Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 98 Mei Lin's oath, Changle Palace

Chapter 98 Mei Lin swears, Changle returns to the palace

Reminiscent of the identity of Li Lizhi's eldest princess, Fang Yiai broke into a cold sweat and thought to himself, "Princess Changle hasn't returned all night, so it must have been heard by Li Shimin at this time. If the king of Tang sent people to search the mountain, wouldn't it be Can you find us just by following the footprints on the snow?"

Standing with her hands behind her back, Fang Yiai let out a long sigh and murmured, "I spent two nights alone with Lizhi, although we respect each other as guests. But if the king of Tang knows about this, how can he believe it? The wedding of Princess Changle and Changsun Chong is coming soon. Royal face, I'm afraid I will be dealt with secretly before I win the first prize?"

As his thoughts deepened, Fang Yi'ai's chest became more and more dull. Looking up at the sky, he faintly sensed that an invisible sharp blade on his neck had gathered and formed. Kill yourself instantly!

Thinking of the pros and cons, Fang Yiai gasped, the coarse clothes on her body were already soaked in sweat.

On the side, Li Li, who was in the plum forest, saw that Fang Yiai was not moving forward, and couldn't help but ask, "Dear brother, what's wrong with you?"

After her thoughts were disturbed, Fang Yiai smiled wryly, took a deep breath, and temporarily put all the complicated thoughts in her mind behind her.

Walking into the plum forest and standing beside Li Lizhi, Fang Yiai forced a smile and said, "Lizhi, are the plum blossoms beautiful?"

"It's beautiful, with my dear friend by my side. Everything is the most beautiful." As she spoke, Li Lizhi leaned lightly on Fang Yi'ai's shoulder, her expression of happiness was beyond words.

The beauty's smile washed away most of Fang Yiai's troubles. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I hope you will live a long life, and we will share the joys and joys of thousands of miles away."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Lizhi's eyes were radiant, and she whispered: "Brother, is the Chanjuan you are talking about me?"

Seeing Li Lizhi's obsession, Fang Yiai's mouth slightly raised, and said, "Guess?"

Hearing her sweetheart's jokes in her ears, Li Lizhi's eyes suddenly became blurred, and she murmured, "Dear brother, I'll come to the palace to pick me up after you pass the exam."

"Okay, I promise you. If you can win the first prize, you must ask the Holy One to give you a marriage." Halfway through the sentence, Fang Yiai said with a lonely expression when thinking of the uncertain future, "If my name falls to Sun Shan, Li Zhi, you should stop thinking about Brother Yu .”

Before Fang Yiai finished speaking, Li Lizhi held his mouth with her hand and said, "If my dear brother loses his name to Sun Shan, I would rather die in the palace!"



In the plum forest under the moon, the two hugged each other speechlessly, looking at the full moon in the starry sky, their love in this life can no longer be separated.

They stayed until the sound of the midnight drum, and then the two slowly left Mei Lin and walked towards the hut in the mountain village.

Fang Yiai's injuries were basically stable at this time, thinking that Li Lizhi was still recovering from the cold, Fang Yiai carried the quilt to the elm wardrobe beside her and made do with it for the night.

The next morning, Fang Yiai woke up early with something on his mind. To his great surprise, Li Lizhi woke up earlier than him.

After tidying up her clothes, Fang Yiai was about to look for them when she saw Li Lizhi walking in slowly from the kitchen with hot porridge in her hand.

"Brother, are you awake?!"

Seeing that Fang Yiai woke up, Li Lizhi smiled slightly, put the hot porridge on the wooden table, and said with a smile like a flower: "I've made corn porridge, my dear friend, come and eat."

The two sat on the wooden table, filling each other's meals from time to time, just like a poor couple.

Looking at Li Lizhi who was sitting and drinking porridge, Fang Yiai sighed secretly, "If you can live the rest of your life in such a mediocre way, what is fame and wealth?"

Thinking of the emotional part, Fang Yiai couldn't bear the beauty's suffering, and asked softly: "Lizhi, are you still used to these simple meals?"

"I'm used to it. I'm already tired of eating delicacies from mountains and seas. By then, this corn porridge will be delicious."

After finishing speaking, Li Lizhi drank the last mouthful of hot porridge, and said to herself, "It would be best if there are a few hawthorns cooked with corn."

"Hawthorn?" Knowing what the beautiful woman was thinking, Fang Yiai secretly made up her mind. After quickly finishing the hot porridge, she said to Li Li in embarrassment, "Lizhi, I plan to go to the old man's house. Buy some wine to thank him one time."

"Okay, my husband brought a pheasant yesterday. I'll stew it later, and have a few drinks with my dear friend at noon."

