Chapter 6 Who Is Your Father?

After dealing with the rich man who judges people by appearance, Fang Yiai nodded and climbed up the stairs, looking for Princess Gaoyang through the doors and windows.

Looking at the antique carvings and picture windows around, Fang Yiai, who could only see the afterimages of the picture windows of the Tang Dynasty through channels such as TV dramas and museums in previous lives, is like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking around from time to time, and her heart has long been immersed in the Among the superb skills of the craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty.

Just as Fang Yiai was admiring the wood carvings and looking for Princess Gaoyang, a rich and young man in luxurious clothes, holding a white jade jug and trotting all the way bumped into him head-on.

Under the force of inertia, Fang Yiai took two steps back, looked up, and saw that Fu Shao was firmly protecting the white jade jug in his hands with both hands, and stabilized his figure after a while of staggering.

Seeing that Fu Shao almost fell down, Fang Yiai was about to ask, but a burst of angry curses came out of Fu Shao's mouth first, "You're blind!"

Fu Shao stared at Fang Yiai with triangular eyes and looked up and down a few times. After confirming that Fang Yiai's status was not high, Fu Shao cursed again: "Princess Gao Yang ordered this pot of wine to be tasted, country bumpkin, even if I sell you I can’t even afford it!”

The angry scolding attracted the attention of everyone on the second floor. Fang Yiai was a little upset, and just about to speak, the rich and the young walked into the Tianzi No. [-] room on the second floor.

Looking at Fu Shao's back, Fang Yiai pondered to himself, "Could it be that he is Gao Yang's friend?" Then he followed Fu Shao to the door of the private room where Princess Gao Yang and others were.

In the room, Princess Gao Yang sat at the head of the table, and several luxuriously dressed men and women sat in the banquet one by one, and the rich and young man who had just insulted Fang Yiai was sitting next to Princess Gao Yang, introducing Yu Yu to Gao Yang with a flattering face. Wine in jug.

Fang Yiai, who saw this scene through the crack of the door, felt emotional, "No wonder Princess Gaoyang will have an affair in the future, the former Fang Yiai, who has long since ceased to exist, is much inferior to these eloquent young talents , not to mention the monk Bianji who presided over the compilation of "Da Tang Western Regions"!"

Seeing Princess Gaoyang talking and laughing with Fu Shao, Fang Yiai felt a little annoyed, after all any man would feel bad when seeing his wife talking and laughing with others!

Reminiscent of the "Great Tang Green Hat King" who will fall on her head in the future, Fang Yiai snorted coldly, pushed open the half-hidden door, and walked straight into the private room.

Fu Shao was introducing fine wine to Princess Gaoyang, halfway through the conversation, his thoughts were interrupted by Fang Yiai's sudden intrusion, seeing that the person who came was the "commoner" who had just insulted him, a trace of anger suddenly rose in Fu Shao's heart.

Because of the presence of Princess Gao Yang, the rich and the young did not dare to be presumptuous, put down the jade pot with a displeased expression, and scolded Fang Yiai in a cold voice: "Get out!"

Seeing Fang Yiai being reprimanded by the rich and the young, Princess Gaoyang, who had been subjected to "family law" by Fang Yiai before, was in a good mood, subconsciously showing a flowery smile in joy.

Fu Shao was originally worried that his behavior would arouse Princess Gao Yang's dislike, but after seeing the smile on Gao Yang's face, the remaining worry immediately dissipated in Fu Shao's heart.

In order to show a masculine side in front of Princess Gao Yang, while insulting Fang Yiai, Fu Shao reached out to grab the wine glass in front of him and threw it at Fang Yiai, "You don't have eyes, get out!"

The wine glass was thrown from the hands of the rich and the young, and it hit Fang Yiai's shoulder directly. The wine soaked Fang Yiai's "carefully selected" civilian clothes, and at the same time, everyone at the banquet burst into laughter.

"Haha, this country bumpkin is stupid!"

"Look at the clothes he's wearing, even our manure picker is better dressed than him!"

Seeing Fang Yiai being ridiculed by everyone, Princess Gao Yang exclaimed secretly, the joy of revenge made the smile on her face even brighter.

Seeing everyone's ugly faces, Fang Yiai felt extremely upset, just about to get angry, but remembered that she would meet Qin Qiong's father and daughter later, in order not to cause trouble, Fang Yiai could only secretly suppress the anger in her heart.

Seeing Princess Gao Yang smiling like a flower, Fang Yiai realized Princess Gao Yang's intentions, "The reason why Gao Yang asked me to accompany her today is to take revenge on me with these dudes?"

After guessing Princess Gao Yang's thoughts, Fang Yiai sneered, facing everyone's disdainful gazes, a bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

Faced with everyone's disdainful gazes, Fang Yi'ai walked up behind Princess Gao Yang without haste, put her hands over the back of the chair made of sandalwood, and gently placed her shoulders on Princess Gao Yang.

