Chapter 66
"The crime of deceiving the emperor! No one's head can be saved!"

As soon as Qin Qiong's words came out, Cheng Yaojin and Yu Chigong couldn't help but gasped, and they looked at Fang Yiai with anxious eyes.

Although she has already guessed the disadvantages brought about by the pseudonym, facing Qin Qiong's stern questioning, Fang Yiai still couldn't help being a little startled, "This."

In ancient times, royal power was supreme, and deceiving the king represented disloyalty. This is a challenge to imperial power, and it is also a taboo that kings of all dynasties cannot tolerate!

How could Fang Yiai, who was a liberal arts student in his previous life, not know this, the more he thought about it, the more startled he became, a layer of cold sweat immediately appeared on his forehead.

Seeing Fang Yiai's face showing embarrassment, Qin Qiong, who was dragged into the water by his hidden identity, was very annoyed, got up and walked in front of Fang Yiai, cupped her fists and said, "Fang Yiai, Fang Yiai!"

Fang Yiai was thinking about how to deal with it, when she saw Qin Qiong stepping forward, she was at a loss for words, "Huh?"

Qin Qiong smiled angrily, his eyes were wide open, as if he was about to kill someone, "Did you drag me into the water on purpose?"

Faced with Qin Qiong's questioning, Fang Yiai didn't know how to explain it. Originally, he just wanted to remain anonymous and pass the Guozijian to participate in the provincial and general examinations.But who would have thought that He Zudao's reputation would spread all over Chang'an City in a few days, and even reached the ears of Tang Taizong Li Shimin!Right now, he is already deep in the mud, and it is obviously too late to get out.

Seeing that Fang Yiai was silent, Qin Qiong calmed down a little bit of anger, and asked coldly: "The second son of Prime Minister Fang, the son-in-law of Princess Gaoyang, is actually my nephew? How do you make me happy?!"

Seeing that Qin Qiong was full of anger, Cheng Yaojin quickly got up to persuade him, and acted as a peacemaker, "Second brother, don't we brothers know the real identity of Brother He? We don't tell anyone who will know?"

"Yeah, why don't we talk about it?" Because of Fang Yi's kindness before, Yu Chigong couldn't sit idly by, "Besides, Brother He and Jingniang are both..."

"It's nothing!" Qin Qiong, whose anger was fading away, exploded again when he heard Yu Chigong's words, "The son of the current prime minister, I can't afford this marriage!"

Although Qin Qiong was born in the army, he has a very thorough understanding of the king's mind. What does it mean for the prime minister's son to marry the marshal's daughter?It means the combination of prime minister power and military power, which is tantamount to playing with fire and setting yourself on fire!
Fang Yiai was scolded by Qin Qiong, and seeing that her marriage with Qin Jingniang was about to fall apart, the concubine of the Tang Dynasty couldn't sit still anymore, "Marshal, the future will be long. Why don't you think of a compromise?"

"A compromise?" Hearing Fang Yiai's words, Qin Qiong couldn't help thinking that Fang Yiai hadn't been involved in the world deeply, and asked softly, "Should you let your father retire and return to his hometown, or should I be dismissed and returned to the farm?"

Fang Yiai never thought that an unintentional thought of his would bring such a catastrophe to Fang and Qin's family. Facing Qin Qiong's reprimand, he couldn't help but froze on the spot and lost his mind, "This."

"Come on, second brother calm down." Seeing Qin Qiong say the words disbanded and returned to the fields, Cheng Yaojin hurried forward to dissuade him, "Now we are the only ones who know that Brother He is Fang Yiai. As long as we don't publicize it, who will know?"

Yu Chigong thought of his old wounds, and immediately thought of currying favor with Fang Yiai, "What Lao Cheng said is, even if Long Live Lord knows about it in the future. The big deal is that we brothers can save a copy of it?"

Seeing Cheng Yaojin and Yu Chigong's reassurance, Qin Qiong, who was thinking of Fang Yiai's previous kindness in his heart, snorted coldly and returned to his seat, "That's the only way to go."

Seeing Qin Qiong give up, Fang Yiai breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense heart also fell.

But before he could recall, a peerless face immediately appeared in his mind, "Xiangcheng! She also knows my true identity!"

"Before leaving Chang'an Inn, she said she wanted me to go to the princess mansion to find her. This..."

Thinking of Xiangcheng's threatening words before, Fang Yiai couldn't help but get a headache, and her troubled thoughts became more complicated.

Sitting on the wooden chair, Qin Qiong said helplessly: "Fang Jun, I'm afraid it's impossible for you to escape unscathed right now. But the Holy Majesty cherishes talents, if you can win the gold list, there is still a chance of survival."

"Yes, Brother He. When you win the number one prize, the Holy One will not do anything to you even if he is unhappy, right?"