As she spoke, she looked up at Fang Yiai, and seeing her embarrassed expression, Li Lizhi chuckled lightly, and reached out her hand to take out a few taels of scattered silver from her waist.

After receiving the money, Fang Yiai, who reached out to a woman for money for the first time after coming to Datang, felt a little ashamed, and deliberately said in a Beijing accent, "I will take care of these dishes and chopsticks."

"My friend!" Li Lizhi was so teased by Fang Yiai's tone that she trembled wildly, and after spitting softly, she began to ask, "Be careful of the slippery road."


After responding, Fang Yiai quickly walked out of the hut and headed straight for the market in the village.

Just now Li Lizhi's emotion was unintentional, but Fang Yiai remembered it in his heart. Seeing that the beautiful woman wanted to eat hawthorn, he made up a random excuse and went to the market to buy hawthorn.

When I came to the market, because it was the twelfth lunar month and there were few merchants in the mountain village, there was no way to prepare dried fruits such as hawthorn in ordinary homes.

Rao was Fang Yiai who had silver taels in his pocket, but after asking several companies in succession, he couldn't find any trace of hawthorn.

When it was almost noon, Fang Yiai found some dried hawthorn fruit to enhance the taste in the small fruit wine brewing workshop.

After buying the dried hawthorn fruit, Fang Yiai bought two jugs of soju by the way, then put the dried fruit on her chest, and walked towards the hut with the soju in high spirits.

Walking on the small road in the mountain village, even though Fang Yiai had something on her mind, she also noticed something strange.

Looking at the cold streets on both sides, Fang Yiai looked around, puzzled, "There were quite a lot of people at the meeting just now, why did you close all the stalls in the blink of an eye?"

Back in the hut, before Fang Yiai opened the door to enter, the large footprints and horseshoe prints on the snow in front of the door pierced his eyes like a red-hot steel nail.

"Why are there so many footprints and horseshoe prints? Is it possible?" After pondering, Fang Yiai didn't think much about it, and rushed into the hut, but Li Lizhi was nowhere to be found.

Looking at the earthen jar on the fire in the house, Fang Yiai felt anxious, and looked around, but what she found was a piece of straw paper with a few words written on it.

"I hope you will live a long life, and enjoy the joys and joys of thousands of miles away. I am waiting for my brother to come in the palace!"

Looking at the familiar handwriting on the straw paper, Fang Yiai felt his legs go limp, and then he slumped to the ground.

Holding the toilet paper, Fang Yiai sat on the cold floor, and said to herself with slack eyes, "The spies took Lizhi away? Has Lizhi returned to the palace?"

After a while, I heard footsteps coming from outside the house. Rao Fang Yiai had already heard that Li Lizhi had returned to the palace, but she couldn't help but went forward to meet her.


Opening the curtain, the person standing outside the door is not the gentle and virtuous Li Lizhi, but an old hunter with a sad face.

Seeing Fang Yiai's dumbfounded expression, the old hunter rubbed his palms, and said after a while, "Baby, what happened? I just saw a group of officers and soldiers on horseback parked in front of the hut. Did they come to look for you?"

"It's my wife who has already been picked up." After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai turned around and went back to the house before the old hunter could respond. She sat at the wooden table and drank the wine with her head raised.

Following into the house, the old hunter saw Fang Yiai's face full of hesitation, and couldn't help asking softly, "Baby, what's wrong with you?"

Facing the old hunter's question, Fang Yi'ai remained silent, and drank the soju with his head up. In a short while, he downed a pot of soju.

After drinking up the two jugs of soju, Fang Yiai fumbled out the remaining silver taels in his waist, and said to the old hunter, "Old man, can you buy some bottles of soju for me?"

"Shochu? You are still injured, how can you still drink shochu!" Halfway through speaking, looking at Fang Yiai with red eyes, the old hunter couldn't help thinking of his son who went into the deep mountains and his life was unknown, and then let go, " I'm going to buy some fruit wine for you, don't run around!"

After finishing speaking, the old hunter walked out of the hut shaking his head and sighing, leaving Fang Yiai sitting in the room alone in a daze.

Reminiscent of Li Lizhi's gentle whisper before leaving the house, Fang Yiai slowly took out the dried hawthorn fruit from her bosom and placed it on the wooden table.

Putting the dried fruit in his mouth, Fang Yiai felt his mouth full of bitterness and unbearable bitterness. The originally sweet hawthorn was no less than the poison of lovesickness to him at this moment!

Suddenly, white gas rose from the earthen pot on the stove, and a smell of meat immediately permeated the air.

Fang Yiai got up and walked forward slowly, reached out to open the earthen pot, but saw that the chicken soup that Li Lizhi had carefully cooked for him was placed in it!
(End of this chapter)

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