Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 205 Emperor Gathering, 1 Emperors Arrive

Chapter 205 The Emperor Gathered, All the Emperors Arrived

"Hurry up, is the spirit fruit ready over there? There is also fairy wine! Don't leave behind, this is the first time the Holy Emperor invites friends to a party, so don't lose your courtesy!"

"Also over there, all kinds of delicacies are multiplied by spirit roots, right? You dare to bring up delicacies that are not made by spirit roots? Isn't this a shame for the Holy Emperor? Get out and change to spirit roots!"

"There is also monster meat, don't forget, there are so many corpses of monsters and beasts, and we will choose the strongest cultivation for the miscellaneous family!"


Xuanzhou Continent.

In the Imperial Palace of the Great East China God, Cao Zhengchun commanded one eunuch after another to clean up the Jade Food Hall to ensure that there was no dirt, and they kept carrying all kinds of delicacies, spiritual fruits, and fairy wine.

Food is made with spiritual roots. Although they are not innate spiritual roots, they are also immortal food bred by spiritual energy.

All kinds of spiritual fruits contain powerful spiritual power, and the fairy wine is even more fragrant.

Chen Xuan just said a word at that time, and then...Cao Zhengchun was so busy that he personally checked every inch of the Jade Food Hall, and watched every item in person.

This may be the so-called mouth on the top, broken legs on the bottom.

Holy Profound Hall.

Chen Xuan is discussing with the Hunyuan Immortal Emperors of the Imperial Department, asking them to pay more attention to the various worlds passing by outside the world, whether it is a small world or a big world, they have to keep an eye on them.

After all, Chen Xuan is the master of Xuanzhou, and when the world of Xuanzhou is strong, he will also be strong.

"Master Xuanchen!"

After Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, and Cao Cao entered, Cao Cao cried out happily.

"Presumptuous! How dare you call my Holy Emperor by his name!!"


The next moment, one person in the imperial department was furious, and the terrifying coercion directly attacked Cao Cao!

"Back off!" Chen Xuan waved his hand casually, the coercion dissipated, and he said displeasedly: "Meng De is a good friend of the Emperor, how can you allow me to speak nonsense?"

The man was shocked immediately, without any hesitation, he knelt down and said: "The holy emperor calms down, I don't know about this, and I hope the holy emperor will give me a punishment..."

"Master Xuanchen, forget it. Since I came to Xuanzhou, I have been drinking with Yunchang and Yide. It is normal for them not to know." When Chen Xuan frowned, Cao Cao waved waved his hands.

"If that's the case, then forget it." Chen Xuan stretched his brows, and said with a smile: "Old Cao, Lao Zhu and the others haven't come yet, what are you doing so early? Could it be that the spirit fruit has been eaten?"

Cao Cao scratched his head in embarrassment. Since he came to Xuanzhou, Chen Xuan did not hesitate to give him a large amount of cultivation resources. He also said that if there was anything he didn't understand, he would ask Yama of the Tenth Temple and let Yama of the Tenth Temple tell him in person.

It can be said that after Cao Cao came to Xuanzhou, he was very comfortable. There were a lot of cultivation resources, and the teacher taught him himself. When he was bored, he went to Yunchang for a drink.

Because of this, Cao Cao wanted to stay in Dahua even more. After all, he was only the king of Wei before, and he could be the emperor or his son.

Now he wants to give up his happy life and open up a space and create a hell?It would be better to kill him.

Cao Cao thinks he is the emperor?It would be better to be a small official in Dahua, as long as you are diligent and diligent, serve the country and the people, and you can't help but raise your own cultivation, immortality is the most basic, right?

"Group leader... I still want to stay in Dahua, you can let me be a black and white impermanence or a wandering god day and night in Dahua Difu, can you?" Cao Cao pleaded.

Chen Xuan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, FMD... making you a ghost emperor doesn't mean you are going to die, is it that difficult?
The ruling party, the emperor of all ghosts! !
"Old Cao, you..." Chen Xuan didn't know what to say. After Cao Cao established his own dungeon, he could also get huge rewards!
"Xuan Chen, Lao Cao has such a temperament, let's make him a petty official."


At this time, in the hall of Shengxuan, a light screen appeared, and Zhu Yuanzhang appeared with Empress Ma, Zhu Biao, and Zhu Di and his family.

"Old Zhu!" Cao Cao immediately nodded happily when he saw this, and then said, "Yes, how good is it to be in Dahua? You don't need to practice, as long as you cultivate for the country and the people, you can improve. It's so beautiful, isn't it?"

"Old Cao, you are so happy to miss Shu, it is not advisable!"

Afterwards, many light screens appeared again, and Di Xin brought Queen Jiang, but now it was Queen Jiang, Daji and his own son appeared.Ying Zheng brought Fu Su, Wang Jian, Meng Tian and others to appear.

Liu Bang showed up with Lu Zhi, Liu Ying and others, and Liu Che showed up with Gillian and some relatives.

Yang Guang... Li Shimin, Wu Zetian, Li Longji, Zhu Di, Zhu Zhanji, and Zhu Youjian all showed up with their wives and children or subordinates.

"Welcome, welcome, all emperors." Chen Xuan laughed.

"Master Xuanchen." After the emperors appeared, they all nodded to Chen Xuan.

"I've seen Emperor Xuanchen." Fusu, Liu Ying, Zhu Biao and other juniors all bowed down to Chen Xuan.

"Okay, okay, there is no need to be too polite." Chen Xuan waved his hand, and said to the emperor: "This is the case for the time being, you can step back."

"The ministers will leave." The people in the imperial department also knew that Chen Xuan's private party was about to start, so they left very tactfully.

"I didn't say, Lao Cao, we are all emperors, oh no, now we are all kinds of great emperors, you don't want to be a ghost emperor? You quit the group, you are out of tune with us!" Yang Guang complained.

"Hey, retreat as soon as you retreat, we don't care about it!" Cao Cao rolled his eyes and said, "You don't know, opening up space and building the underworld is at least a big Luo Jinxian. Although our world is very weak, it is also difficult, Yang. To you, this is purely not doing your business and messing with BB."

"Actually, Yang Guang is right, old Cao... We are all kinds of great emperors, how can you do it if you are not a ghost emperor? And the group leader also supports you, all kinds of cultivation resources are endless, and you now have Taiyi Golden Immortal Strength, isn't it not too long to break through Da Luo Jinxian?" Di Xin also began to persuade at this moment.


One emperor after another persuaded Cao Cao, leaving their juniors in a daze. Is it...isn't it good to be a ghost emperor?You don't want to be an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with your parents? ?

At this time, two more light screens appeared, and a burly man wearing a black gold robe walked out from inside, and the other was a little thinner, but his strength was not low.

"Xiao Tianhai, Ditian has met the Xuanchen Group Master, the Human Emperor, the Zulong, and the emperors."

The two are Xiao Tianhai and Di Tian!

"Hey, old Xiao, your physical body... is strong enough!" Zhu Yuanzhang became interested when he saw Xiao Tianhai, who chose martial arts just like Daming.

Moreover, Xiao Tianhai's physical body is extremely strong, and he probably already has the late stage power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!
"Hahahaha, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, do you and I have time to discuss our martial arts experience?" Xiao Tianhai laughed.

"That's natural."

"Okay, now Journey to the West Old Li is missing, but I don't know if he will be able to come." Chen Xuan sighed, it was very troublesome for Old Li on the Westward Journey.

"Hahahaha, don't read the group leader, I'm coming!!"

(End of this chapter)

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