"As long as you win the No. [-] prize, you will have the support of all the candidates in the world. Even if the Holy Majesty wants to punish you for offending you, you have to weigh it in your heart."

Listening to the three people's words, Fang Yiai nodded slightly and sighed, "This is the only way to go now."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai turned to Qin Qiong and said, thinking of Xiangcheng knowing the origin of her identity, "However, although Shi Danai, the Duke of Dou, doesn't know my real identity, he has seen me kill him on the moon-watching platform. Turkic thief, I'm afraid he will leak this matter."

Seeing Fang Yiai's distressed expression, Qin Qiong nodded after his anger subsided, "Don't worry about this, I'll just tell him a few words another day."

While talking, the sky was getting dark, just when Fang Yiai was about to leave, Yu Chigong who was sitting by the side suddenly stopped him.

Yu Chigong, who was reckless by nature because he wanted more from others, was a little shy at the moment, "Brother He, the wound on my chest..."

"Jingde's injury was not caused by Fan Tie, please help to heal it." Seeing that Fang Yiai was hesitant, Qin Qiong continued: "I will send someone to Fangfu to deliver a message, saying that you are in Qin Dynasty today. The government is staying."

After finishing speaking, Qin Qiong grabbed Cheng Yaojin's wrist, "Zhijie, let's have dinner at the house today. Let's go and drink."

After Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin left, Fang Yiai sighed softly, and then asked Yu Chigong to sit aside, driving his true energy to heal the wounds in his body.

After the operation of true qi, the filthy aura from Yu Chigong's wound gradually dissipated, and the original black wound gradually returned to its original color.

Seeing that the injuries in his body had been eradicated, Yu Chigong felt even more grateful to Fang Yiai in his heart, and then said what was in his heart, "Brother He, our Long Live Lord is a wise king who cherishes talents. In my opinion, as long as you can If you win the Imperial Examination Number One Scholar, it won’t be too difficult for you to come to the Holy Majesty. After all, he is also his son-in-law, isn’t he?”

Fang Yiai smiled wryly, and thought to himself, "Son-in-law? The Holy One is the one who can kill even his own brothers. What am I worth as a son-in-law?"

Although Fang Yi was extremely distressed in his heart, facing Yu Chigong's good intentions, he couldn't lose his courtesy, "Thank you, Mr. E, for your reminder. Let's try our best with regard to the imperial examination."

"That's right, at worst, I'll keep you a copy in the Golden Luan Hall from now on, Old Hei." After speaking, Yuchi pulled the wrist of the house's widow, and the two went to the second hall to have a drink together.

When they came to the second hall, Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin were excited. Seeing Fang Yiai and Yu Chigong coming, they all beckoned them to sit down.

"Brother He, let's pretend nothing happened today. You are still Cheng's brother."

As he spoke, Cheng Yaojin raised his wine glass to serve first.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin intentionally avoiding Fang Yiai's identity, Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong agreed, "Yes, it's all as if it never happened."

The actions and words of the three of them moved Fang Yiai very much, she raised her head and drank the water and wine, cupped her hands and said, "Thank you so much, the three dukes."

After drinking for three rounds, the faces of the four people were all drunk, and the shadow caused by the conversation in the main hall before also dissipated along with the water and wine.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Fang Yiai's concealment of his identity, Qin Qiong still liked this "prospective son-in-law" from the bottom of his heart, especially after learning Fang Yiai's true identity, the only concern in Qin Qiong's heart was "the right family". dissipated.

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, Qin Qiong asked Fang Yiai softly: "Brother He, are you staying tonight?"

"Yo? Brother He, you want to take a small entrance exam tonight?"

"Haha, Lao Cheng, you have learned these bad words anyway."

Seeing the meaningful eyes of the three people at the banquet, Fang Yiai sighed softly. At this moment, he only thought about how to get rid of Xiangcheng, and meeting Tang Taizong Li Shimin in the future, so he didn't have time to think about his children's personal relationship.

"I'll stay in the guest room tonight." Saying this, Fang Yiai, who felt drunk, bowed her hands and saluted, "I've had a little too much water and wine, so I'll go to the guest room to rest first."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai turned around and walked out of the second hall without waiting for the three of them to respond.

"Hey, second brother, your son-in-law really doesn't treat himself as an outsider, does he know where the guest room is?"

"Come on, brother He is not an outsider in the first place!"

While Cheng Yaojin and Yu Chigong were busy bickering, looking at the back of Fang Yiai's leaving, Qin Qiong's eyes flashed a strange light.

"If this son can survive this calamity, great things will happen in the future! Jing Niang marrying him as a concubine... doesn't count as embarrassing my Qin family's face."

(End of this chapter)

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