Chapter 88
Looking at the dragging traces in the snow, Fang Yiai yelled inwardly, looking around, two strings of footprints leading to Taibai Mountain came into his sight immediately.

"Could it be those foreign caravans." Reminiscent of the foreign caravans that entered the mountain before with strange purposes, an ominous premonition emerged from Fang Yi's heart, "Could it be that my brother was kidnapped by them?"

Thinking of this, in desperation, Fang Yiai didn't bother to inform Hou Balin and the others, and then quickly walked forward, following the footprints on the snow and heading straight to Taibai Mountain.

Walking into Taibai Mountain, a winding and rugged canyon appeared in front of Fang Yiai.

At the same time, the two series of footprints that he closely followed also increased suddenly, among them was the rut of a carriage!
Seeing the footprints on the snow gathered in one place, Fang Yiai suddenly realized, "Your brother was indeed taken away by those foreign thieves!"

Reminiscent of Li Su's body as a daughter, Fang Yi's love was destroyed, and he released the true energy in his body, followed the rut and chased towards the vast mountain.

Taibai Mountain is connected to the Qinling Mountains. Although it is at the highest peak of the Qinling Mountains, its surroundings extend in all directions. If those foreign businessmen really kidnapped Li Su, they would obviously not be so stupid as to climb to the top of the mountain to seek their own death!

After running along the rut for a while, turning around a mountain pass, a scattered carriage came into Fang Yiai's sight.

Walking up to the carriage, Fang Yiai looked around and after confirming that there was no one there, she hurriedly lifted the sackcloth covering the carriage.

The moment the sackcloth was lifted, what Fang Yiai saw made him gasp.

Several weapons were scattered in the carriage!

Judging from the arrangement of the weapons, it was obvious that more than half of them had been taken away by someone, and the remaining weapons were obviously left behind by the foreign caravan who failed to carry them in a panic!
"They actually brought weapons into the mountain, and they are clearly aiming at my virtuous brother!"

After finding out that the foreign caravan was not a merchant, Fang Yiai didn't care to think too much, picked up a sword, and ran towards the depths of Taibai Mountain again following the footprints on the snow.

Along the way, although she has been walking along the footprints, Fang Yiai has never been able to keep up with the pace of those foreign businessmen who kidnapped Li Su.

At this time, Fang Yiai had released her true energy, and her walking speed was far faster than ordinary people. It can be seen that the physical fitness of those foreign businessmen who kidnapped Li Su was also far beyond ordinary people!
I don't know how long I have been chasing forward, the sky has gradually dimmed, and there is silence in Taibai Mountain, and Fang Yiai's sight has also been reduced several times due to the light, and all he can see is only ten meters ahead.

Seeing that he was unable to catch up with the foreign businessman, Fang Yiai became more and more uneasy. Thinking of the beautiful woman who took good care of him, he couldn't help but feel extremely anxious, wishing to spread his wings and catch up quickly.

Turning over a hillside, Fang Yiai looked around in the direction of the footprints on the snow, and suddenly found a group of pedestrians running towards the mountain not far away. Li Su!

After discovering Li Su's whereabouts, Fang Yi'ai was both surprised and delighted, and hurriedly stepped forward, quietly chasing after the group of people.

At the same time that Fang Yiai discovered the foreign caravan, the leading foreign businessman with murderous eyes also discovered Fang Yiai who was chasing after him alone.

Seeing Fang Yiai galloping towards him, the foreign businessman's eyes froze, and he said to the two subordinates behind him, "You two solved the tail!"

After finishing speaking, the group of them led Li Su quickly to the depths of the mountain, leaving behind two strong men holding horizontal knives, lying in ambush in the snow, ready to kill Fang Yiai who was chasing after him.

After the foreign caravan left, the two men looked at each other, and then lay down in the snow on both sides of the road.

Because of the dark sky, and because she was thinking about Li Su, Fang Yiai, who was in a hurry, didn't notice the two Fanhans lying in the snowdrifts.

Seeing that the foreign caravan was getting closer and closer, Fang Yiai only wanted to catch up as soon as possible, oblivious to the surrounding environment.

After holding the sword in his hand and quickly seeing the ambush area of ​​the two Fanhans, Fang Yiai felt something was wrong with the outburst of anger, but in a hurry, he thought a lot about it, and then turned to continue to face rushed past.

But not long after Fang Yiai ran forward, two Fanhan who had been ambushing early jumped up from the snowdrift at the same time, holding horizontal knives like ghosts, and aimed straight at Fang Yiai from top to bottom.

After noticing the strangeness beside her, Fang Yiai rushed forward quickly, and at the same time turned around quickly, relying on the senses enhanced by the release of true energy, she forcibly escaped the sudden attack of the two Fanhans.

