Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 207 Invite new group members, two Emperor Xin

Chapter 207 Invite new group members, two Emperor Xin
"Okay! Then I will leave this matter to the group leader." Journey to the West Lao Li nodded excitedly.

Although it is said that Humanity is now protected by Empress Pingxin and Tunnel, Old Man Hongjun strictly prohibits the rise of Humanity, otherwise Old Man Hongjun will fight against Tunnel at the cost of breaking the world and destroying the world!
At that time, it will be Wan Ling who will suffer the most. For the human race, Journey to the West Lao Li can bring them to Xuanzhou, but he is not reconciled, so he can only ask Chen Xuan for help.

In the past, there was no way. If the tunnel didn’t recover, the broken world would not exist. But now that the tunnel has recovered, the tunnel will temporarily control the world when the tunnel is gone, and it will be fine when the new heaven is conceived.

"Ding——you have a new version of the news, please pay attention to check it."

Afterwards, everyone chatted and enjoyed the delicious food. For Chen Xuan and Ping Xin, these delicious foods were nothing more than satisfying their appetites, but for Westward Journey Lao Li and the others, they could increase their cultivation.

But at this moment, a voice appeared in Chen Xuan's mind, and a projection appeared in front of his eyes.

"Huh?" Chen Xuan looked at the projection, it turned out that the chat group could invite new members.

However, Chen Xuan didn't disturb everyone, but waited for everyone to drink and eat well, then he said, "Everyone, a new emperor can join the group, do you want to invite now?"

As soon as this remark came out, the other emperors were taken aback, Brother Zheng chuckled lightly, and said, "Since there are newcomers joining, they must be invited."

"What Zu Long said is very true. I don't know if this time is still the emperor in our history?" Di Xin also smiled. Di Xin has to like the emperors in history. How can I say that these are also the descendants of my juniors, although they are not from the same time and space. Yes, but he still likes to see new emperors in history.

"Yes, yes, invite quickly! We have been looking forward to Zhu Qizhen for several years, Xuan Chen, you need some snacks!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded vigorously. Damn, I have been looking forward to Zhu Qizhen coming in a few years ago , and then bored playing every day, but what?

Haven't waited for a few years yet!
"Eh..." Zhu Zhanji touched his head awkwardly, this time he didn't bring Zhu Qizhen, but brought Zhu Qiyu and the two queens.

Empress Sun is also unnatural. After Zhu Zhanji established Wuming, he told her everything. Therefore, Zhu Qizhen was abolished as the crown prince a few years ago, and now the crown prince attends Zhu Qiyu.

"Grandson, don't be embarrassed, Zhu Qizhen is really useless, we have been looking forward to it for a few years, but Xuan Chen just didn't invite him in!" Zhu Di laughed.


The emperors were discussing, and they all asked Chen Xuan to invite him quickly. The relatives and subordinates of the emperors were calm, but the empress Pingxin looked confused.

"This is a treasure that can communicate with hundreds of millions of worlds, from which the emperor is invited to join the group." Chen Xuan answered carefully, and said: "Journey to the West Lao Li also entered the group in this way, if there is no such treasure, how could he appear?" Two old Li?"

"No, old brother, let's talk about it, how about you change the word or I change the word? Or what's the matter if someone is called Li Shimin and we both agree?" Heavenly Emperor Li Shimin said speechlessly.

But this remark caused everyone to roar with laughter. In the end, Old Li of Journey to the West used the second name of Li. He was usually called Zhenguan, and Old Li in history was still the same.

"I never thought that there is such a treasure in the world? If I want to join the group, can I?" Ping Xin looked at Chen Xuan with a chuckle.

"That can't be done. You are not the emperor. Wouldn't it be out of place to join our group? No way." Chen Xuan shook his head and waved his hands. You are not the emperor, so you can join our group?What, where are the undercover agents sent? ?
The emperors smiled wryly and shook their heads when they saw this scene, "Straight man, don't you know how to be accommodating?" ?You deserve to be single for 1000 years! !
"Chat group, invite new group members!"


With a wave of Chen Xuan's hand, a projection appeared in front of the hall so that everyone could see it, and Chen Xuan spoke again.

"Ding - inviting..."

"Ding—the invitation was successful!"

"Ding—the Conferred God Emperor Xin has joined the chat group!"

"Ding——Guhua Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin joined the chat group!"

"Ding—the Great Desolate Demon Emperor Di Jun joined the chat group!"

"Ding—the Great Emperor Fuxi has joined the chat group!"

"Ding—Eternal Nine Tribulations Immortal Emperor joined the chat group!!"

Soon, all five people joined the chat group, and everyone in the Jade Food Hall looked at the projection. Under Chen Xuan's handwriting, all the emperors of various dynasties saw the characters belonging to their dynasties.

"Emperor Xin, Fengshenren?? Brother Di Xin, you have an old brother too, hahahahaha." Li Shimin put his arm around Di Xin's shoulder and laughed loudly after seeing the first person to enter the group.

Dixin is also MB, what? ?There is another me? ?Depend on! !Is there a mistake? ?
"The heavens and myriad worlds are indeed strange. I never thought that after the birth of two old Lis, there would be two orphans..." The corners of Di Xin's mouth twitched slightly, as if scolding his mother, but... forget it, there are still juniors here Well, we can't think of Liu Laosi as a rascal, we still need to show some face.

"Emperor Fuxi? Demon Emperor Dijun? They all have the symbol of the Great Desolation. Could it be that they belong to the same world??" Brother Zheng frowned.

"Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin? Wait a minute... What does the word Gu Hua mean in front?" Zhu Youjian originally thought it was the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin in history, but...the word Gu Hua was in front...

Seeing that other people are carrying two words, Fengshen, Great Desolation, and Eternity, these should be other worlds, not historical worlds!

Let's put it this way... Isn't this Zhao Kuangyin the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin in history? ?

Fengshen Emperor Xin: "Who dares to invade the sea of ​​solitary consciousness?"

Honghuang Demon Emperor Dijun: "Huh? Who dares to invade the Emperor's Sea of ​​Consciousness at will? Don't you want this Emperor to slaughter a group of people like you?"

Emperor Honghuang Fuxi: "Di Jun...how could it be? Di Jun has died for tens of millions of years, why does Di Jun still appear?"

Honghuang Demon Emperor Di Jun: "Emperor Xi? Why are you here? Besides, why is this emperor dead for tens of millions of years? Why are you talking nonsense?"

Ancient Chinese Emperor Zhao Kuangyin: "Fuxi? Heavenly Emperor Fuxi? Human Emperor Xin?? How is it possible?? Heavenly Emperor Fuxi left Blue Star thousands of years ago, and Human Emperor Xin also fought against the immortal clan thousands of years ago, eventually expelling the immortals I left Blue Star because of my family, I... what the hell is going on??"

Immortal Emperor Eternal Nine Tribulations: "Blue Star? What a long name...wait a minute!! You say Blue Star? Are you from Blue Star? Fellow fellow!!! Tears are streaming down my face when I see fellow fellow, I am a mother! I have been in your mother’s Eternal Realm for tens of thousands of years, and I finally met a fellow villager!!”


In the chat group, the five new group members all began to "enthusiastically" greet each other, but... Did an outsider join the group in the end? ?

"Chat group, tell them in the announcement." Chen Xuan spoke slightly.

Then, the chat group sent announcements to people in the five worlds...


(End of this chapter)

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