Chapter 549
"All in one thought of this palace?"

Fang Yiai's eyes flickered, and he said suspiciously: "Director Wang, if I let you go, Empress Dowager."

"My son-in-law." Wang Youdao chuckled lightly, cupped his hands and said, "If my son-in-law can let go of this matter, cause and effect will have a cause, cause and cause will have an effect, and success will be achieved."

In the middle of speaking, Wang Youdao stopped talking, and Fang Yi'ai was surrounded by clouds and mist, as if he was in an enchanted array.

Fang Yiai smiled wryly, seeing that Wang Youdao's words were far-fetched, but full of insights, she nodded and said, "When did the manager start studying Huang Lao's words?"

"Our family is a rough man, and we don't know the old and the old, so don't make fun of me." Wang Youdao shook his head slightly, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, "This time our family came on foot, and the son-in-law condescends."

Fang Yiai shook her head and said a few words of flattery, followed Wang Youdao out of the East Palace, and walked towards Daming Palace together.

Along the way, Fang Yiai's mind was full of Wang Youdao's words, and she glanced at the people traveling with her, feeling even more uneasy.

"Boss Wang's words were not taught to him by others. Could it be that he is in the inner prison."

Fang Yiai pondered for a while, and soon came to a conclusion, "Yes! The inner supervisor can compete against Zhongshu Sheng and Liubutang, and the mystery must be deep. No wonder Brother Bai wants to seek my protection. It seems that there are people. There are rivers and lakes!"

With this incident, Fang Yiai had a new understanding of Wang Youdao, Bai Jian, and even Feng Chengdong of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and the two eunuchs, the supervisor and the admiral, and the several times of support and help to Bai Jian and Wang Youdao were engraved in her heart. Heart.

"Boss, but I don't know where Princess Yu'er Xiangcheng lives after returning to the palace?" Fang Yiai asked softly.

Wang Youdao raised the corner of his mouth and murmured: "Qixia Palace."

"Oh? What? The princess and Lizhi live in the same bedroom?" Fang Yi was quite surprised in his heart, never expecting that Empress Changsun would arrange Xiangcheng into Li Lizhi's bedroom.

"Isn't the Empress doing this to dispel the suspicion of the son-in-law?" Wang Youdao held the wooden handle of the fly broom and said with a smile: "It would be best if the son-in-law could turn a blind eye and close one eye in return."

"The manager's words are timely. Cen Mao's case has been dismissed by officials, and His Royal Highness ordered Shen Nianxing to try it."

"Shen Nianxing?" Wang Youdao paused slightly, then took another step, and said as he walked, "Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites? Is that the famous cotton door bag?"

Seeing what Wang Youdao said, Fang Yi'ai looked ashamed, cupped his hands and said, "I'm ashamed to say that Shen Shangshu's fate is all because of Fang Jun's recommendation."

Wang Youdao glanced at Fang Yiai, nodded and said, "My son-in-law can recommend Shen Nianxing to preside over Cen Mao's arson case, it seems that he has already thought about it."

"However, Cen Mao is cruel and ruthless, and he will not hesitate to hurt the world for the sake of profit. If Cai Shaobing stays, I am afraid that he will be the second!" Wang Youdao sighed softly, looking at Fang Yiai and said: "Cai Shaobing and Cen Mao are both the same kind Shit, when Ms. Xie was tried in the procuratorate, our family couldn't help but go to help!"

Xie Yaohuan lived in the deep palace for a long time before, and like Wang Youdao, he is the confidant of the eldest grandson empress. In addition, there is a nearly 30-year age difference between the two, so it is understandable for Wang Youdao to regard Xie Yaohuan as a junior or even a child.

Seeing Wang Youdao showing his heart and soul, Fang Yiai responded seriously, "Thank you for your kindness, Manager, Fang Jun will always remember Wu."

"My son-in-law, let's say something more." Wang Youdao looked at the Lizheng Hall, stopped and whispered: "The empress only asks that the Guanlongmen family will not be implicated, and the son-in-law next to him will do whatever he wants. Cen Mao is killing him I'm afraid there is no way out! Because of his nursery rhymes, Yushitai actually beat the Dengwen drum, I'm afraid the crown prince will not let him go!"

"Cen Mao fabricated a nursery rhyme to frame Fang Jun. It's a small matter, but the eldest princess shouldn't be involved, as it would damage the Royal Tianwei." Fang Yiai nodded in agreement.

Wang Youdao nodded and said nothing, and waited for the two of them to climb up the steps of Danchi, and then said: "The princess is in the palace, don't worry about it."

Fang Yiai nodded, then reached out and brushed the dust off the official clothes a few times, cupped her hands and said, "Please be in charge."

"No, the empress has a decree to pass on, and the son-in-law can enter the palace alone." Wang Youdao shook his head slightly, then stretched out his hand to push the palace door open a gap, pouted at Fang Yiai, and then said silently: "Be bold! It's okay !"

Fang Yi'ai walked into the hall, followed Wang Youdao to close the hall door, Fang Yi'ai took a deep breath, lifted the hem of her official clothes, and walked slowly to the screen in the inner hall.

