs with tea.

Seeing that everyone was about to swallow the light water vine, the businessman from the Western Regions smiled, and for a moment he lost his mind and let out a laugh.

The next moment, a stern sound of stopping stopped the chuckle of the businessman from the Western Regions abruptly.

Fang Yiai saw that Yu Chigong and the others were about to swallow this weird light water vine, and in a hurry, Fang Yiai couldn't help but stop, "Wait!"

Yu Chigong was immersed in the dream of his body getting stronger after taking the light water vine, when he suddenly heard Fang Yiai's stopping sound, he couldn't help being startled, "En? What are you doing, you scared me!"

"Generals, the disease comes from the mouth. The efficacy of the light water vine is not yet fully understood, so don't take it rashly!"

As she spoke, Fang Yiai walked up and down the room, and stood in front of Yu Chigong and Cheng Yaojin.

Seeing Fang Yiai stop him, Yu Chigong, who didn't like him at all, snorted coldly, and said sharply: "Didn't you feel the cold wind just now? Didn't you see the strange people from the Western Regions release their true energy and crush them in the air?" Porcelain bottle?"

Yu Chigong's arrogant attitude made Fang Yi's heart extremely unhappy, but Fang Yi's heart was not in the mood to argue with him when the situation was critical, "I have seen what Duke E said."

"Why did you interrupt me when I saw you?" Yu Chigong glared at Fang Yiai angrily, then opened his mouth and sent the light water vine to his mouth.


Seeing that Yu Chigong was about to swallow the light water vine, Fang Yiai couldn't care about etiquette in a hurry, and immediately reached out and snatched the light water vine from Yu Chigong's hand.

After Qingshui Teng was taken away, Yu Chigong became furious, got up and pointed at Fang Yiai and cursed: "You fucking court death!"

Fang Yiai turned a deaf ear to Yu Chigong's insults, turned to Cheng Yaojin and the others and said: "All generals, it won't be too late to listen to me!"

Seeing Fang Yiai's interruption, Cheng Yaojin and the others hesitated a little, but it was not difficult to see from their suspicious eyes that they didn't believe that the young commoner was the first in the list.

Qin Qiong, who knew Fang Yiai's true strength, saw that everyone was skeptical about Fang Yiai's words, and immediately got up and said, "Brothers, give Qin some face. Let my nephew finish talking."

As soon as Qin Qiong said this, Cheng Yaojin and the others immediately put the light water vine and hot tea on the table, and Yu Chigong, who was furious at the side, also sat back on his seat.

Knowing that he had lost face, Yu Chigong slammed the table and yelled at Qin Qiong: "Second Qin, your nephew can't speak out today, let alone Old Hei, I will turn my face and deny anyone!"

Because of Mei Liangchuan's three whips for two maces, there was always a gap between Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong. Facing Yuchigong's outrageous clamor, Qin Qiong snorted and remained silent.

Seeing that everyone stopped taking Qingshui Vine because of Fang Yiai's action, the Western Region businessman's face darkened, and he said: "He Bangshou's reputation resounds throughout Chang'an, but I don't know what's wrong with my Qingshui Vine? That's why He Bangshou spoke out to stop it? "

Fang Yiai was watching the light water vine carefully, and seeing the merchants from the Western Regions disturbing him, she couldn't help being a little annoyed, and said in a cold voice, "I'm just curious, just check it out."

The foreigner from the Western Regions was spotted twice by Fang Yiai, so naturally he would not give him a good face at this moment, "Hmph! Ignorant boy, light water vine is a rare panacea in the desert of death. If the aura in it is exhausted, everyone The old wound in the general's body cannot heal. What should I do?!"

Ping Laodao, who had seen the methods of the foreigner in the Western Regions, had already bowed to him at this moment, seeing the displeasure of the foreigner in the Western Regions, he walked up to Fang Yiai to please Ping Laodao, and shouted sharply: "Yes, what the expert said is true. What should I do if the medicinal effect of the light water vine is delayed because of you?"