The moment she touched Princess Gaoyang's icy muscles, Fang Yiai quietly operated the exercise method in the "Hunyuan Heart Sutra", and quietly transported the true energy in the dantian to her hands.

How could Princess Gaoyang have thought that Fang Yiai would be so bold, she was shocked and wanted to get up and interrupt Fang Yiai's frivolous behavior, but just when she was about to leave, a gentle and comfortable feeling suddenly appeared in her body. The shoulders and neck spread, and then the warmth circulated slightly in Princess Gao Yang's body, making her feel numb all over, as if all her strength had dissipated.

Seeing Princess Gao Yang sitting slumped on the wooden chair, Fang Yiai raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "You're walking pretty fast? I almost lost track."

As she spoke, Fang Yiai rubbed her palms lightly, pinching Princess Gaoyang's jade-like shoulders and neck from time to time, causing Princess Gaoyang, who was undergoing the baptism of true energy at this moment, to tremble slightly, and almost lost her composure several times. sound.

The true energy from Fang Yiai circulated continuously in Princess Gaoyang's body, and the numbness caused by "washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow" made her unable to lift any strength, so she had to sit slumped on the sandalwood chair with hazy almond eyes. Greeted the surprised eyes of the crowd.

Princess Gaoyang, whose cheeks were like red clouds emerging, bit her lips lightly, completely looking like "you can pick it, let you pick it". This scene surprised everyone at the banquet, and there was silence in the private room for a while, as if time had stood still average.



The rich and young man who insulted Fang Yiai before, was the first to wake up. Princess Gaoyang, who was "whatever she wanted", was actually treated lightly by a pariah.

Fu Shao's depression caused Fang Yiai to take a few steps back, and at the same time interrupted the true energy circulating in Princess Gao Yang's body.

Fu Shao saw Princess Gao Yang's body trembling slightly, and subconsciously thought it was a sign of Princess Gao Yang's extreme anger, and right now, teaching Fang Yiai, a poor poor man, was exactly the best time for him to win Princess Gao Yang's favor!
Thinking of this, the rich and young were secretly delighted, walked up to Fang Yiai, and said righteously: "You are extremely arrogant, do you know who this young lady is?!"

Before Fang Yiai could open his mouth, the rich and the young took advantage of the victory to chase after him, spouting and scolding Xingzi: "Do you know that you violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty!"

Fang Yiai was a little stunned by what Fu Shao said. Looking back on the laws of various dynasties in her previous life, Fang Yiai was a little surprised and thought to herself: "Breaking the law? Does the law of the Tang Dynasty stipulate that a husband cannot touch his wife?"

Seeing that Fang Yi'ai was silent, the rich and the young, who thought they had occupied the commanding heights of morality and law, raised their heads and said, "Do you know who my father is?"

Looking at the rich and young man with mouse eyes shining brightly, Fang Yiai was a little curious, and couldn't help secretly guessing the appearance of this rich and young father-in-law Lingtang, "Could it be that the genetic mutation has existed since the Tang Dynasty?"


As soon as Fang Yiai asked, a young girl sitting at the end of the banquet said arrogantly: "Mr. Zhang Liang's father is the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, a second-rank official!"

Seeing someone revealing his background, the rich and young man named Zhang Liang almost moved his mouse eyes to his forehead, looked at Fang Yiai with disdain, and asked, "Who is your father? Could it be a coolie picking up shit in Chang'an city?" ?”

"Pfft, who picks big shit?"

"I said why is he dressed so shabby, it turns out he is the son of a man!"

Zhang Liang's words once again caused everyone to laugh at Fang Yiai.

Looking around, the disdainful and contemptuous gazes of the people at the banquet had already made Fang Yi'ai extremely unhappy, and Zhang Liang's intentional insult to Fang Xuanling at this moment made Fang Yi's anger completely out of control!
Looking at Zhang Liang who was enjoying everyone's compliments, Fang Yiai took a step forward, suddenly raised her right hand, and hit this mighty rich and young man on the cheek with all her strength.


With the sound of crisp slaps, Zhang Liang, like a victorious general, suddenly spun around twice, and then fell headfirst to the ground.

Zhang Liang, who was drawn to the ground by Fang Yiai, had blood flowing from his mouth, and he spat out several white objects along with the blood.

"You dare to hit me! Do you know my father is..."

Before Zhang Liang finished speaking, the crisp slap in the face interrupted the rest of his words.

"I know, your father is the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, a second-rank official!"

After slapping Zhang Liang three or four times in a row, Fang Yiai wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at Zhang Liang, whose cheeks were swollen into a pig's head, and asked, "Do you know who my father is?!"

(End of this chapter)

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