"Chen, Fang Jun, the right servant of the Ministry of Justice, see the empress." Fang Yiai lowered her head solemnly, not daring to even glance behind the screen.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps in the inner hall, and then a young lady in white walked around the screen, stood beside Fang Yiai, and murmured: "The excellent Shu brocade screen, isn't it beautiful?" ?”

Hearing this, Fang Yiai raised her head slowly, seeing her younger brother's pretty eyes looking forward to the screen, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, "Princess."

"Fang Consort, Fang Shilang, is this Shu brocade screen beautiful?" Li Lizhi turned a deaf ear and continued to ask.

Fang Yiai turned her eyes to the screen of Sichuan brocade, and saw several carp embroidered on it, each one vivid and vivid, it could be seen that it was made by everyone.

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful to see the fish wagging their tails and walking on the water surface." Fang Yiai couldn't figure out Li Lizhi's mind, so she had to bite the bullet and answer.

Li Lizhi sighed softly, and said leisurely: "Isn't it a pity that the bait is empty and can't be hooked for these lively fish?"

Hearing the beautiful woman's soft words with lingering resentment, Fang Yiai gave a wry smile, cupped her hands and said, "It's not that Fang Jun is ungrateful, it's just that there have been many disasters in Chang'an these days, and everything is related to Fang Jun."

"A disaster?" Li Lizhi turned her pretty eyes, and said coldly, "Brew wine? Taste tea? Or go to the samurai Xun's house to have a romantic relationship? By the way, I recognized a godson?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Yi was quite shocked in his heart, and thought to himself: "Ah! How did Li Zhi know that I went to the Samurai Xun's house? Brother Bai said that? No way!"

After thinking quickly, Fang Yiai cupped his hands and said: "I went to Duke Wu's mansion for diagnosis and treatment by the order of the crown prince, to take in the adopted son of the mothfly."

Seeing that there was no sound in the inner hall anymore, Fang Yiai confirmed that Empress Changsun was no longer in the hall, her heart sank in half, and she became more courageous.

"Beauty." Fang Yiai stretched out her hand to clasp the beautiful woman's wrist, and said with a smile: "Fang Jun shouldn't decide this matter on his own, but he is not married right now, so this matter."

Teased by her lover's words, Li Lizhi's cheeks flushed red, and she spat: "Today is August [-]th, and there are three days left before the wedding, if it wasn't for the mother who sent someone to summon you, do you plan to never show up for the rest of your life? "

"It's not that Fang Jun doesn't show up. Right now, Long Live's royal conquest is in person. I can't go to the harem." Fang Yiai said, but changed the topic, "Lizhi, Shu'er is pregnant."

"I know." Li Lizhi's beautiful eyes flashed a touch of shyness, and she murmured, "How is Shu'er these days?"

"Okay, when the princess comes over, our family should be reunited." Fang Yiai chuckled, "It will be nice to be harmonious then."

Li Lizhi had some resentment in her heart, but now she listened to Fang Yi's coaxing and coaxing, she couldn't help her heart throbbing, how could she hold back?

"My enemy!" Li Lizhi lightly moved her lotus steps, sat in front of the tea table in the outer hall, and murmured: "The queen mother went to ask sister Yu'er, and she will come back when she is young."

"What are you asking?" Fang Yiai sat down on the wooden chair and asked, "Could it be to find another husband for Yu'er?"

Li Lizhi took a sip of herbal tea and spat: "My heart is always so absurd! How can you look like the top of the commoner list?"

"My brother He has long gone"

"Only your friend is left."

Hearing Li Lizhi's complaints, Fang Yixin felt unhappy, pretending to be angry and said, "He Zudao? He Zudao is much better than me. To save the princess in the bloody battle against Ashina in Taibai Mountain, he was seriously injured and has not recovered yet."

As she spoke, Fang Yiai coughed lightly on purpose, sighed and said, "This body is getting more and more useless!"

"It's only 20 years old, what kind of old, sick and disabled person is it?" Li Lizhi gave Fang Yi'ai a blank look, then suddenly put on a serious expression, and said: "Dear brother, I have something serious to tell you."

"What? Please tell me, princess, Fang Jun will listen attentively."

Li Lizhi glanced at the door, and whispered: "The battle report before the army shows that Tuli Khan turned his back in front of the battle, and the father has already defeated Jieli Khan."

"Oh." Fang Yi said lovingly: "This is indeed the case in history, it seems that the trajectory has not deviated."

"Then what happened to Ha Mi Chi?" Fang Yiai thought of that "old friend" and couldn't help being curious, so she asked.

Li Lizhi frowned slightly, and whispered: "Ha Michi was chased and killed by Luo Tong and Qin Huaiyu, and was captured alive in Jinshatan."

Before Fang Yiai could be happy, Li Lizhi's next words made the son-in-law confused.

"Shangshu Yang Bo of the Ministry of War of Shicai reported that the emperor first led ten thousand fine cavalry troops to camp at Lianglang Mountain last night, and now they have passed the Yanmen Pass."

(End of this chapter)

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