Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 245 Di Ku ordered Yi to shoot for 9 days, but Di Jun had a terrified face

Chapter 245 Di Ku ordered Yi to shoot for nine days, but Di Jun had a fierce look on his face

"Emperor Ku ruled the world, and the human way prospered again. In this world, there is the spirit of chaos and fire, which evolves over countless years, emerges in ten days, and descends in ten thousand worlds in ten days. Nothing is born!"

"Ku, the Emperor of Heaven, had a feeling that he ordered Yi to descend into the immeasurable realms, and set nine suns to put an end to this disaster!!"

In that immeasurable world, a magnificent sound suddenly sounded.


In an instant, all the emperor's gazes looked at the depths of the vast and immeasurable worlds.

In the depths of the immeasurable worlds, there is an ancient flame that exudes brilliant golden brilliance. After countless years of evolution, it finally turned into ten living beings.

Those ten living beings have no physical form, they are hazy, more like the sun that exudes infinite blazing meaning!
This Hao Sun...is not an ordinary sun that radiates light and heat in the heavens and worlds, but is like the sun of the heavens! !

That round of Lunhao Sun was born, traveling through the myriad worlds, and the boundless heat radiated from their bodies, like the sun of the myriad worlds, spreading the infinite brilliance and heat to many worlds! !

I saw that in the vast world, as the ten suns transformed from the essence of chaos and fire flew by, all the worlds in one square were dyed a deep red color.

The endless blazing high temperature scorched the mountains, rivers and the earth, and even dried up rivers and seas in all realms, and countless plants began to wither and burn.

The raging flames rose from one side of the world and burned between the heavens and the earth, as if they were going to completely burn the entire world into ashes!
That scene... was like annihilation! !

Moreover, what is destroyed is not just one world, but countless worlds!

Some of the worlds closest to the ten suns couldn't bear the attack of the flames that seemed to burn countless heavens, and collapsed one after another.

Between the countless heavens and the earth, all living beings are in ruins!
After seeing this scene, the Nine Tribulations Immortal Emperor and Chen Xuan, who knew the story of Yi She Nine Days, were all stunned.

This is simply a disaster that affects the entire immeasurable worlds! !

Wherever the ten suns passed, the Zhu Realm was melting, and everything was burning and being destroyed.Where the raging fire rises, even Dao Ze will be melted and cease to exist!
Ten days turned into the sky! !
The boundless worlds are falling into disaster like a boiling river and sea!
I saw that above the immeasurable realms, there was a great radiance, and in the dim, indistinct, the supreme innate divine emperor looked down at the realms!
"Yi, I command you to descend into the realms, and nine suns will fall, so that the calamity of the realms will be quelled!!"

The majestic and majestic voice of Emperor Ku is like the supreme will of countless worlds, which cannot be violated.


When the majestic sound of Emperor Ku sounded.

An almost eternal brilliant light fell from the boundless sky! !
Amidst the endless brilliance, a heroic figure, like a god, walked out slowly.

He carried a black longbow on his back, bare arms, loose black hair, and resolute and resolute eyes, like a god who came out of ancient mythology and came to the worlds!

The man faced the boundless sky, and replied in a deep voice, "Yi, obey the order of the Emperor of Heaven!!"

"..." In the world, many emperors were excited watching this scene, but... Di Jun looked like a dog.

Yep, Dijun was completely emo when he saw this scene, shit...

Why are we all projections of that person's conception, you are so handsome, but I am a dick? ? ?

Look at the Yi who made the edict, I have a feeling that standing in front of him will kill you!
Oh no... just one look from him would kill me! !
Is this innate sacredness?This is another compatriot under your command? ?Why I didn't! ! !

unfair!There must be an inside story here!

"Hahahahaha, Dijun, how do you see that Yi?"

Fuxi laughed when he saw Di Jun's face full of shit, and said: "See, that Di Ku also projected a little bit of concept for the Mythical Godless Jun. Hearing the words of the senior leaders of the group, you also projected the concept of the Mythical Dijun .”

"Why...the gap...emmmmm..."

As Fuxi was talking, Di Jun had an unkind look on his face, as if saying, "If you push me any more, I'll fucking kill you!"

"That's right, Demon Emperor, take a look at others. The Heavenly Emperor Ku ordered Yi to shoot for nine days. Don't talk about the order. Are you afraid of dying if you stand there for ten days?" Dare we say it!
"Fuxi is right. With the power of that Yi alone, we can annihilate us..." Zhu Zhanji swallowed, his mother...it's terrifying!

"Fuxi, don't laugh at me, you in the myth are also super awesome, even if a concept is projected, you are billions of times stronger than you." Chen Xuan cracked his lips and said with a smile.

"...???" Fuxi asked.

Holy shit! !
I just laughed at Di Jun and ate melons, but I didn't expect to eat them myself? ?

enmm... No matter what, we are also a powerful projection of mythology, we have face!

"What about me! Me!!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Chen Xuandao excitedly.

"...Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and even Xianqin, but...after Xianqin, I'm afraid there won't be any, not even Dixin." Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly.

"..." Zhu Yuanzhang waited for the old Emperor Zhu.

"..." Li Shimin, Li Longji.

"..." Liu Bang, Liu Che.

"..." Cao Cao.

"Is there a widow???"

The other emperors were all tired, but Brother Zheng was extremely excited. Are we also a powerful projection of mythology? ?

"Of course not. That fairy Qin Zulong also started at the end of the world, and finally conquered the world, and even fought for hegemony in countless worlds. In the end, he became the first emperor of Qin Qin, ruling hundreds of millions of worlds. It can be said to be infinitely beautiful."

Chen Xuan remembered that there was a Xianqin in his memory. He started from Weimo, but Zulong was ambitious. After unifying the six kingdoms, he was not reconciled, and even practiced cultivation throughout the country.

In the end, the banner of the Great Qin was planted in countless worlds, and even attracted the canonization of the mythical Haotian. One can imagine how strong this fairy Qin Shihuang is?

Although Brother Zheng and even other emperors are now planting flags all over the universe, but!

Not out of the world!
Moreover, the fairy Qin Shihuang attracted Myth Haotian's eyes, and he personally canonized him as the emperor, but finally the fairy Qin Shihuang refused!
He also refused! !

Therefore, Brother Zheng is not a star behind the fairy Qin Shihuang, and he can't even make Myth Haotian droop his eyes...

"Emmmm... That's fine, anyway, we are all Ying Zheng!!" Brother Zheng thought about it for a long time, but he still didn't want to, so he just hung up on himself!
"Wipe..." Li Shimin rolled his eyes, can this work?Ren Xuanchen has already said that the immortal Qin Shihuang also started from Weimo, right? ?


And the next moment, the world changed again. After the god-like man descended from the boundless sky, he took out the black longbow behind him, faced the ten rounds of bright sun, and stood with his waist down, as if bowing!
(End of this chapter)

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