Chapter 68

All the way up and down, even though Fang Yiai was prepared, she was still very frightened by the Huang Puma running wildly.

When they came to the barracks, Qin Jingniang got off her horse, took the reins in her hand, looked at the dazed Fang Yiai on the horse's back and smiled lightly, "What's the matter? Come down."

Fang Yiai's whole body was so sore from being knocked up and down, she turned over and jumped off the saddle, pointing at Huang Puma with some fear, said: "This horse is too fierce!"

"How can a war horse not be fierce? I respect your cowardice, will you be able to go to the battlefield in the future?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Jingniang smiled contemptuously, and brought Huang Puma to the stable in front of the barracks.

After the yellow puma settled down, Qin Jingniang winked at Fang Yi'ai, then strode towards the barracks.

Following behind Qin Jingniang, just as Fang Yiai was about to step into the barracks gate, a loud shout suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

There was a burst of shouting, and two soldiers with red-tasseled spears walked up to them, and said sharply, "What are you doing! Do not enter the barracks, leave quickly!"

Seeing being stopped by the gate guard soldiers, Qin Jingniang smiled slightly, took out a wooden waist card from her waist, and waved it in front of the soldiers.

After seeing the writing on the waist card clearly, the expressions of the two soldiers changed drastically, and they hurriedly moved out of the way, "It turns out that they are the family members of Marshal Qin's mansion, please come in quickly."

Putting away the badge, Qin Jingniang grabbed the palm of the house's widow, and led him into the barracks with strides, "Let's go."

Just like that, before Fang Yiai could react, she was dragged by Qin Jingniang to the military camp.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Hearing the loud shouts of killing in his ear, Fang Yiai felt very shocked. This was the first time for him in two lifetimes, to feel the deterrence brought by the military camp.

Pointing to the soldiers who were training in front of them, Qin Jingniang happily explained to Fang Yiai: "Did you see that? This is a battalion of soldiers. Ten people make up a team, ten teams make up a company, and ten teams make up a battalion. Count here There were about 1000 people."

Looking at the orderly and uniform soldiers in the school field, Fang Yiai asked curiously: "Are these soldiers going to battle to kill the enemy?"

"No, these are soldiers defending Chang'an. They belong to the admirals of the Nine Gates." Seeing that Fang Yiai knew nothing about the soldiers' attire, Qin Jingniang patiently explained the military knowledge to him.

After Qin Jingniang's explanation, Fang Yiai couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart when he saw the decisive and aggressive soldiers. In his previous life, he often imagined that the ancient army had not received formal training. If the Flying Tigers came One can definitely count as one thousand.But now it seems that the killing spirit of these soldiers alone is enough to deter the invincible Flying Tigers in his mind.

After being greatly shocked in the depths of her heart, Fang Yiai sighed softly and thought to herself, "Sure enough, you can't look at what the predecessors did with the current perspective."

After a while, the soldiers who had practiced for one side broke up on the spot, and gathered together in small groups to chat.

Seeing that the martial arts performance was coming to an end, Qin Jingniang said to Fang Yiai: "Little thief, let's go to the shooting range to shoot arrows and play?"

Hearing that Qin Jingniang was going to the shooting range to shoot arrows, Fang Yiai felt playful for a moment, and immediately responded, "Okay."

Arriving at the shooting range, Qin Jingniang casually took a magpie and painting bow, then picked up a carved feather arrow, and made a gesture of aiming at the target.

"call out"

There was a sound of breaking wind, and the carved feather arrow in Qin Jingniang's hand flew out in response, and then it was directly nailed to the arrow target in front of him.

Seeing Qin Jingniang hit the target, Fang Yiai smiled lightly and clapped her hands, "Not bad, not bad."

Looking at the eagle feathers on the archery target, Qin Jingniang pouted slightly, and murmured a little discouraged, "It's not bad, it didn't hit the bull's-eye. You'll just fool people."

Reminiscent of Fang Yiai's ability to catch arrows empty-handed before, Qin Jingniang smiled slightly, and handed the magpie painting bow in her hand to Fang Yiai, "Little thief, come and try?"

"Okay, show off."

Seeing Qin Jingniang intending to test, Fang Yiai did not shirk, took the magpie painting bow and picked up the carved feather arrow, and aimed it directly at the arrow target directly in front of her.

The bowstring was fully drawn, and the carved feather arrow shot out. What Qin Jingniang never expected was that the carved feather arrow shot by Fang Yiai was nailed directly to the red heart in the center of the arrow target.

"Wow, little thief, you are amazing!"

Looking at the arrow in the middle of the red heart on the archery target, Qin Jingniang first rubbed her eyes, then turned her head to look at Fang Yi'ai, her eyes were full of astonishment.