Fang Yiai was carefully inspecting the slices of the light water vine, and she was already very upset when she saw someone making trouble in her ear.At this moment, seeing Ping Laodao actually speaking for a foreigner from the Western Regions, and thinking of his previous arrogant and rude attitude towards him, Fang Yi's anger rose sharply, and then he raised his hand and slapped Ping Laodao's cheek heavily.

Ping Laodao claimed to be an expert outsider, so he never expected that Fang Yi'ai would be silent and hit with a raised hand. Caught off guard, Ping Laodao turned around on the spot, and then fell heavily on the ground.


After knocking Taoist Ping to the ground, Fang Yiai let out a cold snort, and looked up at the old Taoist who was lying on the ground humming.

Seeing that the helper he had invited was actually knocked to the ground by Fang Yiai in public, Yu Chigong was furious all of a sudden, "You are bold!"

Seeing Yu Chigong standing up and yelling, Fang Yiai snorted coldly, turned to look at Ping Laodao on the ground, and asked, "I ask you, why are there so many plants and trees in everything?"

Ping Laodao sits in the Yuntai temple every day and is revered by all the believers. He has never been beaten like this before. Panicked, he instinctively replied: "Most of them are green and white and gentle!"

"Fortunately, you once learned the art of distorting yellow from Sun Simiao. Let me ask you which medicinal material is cold in nature?!"

Fang Yiai's words made Ping Taoist's heart tremble, thinking of the cold air emitted by the light water vine before, this old Taoist priest who is over seventy years old couldn't help but gasped, "The medicine is cold? Most of them are poisonous substances such as arsenic, lead medicine, and crane top red!"

As soon as Taoist Ping said this, there was a huge wave in the hearts of Yu Chigong, Cheng Yaojin and others. They sat on their seats and couldn't help but look at the stranger from the Western Regions.

After feeling everyone's astonished gazes, the stranger from the Western Regions snorted coldly, and said with his hands behind his back: "Huh, light water vine is a unique elixir in the desert of death. Just now Daoist Ping also said that there is no such thing in the Tang Dynasty, and there is no such thing in medical books. What's so strange about the records?"

Seeing that people from the Western Regions used the excuse of different regions to prevaricate, Fang Yiai smiled softly, cupped his hands and said, "All things in the world have the same origin, I'm afraid you can't justify your words?"

The foreigner from the Western Regions clasped his hands tightly, and looked at Fang Yi'ai with hostility in his eyes, "The injuries in the bodies of several generals have been suppressed just now, could it be that the poisonous medicine will have such an effect?"

Hearing the words of the stranger from the Western Regions, Fang Yi's heart trembled slightly, and then he secretly drove his true energy into the light water vine slices in his hand.

After entering the light water vine slices, the originally gentle zhenqi lost control, disappearing like a mud cow entering the sea.

Fang Yiai saw that all her true energy had been dispelled, and she was even more certain about her previous guess that this light water vine is not an elixir for warming and nourishing the body, it is clearly an extremely evil poison!

Seeing that Fang Yi'ai was silent for a while, the stranger from the Western Regions raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "Although He Bangtou is capable of both civil and military skills, he is still beyond his reach in the art of Qihuang, right? Forget it, I don't care about you. Hurry up and get the generals Take it, lest the spiritual energy dissipate in the air and affect the efficacy of the medicine."


Seeing that the stranger from the Western Regions took the opportunity to make Yu Chigong and others drink the light water vine, Fang Yiai interrupted sharply, then walked up to Qin Qiong, and held out a cup of hot tea.

"What time is it, are you still in the mood to drink tea? Wait, hurry up and get the elixir!"

"Brother He, we won't blame you for your kindness. Hurry up and return the elixir to Duke E."

Bewitched by the strangers from the Western Regions, everyone who already had suspicions about Fang Yiai chose to believe the words of the strangers from the Western Regions.

Facing everyone's urging, Fang Yiai remained unmoved, and secretly poured his true energy into the hot tea, and then threw the sliced ​​light water vine into it.

After the light water vine slices came into contact with the hot tea full of zhenqi, strands of black liquid immediately emerged. Almost instantly, the black liquid took up the clear tea soup, leaving only a pile of sticky black hair in the teacup. An unknown liquid with a foul smell!

(End of this chapter)

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