Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 253 Dijun is willing to enter Dahua, and Nuwa kills herself

Chapter 253 Dijun is willing to enter Dahua, and Nuwa kills herself

"Huh..." Hongjun was also shocked when he saw the scene in front of him, but he took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xuan meaningfully, and said, "You are not him!!"

"This emperor is naturally not that kind of supreme person." Chen Xuan also nodded with a smile.

"What do you intend to do when you come here?" Hongjun asked again.



After Chen Xuan finished speaking the two words, the monstrous imperial prestige on his body instantly surrounded the entire chaos and even the prehistoric world!

This emperor's prestige is different from that of Di Jun's. It is warm, as if ordinary people are like a spring breeze, making people feel comfortable, and those who watch the emperor can't help but worship...


Hongjun and Liu Sheng suddenly took a deep breath, they... they all wanted to kneel down to this one just now...

WC! !
What sorcery is this?
Damn, why does I want to kneel down for him?Can't even help but kowtow?How about we order three more incense sticks for you? ?

Too weird and scary?We are saints!Saint! ! !

One day I want to kneel down to this weird person in front of me and say it, I'm afraid no one will believe it...

"This place...this place is not your realm, how can it be unified?" Hongjun swallowed, this imperial prestige...beyond the Emperor Dao, one of the three thousand ways!

Even Daozu Hongjun, who is a teacher of saints and who is in harmony with the way of heaven, has the idea of ​​kneeling down for him...

"I see, I'll come, I'll conquer!" Chen Xuan said with a smile, the feeling of spring breeze getting worse and worse, several saints are trying to support themselves not to kneel down to Chen Xuan...

joke!They are saints!In the past, he only knelt down because he recognized Daoist Hongjun as his teacher, but now he knelt down the first time he saw this person? ?

This is the power of the emperor's prestige in the Taoist realms!

There are two types of imperial prestige in all realms. One is the heavens and myriad realms, billions of millions of sentient beings, and all spirits are the subjects of this emperor. The spring breeze not only makes them unable to help but kneel down, but also kills them in their bodies. Skills, spiritual powers, cultivation bases, and improved laws!

Second, that is to kill the emperor, humiliate the emperor, and destroy all souls!
Therefore, even a saint can't help but submit to Chen Xuan!

"Di Jun, this emperor wants to unify the prehistoric world, so you can enter my Dahua Emperor Heaven, sit in the demon way, and deter all monsters. Are you willing to go?" Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and forced himself not to let Chen Xuan down. The kneeling Hongjun shook his head and looked at Dijun.

"I would like to go!!" Hearing the words, Di Jun immediately knelt down towards Chen Xuan in the chaos, clasped his hands and shouted.

Chen Xuan nodded. In Chen Xuan's heart, Di Jun had only this way to go, otherwise, he would change to another demon emperor to sit in Xuanzhou Demon Dao!
"Nuwa, would you like to enter my Great Hua?" Then he looked at Nuwa, as for Hongjun and Taiqing Laozi, Yuqing Yuanshi, the second interpretation of the Western religion?
Sorry, Chen Xuan doesn't intend to let them live!

Because of this, Hongjun and the Four Saints looked at me, I looked at you...then looked at Nuwa...don't know what to do...

After all, he didn't do anything, and I wanted to kneel down to him, so that I could see that his strength was higher than all of them!

Second, there are thousands of Hunyuan behind them, and there is a Heaven Realm higher than Hunyuan, do you think you are joking? ?

Nuwa looked at Chen Xuan in amazement with her beautiful eyes as bright as a lunar star, not knowing why he said that...

"Senior, how can I follow my predecessor?" Nuwa opened her mouth slightly with her light red lips, and her voice sounded softly like a lark. If the people of later generations hear the words, they must hold their hearts, and their faces are full of pigs. Ma!! My ears are pregnant!!"

"Because, you created the human race!" Chen Xuan smiled, and said under the stunned faces of several people: "I am a person from another world, and there are also legends about the creation of humans by Emperor Wa in my world, but it is a pity that Emperor Wa fell, and Emperor Wa She is our Holy Mother of the Human Race, so I naturally want you to enter Dahua."


Hongjun and the Five Sages were shocked!
Terran! !
Is this person in front of you a human race? ?

how is this possible! !
How could the extremely weak race of the human race give birth to such a powerful person?Even...beyond us! !

impossible! !No way! !

Even if they don't believe it, but...it's true, they can't help but they don't believe it. Besides, Chen Xuan didn't intend them to believe it. After all, would he care about a person who is about to cease to exist?

But Nuwa was shocked when she heard the words, her red lips parted slightly, her pretty face was in disbelief, after all, the human race she created... the innate human race was no match for those gods.

How could such a powerful emperor be born?
but!At this moment, Nuwa's beautiful eyes were firm, and she said: "I am willing to follow the emperor!!"

Nuwa originally created humans to be holy, and she had the luck of the human race, but when she knew that the monster race would slaughter the human race... Was Nuwa really willing to die?
It should be noted that a sage of the Dao of Heaven, the primordial spirit entrusts the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of Heaven is immortal, and the saint of the Dao of Heaven is immortal. To put it bluntly, a saint of Dao of Heaven is a subordinate of Dao of Heaven, or even a puppet at worst!
They can't disobey the way of heaven, and the catastrophe of the human race is the general trend of the law of heaven, irreversible, yes, even if the monsters did not slaughter the human race, the saints have already known that there will be a catastrophe for the human race!
Therefore, Nuwa, who is a saint of the way of heaven, can't do anything she wants to do. She is a puppet of the way of heaven and cannot disobey the way of heaven...

After all, Nu Wa is sanctified by the luck of the human race. If she does not save the human race, there will be very few human races who believe in her. At that time, the luck of the human race will definitely decline. Therefore, Nu Wa is not not saving, but can't!

Chen Xuan naturally knew about this, so no matter whether it was Journey to the West or Lich Time and Space World, Chen Xuan would let Nu Wa go, she is the Holy Mother of Human Race! !

"Dashan, you can enter my Dahua by beheading the holy position." Chen Xuan looked at Nuwa and nodded.


Without saying a word, Nuwa immediately reached out with Qianqianyu's hand, and with her hand turned into a knife, she slashed at her purple mansion in an instant!
There is primordial purple energy inside the purple mansion, and part of the primordial spirit is drawn out to entrust the way of heaven with the primordial purple energy. As long as the connection between the purple mansion and the primordial purple energy is cut off, the primordial spirit can be brought back to its place!

Under a roar, the prehistoric world trembled violently, and a unique space surrounded by mysterious yellow energy suddenly appeared in the prehistoric world!
This is the space of heaven! !


Afterwards, the prehistoric heaven, the earth, the heavenly dao, the majestic divine thunder emerged, thunder after thunder struck the world, and the world rained blood, as if the heaven and the earth were crying...

"This... why is this?? Why is it raining blood?"

"The rain of blood came to the world...the saint...the saint is dead..."

"How is it possible! Heavenly Saints are immortal, how could they die! I don't believe it!!"


The prehistoric peoples were shocked, and countless final groups were afraid of the divine thunder of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and there were still many quasi-sages with hideous faces, who couldn't believe what they saw!
You know, they went crazy in order to become saints, and all saints are ants!

And now, the saint... is dead...

A saint is not immortal, he will die...

(End of this chapter)

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