The three of them met each other without saying a word, and rushed towards each other with their weapons in hand.

Although the two Fanhans have experienced many battles, they are no match for Fang Yiai, who has learned martial arts from Qin Qiong and is now showing off his true spirit.

After a face-to-face meeting, there were already bloodstains on the two of them, and because Fang Yiai missed Li Su in her heart, she was doing her best with the sword in her hand and did not retain any strength.

Seeing Fang Yi'ai's strong sword attack, the two Fan Han glanced at each other, and immediately became defensive and procrastinated.

After making up their minds, the two Fanhan formed a corner and besieged Fang Yiai from left to right. Although they couldn't hurt half of her hair, Fang Yiai couldn't win after parrying left and right.

After guessing what Fan Han was thinking, Fang Yiai snorted coldly, mobilized his true energy and threw the sword in his hand towards Fan Han on the right, and then made a sword finger with one hand and drew the "Jade Finger Sword" to the left. In front of Fanhan.

After two screams, the two foreigners sent by foreign businessmen to ambush Fang Yiai died one after another, and Fang Yiai also lost some of his vitality.

After killing the two Fanhans, Fang Yiai pulled out the sword from the corpses, and then chased forward without stopping.

Maybe it was because of the bumpy road, or maybe Li Su was struggling hard. After running for a while, the foreign businessman gradually slowed down.

Walking to a high slope, the leading foreign businessman waved his hand and said, "I think that kid has been dealt with, let's rest for a while before leaving."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Su, who had been resisting non-stop, struggled even harder, and shouted at the same time: "Put me down quickly, you gangsters!"

Seeing Li Su yelling, the leading foreign businessman was not annoyed, and said with a light smile: "We are not robbers, but soldiers of the Turkic Kingdom. We are here to welcome Her Royal Highness back to Turkic!"

Seeing that his identity was found out, Li Su was shocked and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Although he was nervous, Li Su, who had read a lot of poetry and books, calmed down quickly, and turned to defend himself: "You misidentified me, how can I be a princess?"

Hearing Li Su's sophistry, the foreign businessman laughed loudly, and then reached out and took off the square scarf on Li Su's head, "Oh? Aren't you the eldest daughter of Emperor Tang Li Shimin? Princess Changle?"

Li Su saw that the foreign businessman knew his background well, so he simply asked frankly, "What do you really want?"

"We want to take the princess back to the country and go to Turkic to enjoy the exotic scenery." As he said, the foreign businessman took out the jug, raised his head and drank a big sip of strong shochu to keep out the cold.

Reminiscent of Turkic Kingdom's move to challenge Qin Qiong before, Li Su, who is exquisite in nature, instantly guessed the intention of foreign businessmen, "You want to take me back to Turkic, so that you can blackmail my father?"

"That's right, the eldest princess is really extraordinary." As he spoke, the foreign businessman drank the shochu and said with a smile, "The king of Tang's attitude towards the alliance under the city was so humble, and he kept saying that he would never stop his sword."

"What? It's only been a few years and you've been fighting in the country. Are you planning to attack me, the Turks?"

Hearing the foreign businessman's words, Li Su trembled with anger, wishing he could break free from the shackles and crash himself to death, lest he be captured by these Fanhan and return to Turkic to become a weight to threaten his father.

Just when Li Su was determined to seek death, Fang Yiai, who was chasing after him, also boarded the hillside where several people were.

Seeing Fang Yiai chasing after him with a sword in his hand, the foreign businessman put away his smile and reached out to grab the horizontal knife at his waist.

And those subordinates sitting cross-legged beside him also got up immediately, and the weapons in their hands were unsheathed together, as if they were going to rush forward to chop Fang Yi'ai into pieces.

Seeing Fang Yiai chasing after him, Li Su felt happy and worried, and shouted loudly, "My dear brother, I am here!"

Seeing that Li Su was fine, Fang Yiai's heart dropped for the most part, and she turned to look at the leader of the foreign businessman, her eyes began to scrutinize her.

Looking at each other, Fang Yiai only felt that the foreign businessman had known him before, but for a while she couldn't remember where she saw him.

Seeing that Fang Yiai was holding a sword with blood stains, the foreign businessman's expression turned serious, and he asked in a cold voice, "Boy, who are you? You actually managed to kill two of my capable men!"

"Why don't you tell me, who are you guys? What's your intention in kidnapping my virtuous brother?" While speaking, Fang Yiai secretly adjusted the true energy in her body, and was already ready for a fight.

"What the hell!" Knowing Fang Yiai's alias, the foreign businessman's eyes widened, and a horrifying murderous aura suddenly erupted from his body, "You killed Ashina Tulu?"

(End of this chapter)

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