Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 223 Leaving the customs one after another, the way of the three corpses is a chain

Chapter 223 Leaving the customs one after another, the way of the three corpses is a chain
If Chen Xuan relies on the Xuanzhou Great World, he can only break through by devouring other worlds as before, otherwise he will have to reach the Dao of Heaven... I am afraid it will take endless years...

Looking at the prehistoric world, how long did it take to reach a higher level after the six sages were sanctified?

They were sanctified before the Lich's calamity, but the entire Lich's calamity was more than tens of thousands of epochs?Then through Fengshen, Journey to the West...

None of them broke through!
It is conceivable that if you want to break through the heavenly way from Hunyuan just by comprehending the law, don't even think about it, it's rare to be a yuppie!
"Hmm... the origin of the three great worlds only swallowed one... it's all because of the chat group, what are you doing, I originally planned to swallow the origins of the three great thousand worlds." Chen Xuan muttered, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Chat group: Then I go? ?You f*ck got cheap and acted like a good boy! !
Afterwards, Chen Xuan took a look, and there was no privacy for everything in the world.

Seeing that there are more than ten palaces next to the imperial palace, all of which have laws and various laws, Chen Xuan chuckled lightly.

Brother Zheng and the others did not leave immediately after the emperor's party, but asked Chen Xuan to draw a time formation. They planned to break through the Great Luo Jinxian in the world of Xuanzhou unanimously!
After all, although they can describe the big formation of time, the effect is very poor, at most one day outside the big formation, and one year inside.

But Chen Xuan is different, he can draw a big formation of time at will, the ratio is 1 to 100000, shouldn't the effect be too good?
Therefore, under this ratio, after a few months, the overall strength of the old members of the entire emperor's chat group soared. It can be said that they all broke through Da Luo Jinxian, and even Brother Zheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Che, and Li Shimin reached the stage of Da Luo Jinxian's late stage!
"Well, I will go to Journey to the West later to deal with Tiandao and Hongjun over there. Maybe after devouring them, I can break through the Ten Heavens." Chen Xuan murmured with a chuckle.

"Ding - you have a new version of the news, please pay attention to check!"

And the next moment, the emperor chat group sent a message, Chen Xuan opened it and saw that it was Di Jun calling him.

Honghuang Demon Emperor Dijun: "@大华圣帝玄晨, senior group owner, I have something unclear, I hope the senior group owner will let you know..."

Zhao Kuangyin, Taizu of the Ancient Hua Song Dynasty: "Senior group masters are currently in retreat. Since the last chat, the old emperors have all fallen into retreat in the group master's world. Maybe they haven't left the customs yet. This is what Daqin Zulong told me of."

Honghuang Demon Emperor Dijun: "Then...then what should I do? This matter is very important to me..."

Emperor Honghuang Fuxi: "I have no choice but to wait for the senior masters to leave the customs. I have established the Heavenly Court of the Human Race. Under my suggestion, the human way completely hides itself in my body. Now it's all right, Hongjun and Tiandao haven't found it at all!! (つヮ)”

Fengshenshenchao Renhuang Di Xin: "Your Majesty, Gu is just like me. Although Gu's move caused Zhou Tian to shake, I didn't find the recovery of humanity!! (ヮ)"

Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty·Liu Bang: "Brothers and sisters!! My fourth son Liu is back!!!*:(`):*"

Honghuang Demon Emperor Dijun: "@大汉高祖神帝·刘邦, fellow daoist, please also inform the senior group leader that I have something to discuss!"

Great Tang Emperor Tang Zong: "Hahahaha, don't worry, don't worry, the group leader must be out of the customs, the world was so turbulent just now... My God, the whole world is surrounded by Dao Yun, and I directly broke through Da Luo Jinxian during this period. Late period!!"

Emperor Wu of the Ming Dynasty Hong Wu: "What do you mean? Under the vision of Xuan Chen's breakthrough, it's hard not to break through. The martial arts law is drilling into our body like crazy. We can't do it if we don't want it... ←__ ←”

Emperor Dao Sui Xingchen: "It's not bad, the law of stars is the same, just like the beloved concubine in our harem who has not been favored for a long time, you can't even shake it off! (ω)"

The prehistoric demon emperor Di Jun: "..."

Emperor Fuxi: "..."

Emperor of the Conferred Gods and Gods Di Xin: "..."

Immortal Emperor of the Eternal Nine Tribulations: "..."

Ancient Hua Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin: "..."

The new group of friends suddenly became confused...

Nima, we have a big matter to ask the group owner to criticize, why don't we come to listen to your blowjob? ?

Wait a minute! !
You said the group leader's breakthrough caused the world to shake?And the whole world is full of Dao rhyme?The law went crazy and ran into his body?Afraid that I won't realize it? ?

Nima! !
I have worked so hard to break through the two small realms. It’s good for you, the law is like licking a dog, begging you to understand it? ?
Forget it... Destroy it... Hurry up... Tired...

Thousands of creatures in the prehistoric world: Listen, this f*ck is speaking in human language? ?Breaking through the two small realms of the quasi-sage, you will die to me! !

Great Qin Immortal Emperor Qin Huang Zulong: "Ahem... the widow has already reached the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, and if he goes back and wins all the galaxies in the world, he will definitely break through the Hunyuan Jinxian!!"

Honghuang Demon Emperor Dijun: "Okay, okay, I get it, you guys are awesome, can you ask the senior group masters to come out now? We really have something urgent!!"

Chen Xuan chuckled, and asked, "Is it the way of the three corpses?"

Wu Zhao, the female saint emperor of Wu Zhou: "Welcome Xuan Chen to leave the customs!! (σ≧▽≦)σ."

Emperor Gaozu of the Great Han Dynasty Liu Bang: "My good fellow, there is no Lady Pingxin here, so why don't you attack Xuan Chen with all your might, Sister Wu?"

Immortal Emperor Eternal Nine Tribulations: "emmmm... Liu Bang is indeed Liu Bang, I only said the word "strategy" once and you caught me..."

Honghuang Demon Emperor Dijun: "It's alright, you guys don't talk! Senior group masters, that's the way of the three corpses, I... Bah! It's really embarrassing, I have broken through the pinnacle of quasi-sage now, but the way of the three corpses has already passed." If the unity of the three corpses is complete, if this is the end...doesn't it mean that the way of the three corpses cannot be sanctified??"

The way of the three corpses was created by Hongjun, that is to say, after Da Luo Jinxian reached the peak of the three corpses, he would be able to reach Hunyuan by walking the way of the three corpses!
In fact, this is not the case, the way of the three corpses cannot reach Hunyuan!
Cutting off the three corpses are the good corpse, the evil corpse, and the self corpse!

They correspond to the early, middle and late stages of the quasi-sage respectively, but after the three corpses are united, they are at the peak of the quasi-sage, unable to break through the so-called saint!

Therefore, the way of the three corpses is not the great way, but it is the path of Cuoer if you put it nicely, and it is the way of fools if you say it badly!
After all, which saint in the wild did not become holy through merit?The three corpses can't go to the end!
Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen: "Indeed, the way of the three corpses can't reach the end, so the so-called saints in Honghuang rely on merit to become holy. The three corpses? It's just a chain used to control the creatures of Honghuang."

Emperor Honghuang Fuxi: "Chain?? That's right... I have become the emperor, my memories have all been restored, and the three corpses have returned to their places successfully. My strength is at the pinnacle of a quasi-sage. I'm afraid I won't become a saint even with the help of merit. Maybe it's just like Styx. , is the sub-sage, but now relying on the luck of the human race to reach the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the way of the three corpses is the chain!"

(End of this chapter)

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