Chapter 239

"Ding——Congratulations to the group leader Chen Xuan for breaking through the chaotic realm. The special rewards are as follows: Dahua's national fortune has increased by one billion billion, the cultivation base of Dahua people has increased by one realm, and the cultivation base of Dahua officials has increased by one realm (note: except for those above the supreme realm) .) Dahua supreme official rewards self-law comprehension for 10 years!"

"Ding——Special reward: Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen has obtained three great rules: the rule of nothingness, the rule of time and space, and the rule of overturning the heavens. It can reach the point of no way!)”

"I'm going... the three rules?!" Chen Xuan looked at the projection in front of him in shock, this time the reward is really... great! !
Taoist rules are the most powerful rules of the heavens, rules that surpass the laws of the Dao!

Although it can't compare with the most powerful, holy and supreme rules controlled by the top supreme powers of the heavens, it still involves a little bit!
Just one rule of law can crush the world under the chaotic world at will, even in the chaotic world, you can also be the king and hegemony at will!
Therefore, it can also be reflected from the side, how strong are those powerful and supreme powers!The breath of the supreme rules they controlled created the ten rules of the law, and the ten rules of the law are the rules of the top of the heavens! !

"I didn't expect that this time the understanding of the Taoist rules is so innocent. This is much better than rewarding some great treasures!" Chen Xuan looked at the projection excitedly, but he did not extract the insights of the three Taoist rules.

After all... that is hundreds of millions, immeasurable and countless years of accumulated insights. Once extracted, he doesn't know how long it will take to get out of the customs.

The ten principles of Taoism are: nothingness, emptiness, obsession with the heavens, burning cracks, yin and yang, time and space, earth blackness, movement and floating, the power of the emperors of all realms, and deceitful paintings.

The Taoist rules that Chen Xuan got were at the Wudao level, so the Taoist rules also have strengths and weaknesses, from low to high, namely: Wuxuan, Wuhuang, Supreme, Wudao, Supreme, Holy, and Supreme!
According to legend, once the Taoist rules reach the highest level, one can become that innate sage!
Innate and sacred, these are existences in myths!
For example, the Heavenly Emperor Suiren, the Earth Emperor Shennong, and the Human Emperor Xuanyuan are all the heavenly and human races created by the mythical Emperor Wa. They rely on themselves to help hundreds of millions and countless heavenly and human races, so they prove the way, rebel against the body, and achieve innate holiness. point! !

And the mythical Emperor Wa, Sanqing, Haotian, Taiyi, Dijun, etc., these are the only supreme gods!

They are not innately holy, but they are even stronger than innately holy! !

To put it simply, innate holiness is like the mythical Da Luo Jinxian. The mythical Sanqing, Wahuang, Haotian, Taiyi and other great figures can open up the existence of thousands of boundless worlds with a single thought, which is stronger than the mythical Da Luo Jinxian!

Of course, it’s still too early to say these things. After all, Chen Xuancai has just broken through the chaotic realm, and there is a Taoist realm above the chaotic realm. If the Taoist rules reach the highest level by then, maybe he can really rebel against himself, and thus prove the supreme innate holiness.

Just as Chen Xuan was thinking, the emperor's chat group directly notified the whole group! !
"Ding——Congratulations to the leader of the group, Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen, for being the first emperor of chaos in the group, and hereby announces that he will stand for 10 years!"

"Ding——because the group leader is the first to reach the top of the Chaos Realm, not only the group leader has rewards, but also the group members, and the rewards are distributed to group members!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and the Merchant Emperor Dixin for receiving a reward: the law of destiny has been comprehended for a million years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Sage Emperor Xuanchen for ascending to the top of Chaos, Daqin Immortal Emperor Qin Huang Zulong has been rewarded: Immortal Dao Principles have been comprehended for millions of years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Holy Emperor Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and the Great Han God Emperor Han Wu has been rewarded: the law of chaos has been comprehended for a million years!"


"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Sacred Emperor Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, Great Wei Ghost Emperor Cao Cao received a reward: the law of the nether world has been comprehended for a million years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Sacred Emperor Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, Dao Sui Xingchen Emperor received a reward: the law of the stars has been comprehended for a million years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Holy Emperor Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and the Great Tang Emperor Tang Zong received a reward: The laws of the divine way have been comprehended for a million years!"


"Ding—congratulations to Dahua Sacred Emperor Xuan Chen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and Wu Zhou's female Sacred Emperor Wu Zhao for receiving a reward: she has comprehended the laws of the divine way for millions of years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and Emperor Wu Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty received a reward: the principles of martial arts have been comprehended for a million years!"


"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen for ascending to the top of the Chaos Realm, the God of Luck and Tang Huang has gained a sense of the law of destiny for a million years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Sage Emperor Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and the Emperor Hengwu of the Martial Heaven Realm is rewarded: the principles of martial arts have been comprehended for a million years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Primal Chaos Realm, and Emperor Huanggu Xianyuan received a reward: The laws of immortality have been comprehended for millions of years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and the Conferred God Dynasty Human Emperor Di Xin received the reward: The laws of the divine way have been comprehended for millions of years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Tribulations of the Ages has been rewarded: the laws of immortality have been comprehended for millions of years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Xuanchen, the great emperor of China, for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and Zhao Kuangyin, the great ancestor of the ancient Hua Song Dynasty, for obtaining the principles of martial arts, martial arts, and Confucianism and Taoism for ten thousand years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Xuanchen, the great emperor of China, for reaching the top of the chaotic realm, and Fuxi, the emperor of the prehistoric world, for his reward: the law of yin and yang has been comprehended for millions of years!"

"Ding——Congratulations to Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen for reaching the top of the Chaos Realm, and the Great Desolate Demon Emperor Jun received a reward: The law of the demon way has been comprehended for a million years!!"


At this point, all the group members were shocked, no matter what they were doing, even if Brother Zheng personally split thousands of galaxies with the emperor sword, he stopped and opened the chat group.

Even Tang Taizong Li Shimin, who really retreated and hit the quasi-sage, stopped to open the chat group.

Zhu Di, who killed all the galaxy monsters that slaughtered all galaxies, also killed thousands of galaxy monsters in a rage, and opened the chat group.

The time and space world of the prehistoric lich.

"Chaos...chaotic state?? Existence higher than the heavenly state?!!!"

In the vast world of Lingxiao Palace in the Demon Court, Di Jun was shocked at first, but then bitter...

Shit, the boss of the group really deserves to be the boss of the group! !
I was able to reach the realm of heaven, or did I rely on the blessing of the hidden supreme power to get to where I am today, and what about you?To break through after retreating for so many years...

Where can I go to reason? ?
Destroy it... Hurry up... Tired.

In the emperor chat group.

Great Qin Immortal Emperor Qinhuang Zulong: "Chaotic... Chaos Realm?!! No... Xuan Chen, are you on the hook? We have conquered all universes like crazy, and now we are reluctantly chasing Primordial Golden Immortal, you Fortunately, after more than 1000 years, the Chaos Realm??"

Great Tang Emperor Tang Zong: "Destroy it, hurry up, I'm tired, I'm only at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian now, and I plan to let Li Jing and the others conquer the next universe and use the luck of the country to break through, and you!!! Destroy!! Hurry up of!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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