Hearing Qin Jingniang's praise, the corners of Fang Yi'ai's mouth rose slightly, and she couldn't help feeling very proud.

Seeing Fang Yiai smiling with her hands behind her back, Qin Jingniang asked curiously, "When will you be able to ride and shoot?"

Fang Yiai's ability to hit the bull's-eye was entirely due to the increase in sensory intensity after practicing the Hunyuan Heart Sutra, but he obviously would not tell Qin Jingniang about this, and even if he told Qin Jingniang, he would not necessarily believe it.

Turning her eyes, Fang Yiai babbled nonsense, "I learned from an expert in my early years."

"Oh, but your archery is much better than mine." Qin Jingniang lowered her head a little ashamed, "I have been practicing archery for seven or eight years, and now I still can't hit the bull's-eye."

After realizing that Qin Jingniang was a little lonely, Fang Yiai smiled slightly, reached out and hugged her in her arms, and whispered softly, "With me here in the future, how can I use you to shoot arrows?"

As soon as Fang Yiai's words came out, Qin Jingniang felt shy all over her face, and subconsciously snuggled into her sweetheart's arms, expressing her affection without saying a word.

When the two were standing and embracing each other, the soldiers who were resting at the side found the carved feathers on the arrow target, and all rushed towards Fang Yiai and the other two.

"This young man is good at archery!"

After realizing that someone was coming beside her, Qin Jingniang hurriedly got up from Fang Yi's arms, stood aside, pretending to be calm and watching the scenery.

Seeing the admiration on the faces of the soldiers, Fang Yiai smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "You guys are being polite, this little trick is nothing."

"Shooting an arrow from a hundred paces away hits the bull's-eye, which shows how talented you are."

"That's right, the magpie drawing bow is no better than a hard bow. Hitting the bull's-eye from a hundred paces away is already quite remarkable."

Seeing the soldier lift the hard bow, Fang Yiai touched his nose and asked, "Brother, is there any difference between the hard bow and the magpie bow?"

"My lord doesn't know something, but the hard bow is made of ox horns"

The soldier was halfway through talking, when his train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a loud shout.

"What are you talking about here?!"

As the voice fell, a young man dressed as a general in armor, with a sword across his waist, walked up to Fang Yiai and the others.

Fang Yiai, who had never experienced a military career, had a special respect for soldiers. Seeing the general questioning him, he cupped his hands and said, "This general, we are."

Just as Fang Yiai cupped his hands to answer, the general suddenly spotted Qin Jingniang standing aside, watching the scenery with slightly red cheeks.

The general joined the military camp since he was a child, and he has never seen such a heroic woman like Qin Jingniang. When he sees her today, he can't help but fall in love with him. Renshi?"

Hearing the inquiry in her ear, Qin Jingniang turned her head to look at the general beside her, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"Xuanjie Captain Yang Tong, miss, don't you also like riding and archery? Why don't you accompany the miss."

In the middle of Yang's conversation, Qin Jingniang saw a strange man pestering her, so she walked up to Fang Yiai's side, and put her arms around her sweetheart's arm.

Although Qin Jingniang was generous by nature, she also noticed the strangeness in Yang Tong's eyes, and then said softly to Fang Yiai: "Little thief, let's go somewhere else?"

Seeing Qin Jingniang and Fang Yiai's intimate behavior, Yang Tong, who was left aside by Qin Jingniang before, felt jealous, and turned to several soldiers and said, "What are you talking about here?"

Seeing the officer's inquiry, the soldiers faltered for a while, then elected a soldier who could speak, and told Yang Tong what had happened, "My lord, just now we saw that this young master is very good at archery. We just came to chat for a few words."

Knowing what happened, Yang Tong took a few glances at Fang Yi'ai, and seeing Fang Yi'ai's dignified face and frail figure, he subconsciously regarded her as a civilian official in the army, "Oh? Hit the bull's-eye from a hundred paces away. The little brother is very skilled."

Seeing Yang Tong's words of praise, Fang Yiai bowed his hand in return, and all the unhappiness that Yang Tong had left aside before disappeared, "Don't dare, I'm the next literati. How dare you show off in front of the general."

Looking at Qin Jingniang beside Fang Yiai, Yang Tong's heart of admiration grew even more, then his eyes rolled, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I have nothing to do at this time, I want to compare my archery with my brother. I wonder if my brother will agree?"

From Yang Tong's point of view, Qin Jingniang is just a little girl who was deceived by Fang Yiai's sweet words, as long as he beats Fang Yiai's arrow skills and beats him, it is guaranteed that Qin Jingniang will fall into his arms instead.

Thinking of this, Yang Tong, who was afraid that Fang Yiai would not dare to fight, snorted softly, and looked at Fang Yiai with contempt in his eyes, "Could it be that little brother dare not?"

(End of this chapter)

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