Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 231 Emperor Jun fits into the demon way, the supreme way manifests

Chapter 231 Emperor Jun fits into the demon way, the supreme way manifests

The time and space world of the prehistoric lich.

"In this way, the emperor will be in the way of the demon, and then he will find the ancestor witch of Houtu, who will be reincarnated and become the spokesperson of the authentic way, and the authentic demon way will jointly resist the way of heaven."

Above the 33 heavens, inside the Nantian Gate, there are countless palaces, and one magnificent palace is engraved with the four characters "Lingxiao Palace".

The four characters are like dao patterns, and one character is a world!
In the Lingxiao Palace, there is another big world, in the endless void, the heaven and the earth evolve here, the palace stands in the heaven and the earth, and thousands of living beings bow down like a pilgrimage.

Let's look at Gongjue, on the upper throne in front of him, Dijun in imperial robes is seated here, surrounded by immeasurable laws of monsters, the same is true of the Sun Avenue, and at this moment Dijun's golden eyes revealed Dignified, murmuring in my heart.

"Although the way of monsters is not as good as the three ways of heaven, earth and man, it is also one of the three thousand ways. Together with the newborn tunnel, it is enough to resist the way of heaven. At that time, Liches can coexist peacefully, and the two races will last forever, and the ancestors of Dao can't count on extermination!"

What Dijun thought in his heart was what he would do immediately.

According to what Chen Xuan said, the general trend of the world cannot be changed, and the small trend can be reversed. Although he fits the demon way, the real prehistoric trend has not changed, so even Taoist Hongjun can't touch him.

Otherwise, the Dao of Heaven will liquidate it.

"Today, this emperor, Di Jun, fits into the demon way!" Di Jun's eyes revealed fiery fire.

There is a saying in Honghuang, if you don't become a saint, you will end up as an ant, but after knowing the heavens and the world, and knowing the terrifying Chen Xuan, he knows it, so what about a saint?It also exists like ants in front of this person.

Therefore, before Hong Huang retreated for tens of thousands of years to understand the way of demons (as mentioned earlier, the time of Hong Huang is different from that of other worlds), he issued an order that thousands of demon races should not hurt a human race, otherwise life would be worse than death!

It is easy to die and disappear, but it is the most difficult to not die!
Because of this, the human race is protected by the monster race, and other races dare not bully them. As for the witch race?Sorry, the Wu Clan has been thinking for so long how to kill Di Jun, a flat-haired beast, and has completely ignored the Human Clan.

"Brother, since the senior said so, then do it!" Donghuang Taiyi who was wearing a royal robe beside him said.

Although it has been so long, Donghuang Taiyi can feel that he and Dijun are being watched by several divine senses at any moment, as if a monitor is placed on you, and you have to watch it when you take a shower!
This Donghuangtai is so angry, if he can't beat these saints, otherwise Donghuangtai will be killed early.


As soon as Dong Huang Tai spoke, Di Jun nodded, and after that, in an instant!
The law of the panic demon manifested around Di Jun, as if there were thousands of powerful monsters. Thousands of monster powers manifested in the panic demon. Countless powers bowed to Di Jun, their eyes full of admiration, The color of worship.


In an instant, Dijun left the big world of the Lingxiao Palace, stood at the Zixiao Palace in the Heavenly Court, shouted, and said: "The way is on the top, today, my Dijun feels that the monster race is ignorant, and today Dijun is willing to fit in." The way of the demon, with this lays the foundation of the demon clan of the heavens, and with this lays the foundation for the prosperity of the prehistoric demon court, let us learn from it!!!"


Di Jun's words swept across the entire prehistoric world, making thousands of creatures hear them!

"What kind of heaven is poor, what is this emperor doing?"

"Heavenly, kill this flat-haired bastard, Di Jun, it's too much!! How long has it been? The old man hasn't made a breakthrough yet??"

"Destroy it, fellow Taoists, who is willing to go to the Demon Court with Pindao to discuss with the Demon Emperor?"


All the great powers are speechless, the last time they were recognized by heaven and earth, this time...

The fuck is going straight to the road, right? ?
what? ?Heaven is not good enough for you? ?Or do you really think that you are better than Tiandao?
To actually swear by leapfrogging, isn't it over? ?
Avenue! !Suspect this girl's cheating, hack him to death! !
"Di Jun... so courageous!!!"

In the chaos, in the immeasurable chaos, in Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun gritted his teeth and looked at Dijun.

Leapfrog swear?That's nothing!
Daozu Hongjun was furious that Dijun actually fit in the way of a demon!Although it is incomparable to him in the way of heaven, his strength will also be greatly improved, and if the demon way of the Three Thousand Ways does not dissipate, he will not die or die!
Does this make the two Lich clans pissed off? ?
You can push all the Wu Clan by yourself, okay? ?

"God! You don't care about this?" Hongjun roared angrily.

"The general trend is irreversible, but the small trend can be changed... The great trend of the great desolation has not changed, so just wait and see." Soon, the message from Tiandao entered Hongjun's mind, and Hongjun was angry again!
Irreversible?Small trend can be changed? ?What the hell! !
Didn't you see Di Jun swear by leapfrogging that if he is recognized by the Dao, he will be in the way of a demon, immortal?Has this changed the tide?

I really can't wait to give you a hard time, this fucking hasn't changed the situation yet?Is there tofu in your head?Oh no, you fucking don't have a brain!You are just a little consciousness! !
cnm! ! (Hongjun shouts at Tiandao) Did you hear me! cnm! ! !

"Damn it..." Hongjun was really going to be pissed off. He had planned to wipe out both Liches and monsters, and then took the opportunity to destroy Buzhou Mountain. The Dao of Heaven would become weaker, and he would be able to devour the Dao of Heaven. origin.

but now……

Di Jun, who fits the demon way, must be a saint, oh no, he is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the way of heaven will only become stronger and stronger by then, so he still swallows wool?

Hongjun wanted to do Di Jun, but...he can't beat the Heavenly Dao now, as long as he dares to go, the Heavenly Dao Divine Thunder will dare to descend!

This is also the reason why Hongjun can only be in a hurry and can't do anything.



In an instant, in the midst of the prehistoric world, immeasurable divine light bloomed, and a huge pupil appeared above the prehistoric world!
Supreme, supreme, unique!

when he appeared.

The boundless, majestic and supreme aura, in an instant, has spread all over this great world, all tangible and intangible subtle places.

Make this vast, vast and endless prehistoric, all time and space, all have a feeling!
When His eyes fell, all the thousands of creatures in the prehistoric world were shining brightly!

All worlds and myriad ways are trembling and roaring, as if they are paying respect to this supreme existence!

On the prehistoric world, under the pupils of the eyes, one after another, majestic and sacred shadows emerged, all of them bowed respectfully towards the place where endless brilliance gathered!

"I'm waiting to see the avenue!!"

"Praise the supreme avenue without trace!"

"Praise be to the supreme, holy, dominion over the heavens!"

In the prehistoric chaos, all living beings feel more deeply and worship the existence of the supreme, sacred and resplendent stalwart! !

We worship this supreme, holy, supreme, unique, stalwart avenue that controls the heavens and the world! !
(End of this chapter)

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